- Abenteuer
- Regie
- Drehbuch José Manuel Lorenzo
- Cast Aitor Luna, Natasha Yarovenko, Lucía Jiménez, Patricia Vico, Miguel Hermoso Arnao, Filippo Sbalchiero, Gary Piquer, Marcos Ruiz, Carmen Sánchez, Rafael Cebrián, Manel Barceló, Luis Callejo, Alfonso Sánchez, Diana Gómez, William Miller, Constantin von Jascheroff
0/13 Gesehen
1x1 – Der Waisenjunge
Madrid of 1623. Spain's King Philip IV and his Prime Minister, the Count Duke duke of Olivares, rule over half the world. But perennial warfare has drained the finances, transforming the streets of Madrid into a constant struggle for survival. Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x2 – Der Inquisitor
Grand Inquisitor Bocanegra and his allies are eliminating all witnesses of the failed assassination attempt on Prince Charles, but Alatriste manages to escape to a church as sanctuary. Not one to be easily outsmarted, Bocanegra has Maria's ... Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x3 – Der verliebte Prinz
After a bond of sorts is established between Alatriste and Prince Charles, Guadalmedina assigns him his next job: bodyguard to Charles wherever he may choose to roam. When the destination of his choice is, of all places, the Infanta's ... Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x4 – Rettung in letzter Minute
After selflessly enabling Prince Charles' escape from the convent, Alatriste is locked away. And while it looks like Maria is ready to do some covert work for Bocanegra to save her sister Ines' life, another spy heads for Spain with ... Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x5 – Maskenball
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot. Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x6 – In geheimer Mission
Madame de Brissac looks to make Padre Ferrán her ally in driving a wedge between the English prince and the infanta. With Alatriste's help, Elvira Barragas takes revenge on the assassins who killed her brother and uncle, and Inigo finds out ... Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x7 – Unter Anklage
The Captain and his old friend Ferrán, who out of penitence has become a radical priest, have struck a deal which would save Maria's sister Ines from certain death. When only Alatriste keeps his promise, he is as furious as Maria, but it is ... Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x8 – Die heimliche Hochzeit
Pressured by Buckingham that an unmarried prince's return to England will mean war between their two nations, Olivares suggests a secret wedding to circumvent the all-too-catholic obstacles in the way and requests that Alatriste and Quevedo ... Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x9 – Der Verrat
The moment Prince Charles and Infanta Maria Ana have waited for for so long goes up in smoke when the captain realizes they have been betrayed. Not a moment too soon, for only moments later, Malatesta and his henchmen show up--Alatriste ... Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x10 – Dem Verräter auf der Spur
After saving Maria from Guadalmedina's henchmen and hiding her with Copons keeping watch, Alatriste rides back to team up with his poet comrade Quevedo to find out the real traitor from conniving Luis de Alquezar. Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x11 – Tod im Theater
Grand inquisitor Bocanegra contends the death of the infanta Maria Ana's confessor is an omen for even more evil that will be fall Spain if the wedding goes through or King Phillip's play he wrote for Queen Isabella were to be staged as planned ... Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x12 – Auf der Flucht
While Malatesta has his mind set on revenge, the Captain smells a rat, knowing that if he can get his hands on the kidnapper and Sabine, they will be the ideal pawns for a trade-off against innocent Inigo...but time is running out. Gesehen von 2 Usern |
1x13 – Zwischen allen Fronten
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot. Gesehen von 2 Usern |
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