- 30 Min ActionAbenteuerFantasyAnimationFamily Japan
- Regie
- Drehbuch Kazuki Takahashi
- Cast Dan Green, Vinnie Penna, Eric Stuart, Amy Birnbaum, Ted Lewis, Darren Dunstan, Gregory Abbey, Maddie Blaustein, Marc Thompson, Tara Sands, Lisa Ortiz, Megan Hollingshead, Carrie Keranen, Christopher Collet, Michael Sinterniklaas, Sam Riegel
0/53 Gesehen
1x1 – The Heart of the Cards
High schooler Yugi Muto and his friends become embroiled in a deadly match of duel monsters when champion Seto Kaiba kidnaps Yugi's grandfather. Gesehen von 22 Usern |
1x2 – The Gauntlet is Thrown
When Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters, triumphs over Yugi in a game if real magic, he claims the soul of Yugi's grandfather, Solomon. Gesehen von 22 Usern |
1x3 – Journey to the Duelist Kingdom
Yugi must travel to the Duelist Kingdom to rescue Solomon, and he is joined by his friends Tea, Tristan and Joey, who wants to save his ill sister. Gesehen von 22 Usern |
1x4 – Into the Hornet's Nest
Yugi has to learn fast when he and his friends arrive on Pegasus's island, where the rules of the deadly duels are unlikely any Yugi has seen before. Gesehen von 22 Usern |
1x5 – The Ultimate Great Moth
Yugi continues to battle Weevil Underwood, whose cheating and lying seem to be giving him the advantage when he is able to summon a gigantic moth. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x6 – First Duel
Joey undergoes his first duel on the island against Mai Valentine, a professional duelist with an uncanny ability to predict the cards she will draw. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x7 – Attack from the Deep
The hungry friends help themselves to some fish, only to discover that they have been lured into a trap by Mako Tsunami, the master of the Sea Deck/. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x8 – Everything's Relative
If Yugi is eliminated from the tournament, Kaiba Corporation's crooked Board of Directors will transfer control of the company from Kaiba to Pegasus! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x9 – Duel with a Ghoul
Yugi must duel a magical doppelganger of Kaiba, created from the greed and power lust Yugi wiped from Kaiba's soul. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x10 – Give Up the Ghost
Yugi defeats the Blue Eyes White Dragon, but there are two more waiting in the wings! Will the real Kaiba reach Yugi in time to help beat this impersonator? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x11 – The Dueling Monkey
Joey decides to battle Rex Raptor without his friends' help to prove that he is man enough to take care of Serenity on his own. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x12 – Trial by Red Eyes
Joey duels valiantly, but Rex Raptor has unleashed his secret weapon - the Red Eyes Black Dragon! Joey must figure out the secret of the card Yugi's gift, the Time Wizard card, without Yugi's help or he's taking the next boat out of the Duelist Kingdom! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x13 – Evil Spirit of the Ring
Yugi's classmate Bakura, possessed by his Millennium Ring's dark powers, traps Yugi and his friends in a Shadow Game where they become the cards themselves! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x14 – The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Pegasus's hired duelist Panik cheats Mai of all her star chips, and Yugi vows to defeat him and win them back. But when Panik's Castle of Dark Illusions enshrouds his monsters in a black mist, how can Yugi defeat an enemy he cannot see? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x15 – Winning Through Intimidation
Despite his astonishing disadvantage, Yugi boldly provokes Panik- 'I'll finish you in three turns.' Is Yugi bluffing, or does he have the advantage in this battle of wits? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x16 – The Scars of Defeat
Kaiba descends to the kingdom to face Pegasus. Has Kaiba changed since his battle with Yugi, or is he still the same merciless duelist? A battle between Kaiba's Blue Eyes Whire Dragon and Joey's Red Eyes Black Dragon holds the answers! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x17 – Arena of Lost Souls, Part 1
The #1 American duelist Bandit Keith's gang kidnaps Joey to a secret cave with a Graveyard playing field. As Yugi and friends search for him, Joey faces Bandit Keith's zombie monsters which become stronger as they return from the grave. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x18 – Arena of Lost Souls, Part 2
Joey's last ditch effort, his lucky Time Wizard card, fails against Bandit Keith's zombie monsters. But as his lucky streak comes to an end, will his improving skills as a duelist and his love for his sister inspire him to victory? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x19 – Double Trouble Duel, Part 1
Trapped in the labyrinth cave, Yugi and friends find an alternate exit, but the door is guarded by Pegasus's Paradox Brothers. Yugi and Joey will no longer be battling solo. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x20 – Double Trouble Duel, Part 2
Yugi and Joey pool their strengths and manage to fend off their opponents' monsters, but things are about to change as the Paradox Brothers summon the almighty Gate Guardian, a monster that reflects all attacks. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x21 – Double Trouble Duel, Part 3
Yugi and Joey each unleash their strongest monster, the Summoned Skull and the Red Eyes Black Dragon, but their strength pales in comparison to the tremendous power of the Gate Guardian. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x22 – Face Off, Part 1
Using the magic of the Millennium Eye, Pegasus traps Mokuba's soul inside a card right before Kaiba's eyes! In order to earn the right to challenge Pegasus, Kaiba must first beat Yugi and take his star chips. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x23 – Face Off, Part 2
Kaiba summons the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the strongest monster in the game fused from three Blue Eyes Whire Dragons! Yugi has lost all his powerful Duel Monsters, but a true duelist never gives up! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x24 – Face Off, Part 3
Yugi begins spinning a strategy to put the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon to rest, but he must decide whether to claim victory or spare Kaiba his life. Yugi's heart is split in two! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x25 – Shining Friendship
Having lost his star chips to Kaiba and his only opportunity to save Grandpa, Yugi is in a state of shock. Can Tea bring Yugiback to consciousness by defeating Mai for her extra star chips and teach Yugi the heart of the duelist? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x26 – Champion vs. Creator, Part 1
Yugi and friends enter the castle to discover Kaiba ready to duel Pegasus with Mokuba's soul hanging in the balance! The power of the Millennium Eye gives Pegasus the ability to read other people's minds. Can Kaiba defeat an opponent who knows his moves even before he does? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x27 – Champion vs. Creator, Part 2
Kaiba is helpless against Pegasus's Toon World deck and mind-reading abilities. As the duel ends, Pegasus imprisons Kaiba's soul into a card, just like Grandpa and Mokuba! Yugi has had enough! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x28 – The Night Before
T'was the night before the final battle, and many creatures are stirring! Yugi vows to overthrow Pegasus for the sake of his Grandpa. Tristan leads an exploration party to uncover Pegasus's secrets. While Joey sleeps, Bandit Keith steals from him the card that permits his entry in the final battle! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x29 – Duel Identity, Part 1
Under Pegasus's weighty glare, Yugi is distracted from his duel with Mai. After making foolish tactical errors and allowing Mai to gain a huge advantage with her Harpie's pet dragon, will Yugi gather his focus or succumb to the intense pressure? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x30 – Duel Identity, Part 2
Mai has rebounded from her previous loss to Joey to become a better duelist. Has Yugi learned from his loss to Kaiba, or is the emotional defeat still weighing on his heart? The answer is in the cards! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x31 – Keith's Machinations, Part 1
Joey frantically searches for the card that permits him to enter the final battle, not realizing Bandit Keith has stolen it from him. As he struggles to accept the fact that Serenity will be blind forever, he receives help from a new, and unexpected, friend! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x32 – Keith's Machinations, Part 2
After Bandit Keith's Machine deck forces Joey to take the defensive, Joey mimics Keith's battle strategy to metallize his Red Eyes Black Dragon! Is victory assured, or does the cheater Bandit Keith literally have one last card up his sleeve? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x33 – Best of Friends, Best of Duelists, Part 1
With his pride in his strength as a duelist on the line, Joey challenges Yugi for the right to face Pegasus. In a battle between friends, a fierce match ensues between the two people who know each other's strategies and cards as they struggle to keep their thoughts of past loyalties at the back of their minds. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x34 – Best of Friends, Best of Duelists, Part 2
Yugi is shocked as Joey uses the Time Wizard card on him. It's the very same card Yugi gave Joey as a sign of friendship! However, as the two battle each other valiantly and one comes out the victor, they find confirmation of the strength of their friendship that surpasses any duel. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x35 – Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 1
Yugi prepares for the ultimate battle against Pegasus with the souls of Grandpa, Kaiba, and Mokuba on the line. Meanwhile, Tristan and Bakura infiltrate the castle to find the Kaiba brothers, but at this crucial moment, is Bakura turning back into his evil self again? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x36 – Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium - Part 2
Pegasus punishes Yugi using the same Toon Deck and mind-reading abilities he used on Kaiba. As Pegasus turns Yugi's monsters against him, Yugi loses the will to battle. Will Pegasus capture Yugi's soul into a card, just like Kaiba? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x37 – Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium - Part 3
Yugi has found a counter to Pegasus's mind-reading ability - Yugi switches back and forth between his two souls! Yugi is able to destroy Pegasus's Toon World, but the duel has just only begun. The next level of the deadly Shadow Game is about to start! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x38 – Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium - Part 4
Yugi crumples in exhaustion under the crippling power of the Shadow Game. His friends yell desperate encouragement, but their voices cannot penetrate the sphere of darkness. Yugi's chance at victory is slipping away, as is his life! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x39 – Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium - Part 5
Pegasus summons Relinquished, a fearsome monster that can consume Yugi's Duel Monsters! Yugi counters with... Kuriboh? The smallest, weakest creature in the game? Has Yugi given up, or does he have one last strategy to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat? The Shadow Game comes to a close! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x40 – Aftermath
The Pegasus Saga comes to an end, but a new journey is about to begin! Yugi meets a mysterious Egyptian named Shadi who enters Yugi's mind with the Millennium Key. What are these Millennium Items, and do they hold the answer to the mystery behind the Shadow Games? Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x41 – The Wrath of Rebecca
Yugi and friends return from the Duelist Kingdom only to meet a young girl named Rebecca who demands that Grandpa return the Blue Eyes Whire Dragon to her! She's here to claim back the card that Grandpa stole from her grandfather many years ago! Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x42 – The Ties of Friendship
Rebecca mistakenly believes that Grandpa stole the Blue Eyes Whire Dragon from her grandfather. Yugi must defend the Blue Eyes Whire Dragon to teach her that it's not the power of the cards, but the heart that's in them that counts. Gesehen von 21 Usern |
1x43 – Legendary Heroes: Part 1
The two-faced Board of Directors of Kaiba Corporation trap Kaiba inside a virtual reality game. Mokuba recruits Yugi and Joey to free Kaiba from this ultimate game where losing equals death! Gesehen von 20 Usern |
1x44 – Legendary Heroes: Part 2
The quest for Kaiba continues with a little help from... Mai? But can Yugi and friends adapt to a virtual world where the rules and strategies keep changing every step of the way? Gesehen von 20 Usern |
1x45 – Legendary Heroes: Part 3
Yugi and friends rescue Kaiba, but they are still stuck in the game! The only exit is past a Five-Headed Dragon, but in the difficult duel, Joey, Mokuba, and Mai lose all their life points! Can Yugi and Kaiba, two former opponents, work together and face the biggest enemy of their lives? Gesehen von 20 Usern |
1x46 – Dungeon Dice Monsters: Part 1
A new student, Duke Devlin, defeats Joey in a game of Duel Monsters, forcing Joey to become his servant. Duke orders Joey to wear a dog costume and humiliates him in public, leading Yugi to challenge Duke to a duel. However, this will not be a Duel Monsters duel but a new game named Dungeon Dice Monsters. Gesehen von 20 Usern |
1x47 – Dungeon Dice Monsters: Part 2
In exchange for Joey's freedom, Yugi agrees to give up Duel Monsters forever if he loses. Unfamiliar with the rules, Yugi gets off to a rough start. His chances do not improve as Duke reveals that he designed Dungeon Dice Monters with Pegasus's aid! Can Yugi learn the new complex rules, much less form a strategy, before he is soundly defeated? Gesehen von 20 Usern |
1x48 – Dungeon Dice Monsters: Part 3
Yugi uses his innate gaming skills to turn the tables on Duke, but Duke has one more rule to mention - All creatures take up territory on the grid-like board. With no room to summon any new monsters, Yugi's position is helpless! Gesehen von 20 Usern |
1x49 – Dungeon Dice Monsters: Part 4
After Duke's all-powerful Orgoth the Relentless dices Yugi's entire cadre of monsters into shreds, Yugi only has one turn left before he loses all his heart points! Yugi's last hope rests in one final dice roll in the thrilling conclusion to Dungeon Dice Monters! Gesehen von 20 Usern |
1x50 – The Mystery Duelist Part 1
An arcane fortune teller steals the Millennium Puzzle and Yugi must defeat him in a duel to win it back! However, this is no ordinary soothsayer; he's a familiar and formidable foe from Duelist Kingdom... or is he? Can Yugi beat him all alone without the help of his friends or the spirit inside the Puzzle? Gesehen von 15 Usern |
1x51 – The Mystery Duelist Part 2
The mysterious menace controlling Bandit Keith shatters the Millennium Puzzle into pieces before setting the dueling arena ablaze! Can Yugi put the Millennium Puzzle back together and save the spirit before the entire room is engulfed in flames? Gesehen von 15 Usern |
1x52 – The Past Is Present
The origin of Duel Monsters is revealed! Using the magic of the Millennium Tauk, Egyptian historian Ishizu Ishtar shows Kaiba how Duel Monsters was played millenniums ago and how it has resurrected in modern times. Gesehen von 15 Usern |
1x53 – Steppin' Out
The spirit of the Millennium Puzzle realizes that his memories of ancient Egypt have faded, but Tea is going to help him uncover the mysteries of his past! However, their search is interrupted by the dancing duelist Johnny Steps and his musical monsters of rock! Gesehen von 15 Usern |
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