Die letzte Rache 1982

Crime, Fantasy, Animation, Musical

Erwin Leder
Gerhard Kittler
Paul Adler
Anke Gieseke
Volker Niederfahrenhorst
Josef Ostendorf
Frank Fenstermacher
Walter Könnike
Armin Sorg
Georg Ensermann
Richard Pleuger
Bertram Jesdinsky
Andreas Dorau
Carmen Thelen-Gaspar
Luzian Walter Bappert


"Die letzte Rache" narrates the eventful tale of the Worldly, an adventurer who enters the service of an ageing ruler in order to seek for him a successor. Unable to find a worthy heir, the Worldly succumbs to the temptation to seize power himself. The ruler, however, thwarts his plan and uses the Worldly, by means of a scientific experiment, to attain immortality. The Worldly wreaks vengeance by laying the ruler's kingdom to waste thereby preparing the ground for unforeseen intrigue: the ruler's son and daughter, united in incestuous love, take revenge for the inheritance denied them by subjecting their now immortal father to everlasting pain and suffering.

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