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Roy Bucko

mitgespielt in

1954 Fluß ohne Wiederkehr
1954 Die gebrochene Lanze
1954 The Black Dakotas
1953 Verrat im Fort Bravo
1953 Gunsmoke
1953 Die silberne Peitsche
1952 12 Uhr mittags - High Noon
1952 Schüsse in New Mexico
1952 The Half-Breed
1952 Barbed Wire
1952 Arena der Cowboys
1952 Carson City
1951 Al Jennings of Oklahoma
1951 Reiter gegen Sitting Bull
1950 Winchester '73
1950 Montana
1950 Die Todesschlucht von Arizona
1950 The Baron of Arizona
1950 Dallas
1950 Reiter ohne Gnade
1949 Canadian Pacific
1949 The Younger Brothers
1948 Red River
1948 The Far Frontier
1947 Son of Zorro
1945 Sheriff of Cimarron
1945 Frontier Gal
1945 Salome Where She Danced
1945 Liebe in der Wildnis
1944 Fuzzy und die scharfen Sachen
1943 A Lady Takes a Chance
1943 Riders of the Rio Grande
1943 False Colors
1943 The Desperadoes
1943 The Sky's the Limit
1943 Calaboose
1943 Leather Burners
1943 Buckskin Frontier
1943 Batman
1943 The Kid Rides Again
1942 Die Freibeuterin
1942 Der Draufgänger von Boston
1942 Billy the Kid Trapped
1942 Riders of the West
1942 Men of Texas
1941 The Kid's Last Ride
1940 Goldschmuggel nach Virginia
1940 Schwarzes Kommando
1940 Colorado
1940 The Light Of Western Stars
1939 Der Große Bluff
1938 Rollin' Plains
1938 Under Western Stars
1938 Shine On, Harvest Moon
1937 Boots and Saddles
1937 Rootin' Tootin' Rhythm
1936 Heart of the West
1936 Zorro - der blutrote Adler
1935 When a Man's a Man
1933 Phantom Thunderbolt
1933 The Lone Avenger
1933 Fighting With Kit Carson
1933 The Man from Monterey
1932 Lovers Courageous
1932 Between Fighting Men
1932 Wild Girl
1932 Law and Order
1930 Billy the Kid
Trail of Robin Hood
Hell-Fire Austin
The Two Gun Man
Whistlin' Dan
Die Höhle der Gesetzlosen