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9pmc8naqk27ph3lgqmpxo10xmpo 1x1 – Clarissas Rache

After Ferguson brings Clarissa's training bra to school for show and tell, Clarissa and Sam hatch a plot to get rid of Ferguson using a straight jacket and a bundle of helium balloons.

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Hitfjokhcmpkvrzfuae5cwwb8l6 1x2 – Das Klassenfoto

Janet decides a no TV week is in order so while the rest of the family have the times of their lives, Clarissa struggles to see her beloved TV again.

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4nipinkbgw20mmjqunm5uxs2afm 1x3 – Fernsehverbot

Clarissa dreams about being a TV journalist like her idol, Jane Pauley. Meanwhile, Janet faces her old dance school friend who steals one of Janet's best moves. Ferguson cons Marshall into buying a rock music casette by pretending to have purchased a tape that will help him learn Swahili.

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Tr4uxkbtrpz6hu59inqww2xsado 1x4 – Weihnachten im Mai

When annoying Aunt Mafalda visits from Canada, Clarissa tries to scare her off by pretending the house is haunted. The haunting doesn't work quite the way Clarissa had hoped, so she sets up a seance to contact Aunt Mafalda's deceased husband.

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247axmgetzjhh3jvpbff20z1jfz 1x5 – Clarissa greift ein

When her parents start planning to add a new room to the house, Clarissa thinks they're about to have a baby. Hoping to convince their parents not to have another child, Clarissa and Ferguson start to act like babies themselves.

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Gvbv6owljqwaouy1wolawkc1xc5 1x6 – Stimmen aus dem Jenseits

Clarissa and her friend Jody want to wear the most unique clothes to school for Picture Day. However, Clarissa has to convince her mom to let her wear something out of the ordinary.

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Mhpfvd7yhjisots7l6kahkfwmib 1x7 – Ferguson in Not

While trying to buy a 1976 Gremlin, Sam and Clarissa take on jobs selling Christmas cards door to door in July.

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Djpuw05os2jgkxkxqr4hnq0k1zc 1x8 – Das Experiment

When a bully bullies Ferguson into giving him Clarissa's walkman, Clarissa meets up with the bully to get her stuff back.

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Mzjdonfvyjdhefhjkgxockodiju 1x9 – Alles ist relativ

After taking an IQ test, Ferguson has himself convinced that he's a genius. Attempting to prove him wrong and show him up, Clarissa joins him on the game show Brain Drain.

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9xpd1c8ynwml8fky94e3jnuaefe 1x10 – Der Hochzeitstag

Clarissa plans to help celebrate her parents' anniversary end in disaster. After arguing about what to do for their special evening, Janet and Marshall stop speaking to each other. Then Clarissa's homemade cake for the event almost explodes.

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Tkc3y89kboowkullej7tlncxgf0 1x11 – Der Strandkarneval

Trying to get out of a part in a school pageant, Clarissa plans to fake sick and miss it. However, trouble ensues when the pageant turns out to be better than expected, including an appearance by Queen Latifah, and Clarissa ends up getting sick for real.

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8o6nki44ftnd1yb9h2ekipd8ijl 1x12 – Daddy macht auf cool

Clarissa is embarrassed when her dad plans to speak at her school's career night. Things get worse when her dad tries to get hip, quick!

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66bbocboczu31jlzaixienxfoee 1x13 – Der Virus

Bored with 'kiddie' jobs like babysitting, Clarissa asks for permission to apply for a job at the Baxter Beach Carnival. But even after her parents say no, she still goes ahead and applies.

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1x14 – Episode #1.14

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1x15 – Episode #1.15

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1x16 – Episode #1.16

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1x17 – Episode #1.17

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1x18 – House Party

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