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16x1 – Junggesellenabschied

The young Louisa Gruber asks Sister Hanna for help. Her bridegroom engaged in some dangerous and stupid tests of courage at the stag party. Hanna and Louisa go in search of Max.

16x2 – Krank vor Langeweile

Sister Hanna tries to help Teresa Dettmers, who suffers from a disease called Bore-out. Mayor Wöller continues to work on his plans for a casino. Finding a location for it seems successful.

16x3 – Maja will ins Kloster

An eleven-year-old girl appears in the monastery and wants to become a nun. She also wants to live with the nuns from now on. But sister Hanna soon learns the real reason. In the family there is constant dispute.

16x4 – Der große Oswald

A deadly entrepreneur returns to his hometown of Kaltenthal after 40 years to reconcile with his brother. Both had fallen out because of a love for the same woman. Sister Hanna tries to bring the two brothers together again.

16x5 – Falsche Hoffnungen

The trial of Bavaria Bank has begun. Things are not going well and the Order's existence is at stake. Mayor Wöller is just waiting to make an offer to buy. Novice Claudia's memory is slowly coming back.

16x6 – Meinhardts letzter Wille

The late Egon Meinhardt asks in his last will for Sister Hanna's assistance. She should work on his children so that they accept his will and recognize the inheritance of his carer.

16x7 – Hoch hinaus

The nuns are disappointed. The seminars are not fully booked and the damages from the lawsuit against the bank are just enough to cover the costs. Meanwhile, Sister Felicitas seems to have a drug problem.

16x8 – Platzverweis

Sister Hanna and former mountaineer Leon Schmidt are getting closer than Hanna's vows allow. The missing sister Claudia reappears. Mayor Wöller gets involved with campers.

16x9 – Drunter und drüber

A funeral director asks sister Hanna for help. The own sister Uschi threatens with announcement, since the father-in-law was not buried in the agreed casket, but in a much cheaper. When this becomes public, the company faces ruin.

16x10 – Fremder Mann, was nun?

Fazil Barac, a Syrian refugee whom sister Hanna transferred to the farm of the farmer Reitmair as an assistant, suddenly wants to leave Kaltenthal. Apparently, there is no more work for him. Mayor Wöller plans a bribe.

16x11 – Falsche Diagnose

Sister Hanna tries to help Thomas Lederer with a lawsuit against his insurance company. There is also a decision in her private life. Mayor Wöllers is in bad mood because of the failed competition.

16x12 – Altes Geheimnis

Karin Meise entrusts sister Hanna a terrible secret. Mayor Wöller can not believe that his favorite nun wants to leave Kaltenthal. Sister Hildegard returns to the anteroom of Mother Superior.

16x13 – Alles oder nichts

Sister Hanna has decided to stay in Kaltenthal. Her mother appears in the monastery with her husband. He complains of his suffering with her mother. Auingens mayor Ederer seems to have won the fight for the monastery.

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