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Uvdtpwucegbox9wtmc1qagp1mcw 4x1 – Neuneinhalb Minuten

After a trip to a dating agency, Jane has a blind date with a guy called Oliver. Meanwhile, Patrick and Sally face the first problem in their relationship, and Susan attempts to talk to Steve about the imminent birth of their child.

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Lmhdvcpdyqka1z6brnq52hxqtb5 4x2 – Bettgeflüster

The friends become entangled in a seemingly endless phone call as pregnant Susan looks for assurance of sexiness, Sally looks for the meaning of her new relationship with Patrick, and Jane looks for a way to hide now that she's in the wrong ex's apartment.

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Hzj2rius1y4tw6ghptdibnmpgx3 4x3 – Schlafenszeit

In reality and fantasy, Sally and Patrick match wits as he seeks to spend the night at home and she looks to entice him to stay over ... again. Oliver accompanies Jane to Sally's dinner party, which features an unexpected musical entertainment.

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Degp6ccq5idgg9bzyyboum6nb1n 4x4 – Epidural-Zirkus

Susan takes Sally to prenatal class to be her back-up in case Steve can't cope. Steve finds himself haunted by the ghost of spanking lesbians past and Jane tries to "out-keen" Oliver.

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Iafxt4bfrhztzd3fflpxhvuwalg 4x5 – Das nackte Wohnzimmer

Is it possible that lifetime loser-in-love Oliver is a good fit for lifetime loser-in-love Jane? Can a man win the heart of a woman when his apartment is "unedited"? What happens to a living room that has lost its battle with magazine nudity?

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71mnp2akqwxynxlwerdndcanqvv 4x6 – Neuneinhalb Monate

Susan is in labor, and Steve is now remembering the events of that night. Patrick and Sally are having problems with Patrick's previous relationship with Jane. As well as Oliver is desperate for a night with Jane but is soon interrupted by Steve and Susan.

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Eine Bar, drei Männer, drei Frauen und nur ein Thema: Sex, in all seinen Formen. Die sechs Freunde in den Mittdreißigern schlagen sich quer durch den Beziehungsdschungel und lassen kein Abenteuer aus. Dabei kommen alle noch so pikanten Themen auf den Tisch: Von der Frage, wie viel Pornografie eine Beziehung aushält, bis zur Socken-Etikette beim Vorspiel.

Es liegt noch keine offizielle Kritik für diese Serie vor.

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