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7v2xoqsdbuydu5zlssyz1n35dt8 3x1 – Wir sind die Guten

With Wallace Mahoney's murder unsolved and Frank's whereabouts unknown, the "Keating 5" struggle to move on with their lives as they enter into their second year of law school.

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Mft64v4sneinritpyjiohm6hkni 3x2 – Schlimmer als Mord

With her job in jeopardy, Annalise confronts the Middleton University Board; secrets come to light as the Keating 5 compete for the case of a battered woman accused of killing her husband.

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Buutvtxu512gglols9nnx1xz2mf 3x3 – Alles auf Schwarz

Annalise presents her class with a high-profile murder case that pushes even the Keating 5's morals, while Laurel makes a shocking discovery through an unlikely source.

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Fou2jdlqsikiwempns66d45e8be 3x4 – Überraschung

A young client's fate is up in the air after incriminating evidence against Annalise is revealed to the Philadelphia Bar Association's disciplinary board. Meanwhile, Frank's shocking behavior has consequences for someone he knows well.

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Zoqexf8vftiouwitb5seppah5vz 3x5 – Frank

The mystery behind the Annelise "killer" flyers takes a surprising twist. Meanwhile, Frank's troubled past is exposed and a shocking new discovery changes everything about the night of the fire.

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Sbri3uyzibydkt6qi2vybtmoxpp 3x6 – Weniger allein

A veteran is charged with assault, while a break in the Wallace Mahoney case catches the team off guard.

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9ctp9uujflrpqfqwgmdtwbldhol 3x7 – Mutterinstinkt

Annalise and her students take on a case of conspiracy to murder by two siblings, as Frank's actions lead to painful consequences.

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Hcf4rlehhzzgnls5mzrxeq17my9 3x8 – Zeit zu sterben

An unlikely source of help is sought by Bonnie and Annalise, creating further tension amongst the Keating 5. Meanwhile, Annalise's new client offers a great deal of surprise.

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Dwrd0d4gzlo6slzohr0y61lonhh 3x9 – Wer ist tot?

Annalise and Nate argue after a tip about Renee Atwood is exposed; the person under the sheet is revealed.

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1vywxeucnvcxcnto1noh9l1qfff 3x10 – Schlechte Menschen

With Annalise in jail on charges of arson and first-degree murder, the Keating 4 try to cope with Wes' death.

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4mhwhmt1hdeppcouqjnqfjn5afw 3x11 – Mitgehangen

As Annalise struggles to cope with prison life, Frank attempts to confess to Wes' murder with opposition from the DA. While the Keating 4 struggle over Annalise's innocence.

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Iy7vfkc5zhkaopvizc84bn9mvxy 3x12 – Echte Tränen

The prosecution attempts to bring up a new charge against Annalise; Nate reveals new information that could jeopardize his own innocence.

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Lxanjuijs3cciglhl9nhn4kcqut 3x13 – Aus der Asche

Annalise is determined to take down DA Denver and ADA Atwood.

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Lworwxop9f7jtddfyze3b4ro6jl 3x14 – Zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort

Annalise copes with a new twist in the DA's case; alliances change in the Keating 4 as they uncover new information about Wes's death; details from the night of the fire reveal Wes's murderer.

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7w02u85a5qjhczysvni97mzm9th 3x15 – Wes

Annalise and the Keating 4 see how far they'll go to keep themselves safe as the night of the fire reveals who killed Wes.

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Annalise Keating ist eine brilliante, charismatische und fesselnde Professorin, die den Kurs „How to Get Away with Murder“ anbietet. Doch die Studenten wissen zu Beginn nicht, dass sie das Erlernte schon bald in der Realität anwenden müssen …
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