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1dl7lzkdskylepogov9ouxi6t9h 2x1 – Das goldene Horn

Moving on into the second season, Fran is actually getting a little tired becuase she's doing household choirs as usual. When she leaves Robbie and Charlene with Baby for them to watch him and make sure that he eats his breakfast, the two run-off leaving Baby alone in the kitchen. Baby feels evily happy and decides to sneak into the refrigerator to get some good sugar. When he get's too much sugar, Baby loses his nerves and becomes absolutely hyper after Earl and Fran walks in and see's the mess. Fran immediately takes Baby to the doctor to find the solution to the problem. But it was never solved except when Robbie and Charlene knew that he ate alot of sugar for him to grow a golden horn. While Earl is being teased at work, Ethyl recieves a scroll when a black dinosaur gives her informing Earl and Baby to meet in the Cave of Destiny. Baby then becomes a popular ruler when everyone in Pangea come to respect him. When the dinosaur in a black coat returns, he demands that the Baby comes

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Nbyymlqkc1utvunv8j4lksxrkmb 2x2 – Aktion Fernseher

Fran thinks that the family spends far too much time in front of the TV. So when a freak accident destroys it, she sees it as a blessing-- but Earl is looking for another way out. So he enters the family in a game show in which the prize is a deluxe television set.

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Wm7nzvrbel6a8sw7zpiyclggpny 2x3 – Fressen und gefressen werden

Earl signs Robbie into a Carnivore celebration festival, but Robbie is very outraged that his father putted him in that festival when he never told his family that he was actually a herbivore. When Fran and Earl find out that he is, they become sad with tears which left Earl no choice but to find Robbie and to teach him about the basic food chain life and the food life. Without knowing with mist and a hugh monster in there way, Robbie is eaten. Earl returns home to tell Fran about the tragedy but Fran demands Earl to go back and save Robbie from the monster. Earl and Fran returned to the misty forest where Robbie was eaten. Fran later told the monster that popped up to eat Earl. Earl enters the stomach of the monster, and the argument between father and son begins untill Earl realizes that he his smart enough to let his son Robbie eat whatever he wants. With a hug the monster who talks says 'cut it out'. Then Earl and Robbie have the smartest plan to get out of the monster's body with

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Ujz6fzbilzwhdnpdokjwottrvgi 2x4 – Schwanzprobleme

Charlene finally gets her tail grown, which whips up strange feelings in Earl, whose little girl is no longer so little. But makes him understand that she's capable of having her first tail grown.

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G9vylg96udprfqyy6lppujyjw8t 2x5 – Die letzten Appetitäffchen

Earl buys Fran two grapdelites, a rare delicacy that they'll dine on for their anniversary, until Robbie meets the goodies and they explain that they are the last two of their kind. But later when B.P. Richfield finds out that Earl's got the grapdelites for his anniversary, he demands to get it from him or else theres a deadly consequence for him.

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8eizmgkwntgqaba48nup7qrqqxs 2x6 – Mitarbeiter des Monats

Earl thinks he's moving up the ladder as he and the family await a dinner with Richfield, while Robbie brings home a ""pet"" human, who's several evolutionary rungs below the Sinclairs.

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T41mvzxgckwu8i45spz3hlrbzqe 2x7 – Aufstand der Frostzone

Baby just caused alot of drama after opening the refrigerador when General Chow told him a lie in order ot take over the Sinclair house. Charlene gets a warning message that she must order his demands untill Robbie hears the news the two both immediatelly try to find Baby but are captured by Chow and his gang of food. Charlene then has the plan to let chow touch the Baby's cheek for him to blast and attack the food, ordering Chow and his food to go back in the refrigerador. Meanwhile; Earl is trying get closer with Fran again on a romantic date, but is ruined when Earl uses 'Numbgum"" for his mout to be very numb after accidently leaving his 'Dino-Mint' at home with the Baby.

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1xfaaxhrtk5wzl5esiqrv0vzepd 2x8 – Karriereträume

Robbie goes to see the Job Wizard who dictates what careers everybody has for the rest of their lives. He hopes to be picked to be a rock legend but his dream falls flat when it's announced he's going to be a tree pusher like his father.

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Bu5vlh1h2sqwtgrzluuum7bwedd 2x9 – Der Ehe-TÜV

Monica gets Fran thinking about the state of her union with Earl, and she addresses the issue by considering not renewing their marriage license.

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Uh0mamii4vxgdsc3dvzd6os2msp 2x10 – Die erste Anmache

Robbies got the hots for a young attractive female dinosaur named Caroline Foxworth. But he's plan to woo her fails, so he turns to Spike for some help and when it get's ruined the two end going to jail and almost arrested. Luckily the police send Robbie and Spike home which brings Earl and Fran the arguments to the two. But what Earl doesn't realize is that Spike confesses that the females are causing alot of troubles with the males. Then fran comes and punishes Robbie untill furthur notice. Later Robbie finds out that Spikes been dating Caroline, which turns him to the point to confront him after all the trouble he went from him. But caroline isn't please and rejects Robbie.

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3f0vgmoow7afhpoizvrug24qjl6 2x11 – Umtausch ausgeschlossen

After Fran realizes she switched nests in Lamaze Class with Glenda Molehill, she starts to think that Baby isn't their baby. Her fears don't seem well-founded, though... until she meets the Molehill baby, Aubrey, who looks like Baby with Earl's green skin! After an unbearable baby swap, the two families ask for help from the wise Solomon the Great.

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9twbd4um34o1vcihv01yzjf9ate 2x12 – Das Fest der Liebe

The dinosaurs get a warm and fuzzy feeling as they celebrate the gift of cold storage, but what's a dinosaur (like Earl) to do when his fridge is repossessed?

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Vztg4s8ryurawmtqrabbp7wiopa 2x13 – Beruf: Baumschubserin

Earl helps Fran's friend Monica get a job as a tree pusher, but she's no pushover when she's subjected to harassment by a predatory male who's the king of the double-entendre.

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N2x1nqzparvsdjpsppipivnqowl 2x14 – Fragen Sie Fran

Fran gets a job on TV giving advice to dinosaurs with problems, giving Earl a problem in need of a solution: how to cope with a wife who works.

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Rnlwr7kdufuh1gdjac662hxhuip 2x15 – Jugend forscht

Robbie designs a science project that if executed in real life, could naturally power dinosaurs' houses and lower their heating bills. This proves to be bad business for Wesayso and B.P. Richfield is out to ruin Robbie's image and credibility to the public.

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5ct0jic8iwcnifjn8cso0ibcbbu 2x16 – Was Sie schon immer über Dinos wissen wollten

A modern archaeologist documents the dinosaurs way of life and how things were when they came to the world actually before humans ever ruled the world and before they became extinct.

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Vcnr2phk9mtifdlpa8okktpyzav 2x17 – Sag nein!

After a big fight with Earl and Robbie, Robbie leaves the house to calm his nerves with Spike. The two end up eating strange plants that causes them to become happy. Later Robbie brings the plants to Earl, the next morning he becomes happy and the two become more silly. Earl later comes to work late, Richfield calls Earl to his office and fires him for good. Then Earl leaves the plant for Richfield. The family becomes very happy and silly except for Fran and Baby. Fran demands that Earl goes back to get his job back immediately. But to find out Richfield was into the plants to. Fran and Baby decided that they couldn't take anymore of the situation and went to Monica's house for the others to straighting up and get themselves together. Earl, Robbie and Charlene both calmed down and were back to normal.

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Axhkrgsnvkqgml36ziqp3l85ba0 2x18 – Himmlische Oma

Earl thinks Ethyl has died, and he takes the opportunity to bury her. But to his chagrin, she's sent back from the great beyond with the lowdown on the afterlife.

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3jb5o1g6tsj3i68nsg6mwipp3cx 2x19 – Nuss um Nuss (1)

Part 1: Robbie is selected to go into the 'Nuts To War' war. But Fran is still worried about Robbie and is worried and scared to death that Robbie will be killed in the war. So she decides to let Earl and Roy go to the battlefield and immediately check on Robbie....

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Faqw4djajtm1lh794qsleclueen 2x20 – Nuss um Nuss (2)

Part 2: Conclusion. In this second part of the extravaganza, Earl, Roy, and Charlene pose as entertainers and rush to the front to retrieve Robbie, because it looks like this war thing is getting a little bit out of hand. Earl tires to immediately stop Robbie from going through with the war, but Robbie ignored his own father. The following day Robbie returned home after an anxious family prayed that he was safe and survived the war.

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Seysr1m2feflwerrxrn8mwtiijn 2x21 – Was nun, Herr Richfield?

Earl throws his hat into the ring as a candidate for Chief Elder, but he's liable to have his head handed to him by his opponent, B. P. Richfield.

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2w1w6lrumkmz3o4hlljtvrxsuew 2x22 – Das Modediktat

Charlene wants to make a fashion statement with a very expensive new coat, but the coat can speak for itself (really), and it leads her into a vain attempt to achieve status.

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Uomgfxuecrkpu7plq6e7l0mno5g 2x23 – Wer zuerst schlägt

When Robbie can't beat a gang of hoods (who keep beating him), he joins them, and they make him the leader of the pack after it's assumed he's eaten the old one.

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3kw6iifesemrk0okrrvkyxruqjw 2x24 – Die Firma hat immer Recht

Earl's a real company man -- in fact he might as well be married to it -- after Wesayso insists Roy replace Earl as the father of the Sinclairs, who are selected as Wesayso's spokesfamily.

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