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8x1 – Blue Eiderdown: Part 1

DCI Roisin Connor finds herself investigating the death of Angela Dutton who either jumped, or was pushed, off her balcony falling several stories to her death. Connor isn't pleased to learn that Det. Chief Supt. Walker has been asked to keep an eye on the case. The autopsy reveals that Angela was struck on the back of the head before her fall. Angela was a prostitute who worked at her boyfriend's private members sex club. When Connor learns that Angela's mother Susan Delray was killed in 1990 and the case remains unsolved, she explores the possibility that the two ...

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8x2 – Blue Eiderdown: Part 2

The unsolved investigation into the murder of the 70s TV star Susan Delray is reopened. Did the same killer murder Susan's prostitute daughter Angela? It soon becomes clear that mother and daughter shared more than just good looks and a taste for high living. The case leads Connor and Walker to a luxurious private club run by Angela's boyfriend (Colin Salmon). It discreetly caters for the various sexual tastes of its rich members, however bizarre. But both officers are drawn further into this powerfully seductive and sinister world than they intend.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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