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Xwjdoevmtuwekhdka6q85l4dnng 2x1 – Dangles Beförderung

Dangle is promoted to brass and has to leave Reno. Before he goes, he has to say his goodbyes and settle a few scores.

Yfn4txnmwpjkt0ajcx7stzipoyg 2x2 – Wiegels neuer Freund

Wiegel has a new boyfriend. The only problem is that the other deputies think he might be the Truckee River Killer.

Vltemwgrw0bjyoqqh373vqppy0g 2x3 – Auf die feine englische Art

A British inspector on an exchange program visits Reno to learn their methods and share a few of his own with Garcia.

S0t7zsz4dus3gi0q27y3d0bzvw7 2x4 – Scheiden tut weh

Dangle's ex-wife visits just as the deputies are trying to get rid of the Ten Commandments monument on their front lawn.

Beu1fji3yoijcyffqce7vlasjsk 2x5 – Religion in Reno

Revered Gary and his camera crew shoot in the Reno Sheriff Department.

Cot3buxpjaugjhnkktajglff160 2x6 – Der Polizeiball

The Annual Policemen's Ball is threatened when the local firefighters schedule their Pancake Dinner for the same night.

Bhrgwcpp8gm21iunbab1losrjs9 2x7 – Nicht ohne meinen Schnurrbart

As the deputies struggle to save their moustaches from a county-ordered shave, Jones worries about a psychic's prediction.

Jzqj7eakrnv9wq0h3sjeg8maomr 2x8 – Personenschutz für Kenny Rogers

Garcia and Wiegel sign up to do security for Kenny Rogers' book signing and end up doing a horrible job. They really wanted to impress him because they are huge fans, but they end up looking really foolish.

Hw85ocrdlwdgo2dl3ssglcvdbit 2x9 – Fremde Federn

When the lieutenant governor's brother goes missing, the Reno Sheriff Department gets help from a less-than-helpful FBI agent. Garcia and Jones take a dying cancer patient on a field trip.

Evtqkp0aijcfka6myzyq9zdvff8 2x10 – Raineesha X

Williams discovers the Nation of Islam and sets about changing her ways, as well as the ways of several other Deputies.

Yvfnkf7xpgzdl5nsrkfs26xqazh 2x11 – Clementine und Garcia gehen miteinander

Garcia and Johnson start unexpectedly dating and the apartment is pretty disgusted by the change. Johnson begins to have very strong feelings for Garcia, but Garcia may feel differently.

Rqd4sx87f48upkxahsdqduykakn 2x12 – Undercover-Einsatz

Jones and Garcia go undercover to bust a drug sting, but they end up enjoying themselves. Williams catches Deputy Johnson at another job and decides she also wants to work there to after hearing what the pay was like.

Gemhifp4lancsgvq4ddlscsvd90 2x13 – Präsident Bush in Reno

The Deputies in Reno are assigned traffic control for a presidential whistle-stop visit.

Vkmt1xya8btwg8gxxtv1tyhqpzr 2x14 – Heirat aus Versehen

After dozens of complaints, the Reno department gets a disciplinary auditor who suspends the deputies for two weeks. When they all return after their suspension, Junior, Johnson, and Dangle go on a sex-slave sting and Junior ends up getting married to an Asian woman who doesn't speak a word of English.

Qmncsym6ygac7m0iveapq7yagiu 2x15 – Der Tod des Milchshake-Manns

Deputies Garcia and Jones are caught on tape, looking like they were beating an Innocent man, so District Attorney Mike Powers is investigating the Reno Sheriff's department by interviewing each Deputy one by one including Sheriff Chechekevitch. Weigel, Dangle and Jones try to get a weasel out of a wall. Weigel brings a cake to Craig in jail.

Bq83jpnnjvwv05irxjtqwtbqfnc 2x16 – Das Ende der Untersuchung

The D.A. Mike Powers continues to investigate the Department and he finds out more scandals about the deputies. Jones and Garcia make a pact that they will have each other's back against the D.A., which doesn't last long. Inmate Terry the Taco Guy causes problems again. Mike Powers ends up firing the entire Reno Sheriff's Department and they are not allowed to leave town because they are under indictment.

  • Tz2kklipcbvekqotybndfdikib8
  • Tid6hzvmf5dvr6epklqfjp87rbz
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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