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6x1 – Ein alter Verehrer

The family prepares for a trip to a family reunion. Jim finds a shortcut on a map they can travel to Margaret's family home. Alas, it is a rarely traveled road and their car breaks down. Jim walks to a small town and tries to find help.

6x2 – Mädchen sein ist aber schwer

Bud goes to college and quickly develops a crush on his attractive French teacher.

6x3 – Episode 3

The governor is coming to town to dedicate a local park. The Anderson's gardener is chosen as the official greeter to the governor when he arrives. When Fronk shows up for rehearsal, the city mayor does not want Fronk since he is Mexican.

6x4 – Mutters großer Schwindel

Betty returns a defective radio to a store and mistakes a customer for the store owner. She leaves without realizing Tom is a customer. The store owner gives Tom a replacement radio, and he takes it to Betty without correcting his identity.

6x5 – Episode 5

Bud tries out for a position on the football team and bemoans the fact that the coach does not notice him. Betty tells Bud that the coach's daughter notices him. Bud decides to ask the daughter on a date as a way to get close to the coach.

6x6 – Episode 6

Kathy does an inspection of the house for fire safety. The attic does not pass the test. Jim & Margaret start a clean up and find things from their younger days. They decide to go bicycling to relive some of those younger days.

6x7 – Episode 7

Bud tells Kathy of the time he lied to get a job as a stock clerk.

6x8 – Episode 8

Listening to a radio broadcast of a homecoming gathering, Margaret & Jim remember their college years, dating, and previous boy- & girl-friends, other homecomings, etc. Margaret gets flower and a mysterious former boyfriend.

6x9 – Mädchen sein ist aber schwer!

Kathy sheds her tomboy jeans for a feminine dress.

6x10 – Episode 10

Bud tries to talk Jim into buying a boat, but Jim says he has to earn his own money to buy it. Bud gets a job at a gas station, and Betty is infatuated with the station owner.

6x11 – Episode 11

Jim acts as a mentor to a new, young insurance agent and asks him over for dinner. Bart feels that he can jump ahead of all the steps up the ladder and ends up stepping on Jim. Kathy feels the same way about one of her friends.

6x12 – Episode 12

Margaret gets a letter about a Children's Clinic being built and that she is the General Chairman of the Building Committee. She realizes it is a mistake, but when her family ridicules the idea and her skill, she pretends she accepted it.

6x13 – Episode 13

Betty's strong resemblance to a popular movie star gains her instant celebrity.

6x14 – Episode 14

Jim helps Kathy finish her camp book by finding plant examples.

6x15 – Episode 15

Bud makes Betty take the rap for his reckless driving.

6x16 – Episode 16

An insurance magazine is going to interview the Andersons for an article in the magazine. The story will focus on their family unity and solid family life. Unfortunately, when the reporter shows up, the family is at odds with each other.

6x17 – Episode 17

Betty takes up the sport of fencing.

6x18 – Episode 18

It seems that all of Kathy's friends have a boyfriend for the community picnic. She has a crush on George, one of her classmates, but does not think he likes her. She decides to make up a boyfriend for the picnic so she looks popular.

6x19 – Episode 19

The Anderson gardener, Fronk, is lonely but is interested in someone. Betty decides to help him by writing love letters to the woman, pretending she is Fronk.

6x20 – Episode 20

A flashback to the episode where Bud studied a lot for a test at school.

6x21 – Episode 21

Jim tells the family to be home at 4:00 for a big surprise. As the family waits for the announcement, everyone has their own idea of what it will be. Each thinks it will be something that benefits just them.

6x22 – Episode 22

Jim must tell Arthur, a co-worker in the insurance company, that he has to retire as he has reached retirement age. Jim invites him to dinner with the Andersons and Arthur is full of energy. This only makes it harder for Jim to tell him.

6x23 – Episode 23

Bud risks fifty dollars purchasing stock in a new copper mine company.

6x24 – Episode 24

The Andersons receive a $500 check in the mail. A former neighbor wants to thank an Anderson for a kindness, but did not remember which one did it. The Andersons try to remember who might have done a favor for him, and what the favor was.

6x25 – Episode 25

Kathy reminisces with Mother and Bud about the time she once thought she was adopted.

6x26 – Episode 26

Hoping to win a free trip to Hawaii, the Andersons enter a family-photo contest.

6x27 – Episode 27

Bud resists his mother's plea for him to boost his English grades by being tutored after school, until he learns that one of the available student-tutors is a good looking girl he's interested in.

6x28 – Episode 28

Betty is embarrassed when her friends make fun of Rudy because they think he is inferior to them. She chastises her friends and leaves the soda shop. Her friends decide to play a joke on Betty by setting her up on a blind date with Rudy.

6x29 – Episode 29

Betty is about to graduate from college and hoping to win the Scholastic Achievement Award. Cliff, another student who is an achiever like Betty, wins the award. Now, they are both up for the same job after their graduation.

6x30 – Episode 30

Bud learns a painful lesson in responsibility when he amasses a bill of $185 while attempting to impress his date with free-spending visits to a hotel's upscale restaurant and nightspot.

6x31 – Episode 31

Diane's boyfriend shows an interest in Betty and asks her out. Betty does not want to come between Diane and George and is caught up in a love triangle. Betty helps the two get back together.

6x32 – Episode 32

Jim discusses a letter from Kathy's school where they report Kathy is not passing her math class. Kathy tells her father that she is not really wanting to graduate from junior high school as it is the happiest time of her life. Jim recalls the story of when Betty didn't want to graduate from high school.

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