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3rjgti14ovo9sl2mk84ajkbbzwk 5x1 – Episode 1

Archie's union calls a strike, leaving the family to begin adjusting to not having a steady income.

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Jfrz3pyvbfp9zsejcfjno2rphzc 5x2 – Episode 2

The strike continues to drag and Archie is left to sit home and complain. The household budget, meanwhile, begins to take a beating with the high cost of meat and gasoline. Finally, Louise Jefferson offers the family some stew. Archie doesn't want to accept charity, but Edith persuades him to take the helping hand.

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Iyn2bp9nfjjii5dwujm9bjhptdk 5x3 – Episode 3

Three weeks into the strike, there seems to be no progress between Archie's union and company representatives; in fact, negotiations on both sides seem to be getting worse. With Mike's tutoring jobs only bringing in very little money, Edith decides the Bunkers need some real income, and does so by getting a cashier's job at Jefferson Cleaners.

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A2msnw09k8gnngbhnopqm9a5bsm 5x4 – Episode 4

As Edith receives her first paycheck from Jefferson Cleaners, Archie's strike finally comes to an end. But what Archie doesn't realize is that in everyone's desperation to finally reach an agreement, Archie and all his co-workers agreed to a deal which will ultimately leave them in worse economic shape than before the strike began.

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Zi1xqes3oxti5edpc989q8iar9i 5x5 – Episode 5

When Lionel Jefferson has another fight with his father over his fiance's biracial parents, Lionel spends a few days at the Bunker house.

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Fpeq7jjwv0xgxji8s42sgagrwvg 5x6 – Episode 6

Archie persuades his boss to hire Irene as a bookkeeper. While she'd undoubtedly do a good job in that job, the boss thinks she'd do even better as a forklift operator. It isn't long before Archie finds himself working alongside Irene!

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8khpkbuidn2yb2gg8tapexsailq 5x7 – Episode 7

Four years into the Stivic marriage, Mike and Gloria still have no children. That's just fine by Mike, and his wishes cause yet another argument between him and Gloria.

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Okfddrrd9ezhjl5prjsukprag0i 5x8 – Episode 8

Archie mysteriously disappears while traveling to a union convention in Buffalo, leaving Edith fraught with worry.

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Ldrxpfryqy2wzosjyjjramzkatz 5x9 – Episode 9

After fearing the worst when Archie fails to contact the family for 48 hours, Edith, Mike and Gloria begin speculating about his whereabouts.

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C3eq5nxldv4obijym1epzkwh4ef 5x10 – Episode 10

The family is relieved to learn that Archie is safe and sound - he had been sidetracked at a podiatrist's convention. But Archie's reaction is priceless when he arrives home to find plenty of wackiness going on - hula hoops, ballroom dancing, and Mike trying to make good on Gloria's dare that they hold a kiss for hours and hours.

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Fabtzy3kbspv4skbu1f2oih35cz 5x11 – Episode 11

Archie claims to have had a religious awakening and thinks he has been the "victim of a miracle", after he narrowly misses being crushed by a falling crate.

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2sn2ab6vagwvlhqahacogjyhbgh 5x12 – Episode 12

Archie becomes suspicious when political office-seeker George is suddenly very nice to him.

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8p24drxgm5o2w8txhm6no6g9teb 5x13 – Episode 13

Archie falls for a scheme from a shady aluminum siding salesman when the man makes Archie think that he must install the siding on his brick house due to a loss of heat.

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Us6v443vlkrurmhkzjtcqqa2mpf 5x14 – Episode 14

Mike's college friend Stu comes to the house to play chess. However, Mike's intellectual conversation leaves Gloria feeling inferior.

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Yoiixlmwa3bkwbm5pmdz6wdpxp 5x15 – Episode 15

A special one-hour retrospective, celebrating the 100th episode of the groundbreaking sitcom. Host Henry Fonda narrates and shares clips from the series' most memorable episodes up to this point in the series.

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Xxpbywhlryzdkqoqny5bn3fl2ah 5x16 – Episode 16

Archie can't help but feel uncomfortable - and uneasy - when a plumber's apprentice is a convict on a work furlough from prison.

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58tb22utgifknj19bt3mmm71kwk 5x17 – Episode 17

The pilot episode for <a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/title/tt0072519/">The Jeffersons (1975)</a>, where George and Louise move to &quot;a deluxe apartment in the sky.&quot;

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3g0hosekeyvsoe7nhy9vy5n9ke8 5x18 – Episode 18

Mike and Gloria are dumbfounded by Edith&#39;s continual submissiveness to Archie. Gloria finally decides it&#39;s time to give her mother a long-overdue lesson in how to become more assertive in her marriage.

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Wwyc6hrx6udghe5z0yfbbw8xn8k 5x19 – Episode 19

The Bunkers are shocked when the seemingly happy marriage of Edith&#39;s favorite cousin is anything but.

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Julgtjv5sloxsvv5verg7bogcab 5x20 – Episode 20

Archie&#39;s sense of morality is questioned when he borrows tools and equipment from work in order to complete a home repair project.

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Vjjkypngalz8aicitwnzrrwvswg 5x21 – Episode 21

Out of curiosity, Archie takes a magazine test about his health habits. When he scores the test, he learns he might die at age 57. Rather than take the test for what it is worth (or heed the advice of the accompanying article), Archie fumes about his apparent fate.

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Npgbxxwlmljzllwgady6tgajbiz 5x22 – Episode 22

Edith attends a wedding in her hometown of Scranton and runs into her childhood sweetheart, who is interested in rekindling the old romance

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Zitsqjnelwwkbiylfbjwlqkvp9p 5x23 – Episode 23

A contest between Archie and Mike, to see who can abstain from his favorite indulgence (Archie&#39;s being smoking cigars, Mike&#39;s eating everything in sight) becomes a battle of wills. Who will win this 48-hour contest?

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Jvsjigbuzexvqovrwtfqairw7wz 5x24 – Episode 24

Mike accepts a job, which pleases Archie because it means that Mike and Gloria will be moving. Finding a new home proves difficult. George Jefferson schemes to rent his old house next door to them cheap, just to annoy Archie.

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