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1x0 – Ask Axe Cop: Halloween

Ask Axe Cop: What do you do for Halloween?

Atiszilbu8r9b50u00nguief8ar 1x1 – Episode 1

Axe Cop and his friends tell their back stories.

8sgh6ibxi5aoujtck9ocsyd7b98 1x2 – Episode 2

Badass crime fighter AXE COP and partner FLUTE COP are asked to find a kidnapped British scientist by his daughter and must travel to the Zombie Island planet to help save the Queen of London, England.

U4ent5oefhf3lfhqusan3qtyz2i 1x3 – Episode 3

Axe Cop reveals some personal history.

F7myfntuj36ocxwhe63ihsscdmv 1x4 – Episode 4

Axe Cop just wants to have fun babysitting without the baby.

2by2lymhabj84my7fkrvdbqul56 1x5 – Episode 5

Axe Cop avenges his dead parents with the power of Christmas.

Nfoodqgtvkf4lfwftfx40f2t7ef 1x6 – Episode 6

Axe Cop gets a lesson in parenting when a mysterious, silent boy shows up asking him to be his father.

Pylijgjeorm2uxwzneesqwmshf6 1x7 – Episode 7

Axe Cop has killed all the bad guys on earth, meaning only one thing: he and his team of crime fighters need to find new jobs.

Vko0sghbguonncdzfumbg6p2hml 1x8 – Episode 8

Axe Cop must convince his old college buddy, Super Axe, to go on one last adventure to save the world.

Cpvlurmks817pfox9u38wvez7tc 1x9 – Episode 9

Axe Cop and Flute Cop must track down the Sun Thieves before the world is torn apart by Night Creatures.

Iwf3l68aqm28rfwgcecmxbhiezu 1x10 – Episode 10

It's Thanksgiving and Axe Cop hasn't been seen since Halloween. How will his team celebrate Thanksgiving without him?

Udldrqovwsuxydnremphp4iadco 1x11 – Episode 11

Young Axey and Flutey grow up to run a taxi company, just falling short of their childhood dreams of becoming crime fighters.

Imm0hqyjyx5uaodxlcs9drqtdy2 1x12 – Episode 12

Axe Cop is forced to let a girl join the team even though he has put all girls on the dumb list.

  • Wp585r16znvcdta2l6xjfkq8o7w
  • Fgtkj1esv4sz5ghbznxgazqwryt
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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