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Kldfeny7b07ico3e0st8xjcq4lo 1x1 – Dai, der kleine Held

Dai lebt zusammen mit seinen Monsterfreunden auf der Insel Dermline und träumt davon, ein Held zu werden. Eines Tages taucht ein Mann mit seinen Gefährten auf, der sich als Held ausgibt. Doch schnell stellt sich heraus, dass dieser Hochstapler ungute Absichten hat …

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Ithq2ycxuodnnk08ko0t4m8b6fn 1x2 – Episode 2

Dai must take Leona to the Earth Cave for a ritual. At first, Dai dislikes Leona, but they slowly come to understand each other. Suddenly, a giant Evil Scorpion attacks. Dai defeats it, but Leona is poisoned. As Dai's wishes to save her.

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8kvtqzv7uhg3mgcmkfmo6pgouff 1x3 – Episode 3

A dark power affects Dai's monster friends, driving them berserk. A Hero trainer arrives to inform Dai that the Dark Lord has returned. To save those he cares about, Dai undergoes Hero training.

Ux6c5ydqdptiqk7eajtvodlm9no 1x4 – Episode 4

Avan turned into a dragon and attacks Dai. Dai fights back to no avail. To defeat Avan's flames requires Wave Slash. As Dai clears his objective, someone enters the island. Who should appear before Avan but the worst possible being..

8uigtadbz8ss99bchcimegcp1xi 1x5 – Episode 5

Caught in a dire situation facing the resurrected Dark Lord, with the world and the life of his students at stake, Avan The Hero makes a last stand.

6e0cujfrckei4y7by956zzjosdg 1x6 – Episode 6

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Ijiokrljidf1f550l0togdhgkun 1x7 – Episode 7

Thanks to Maam's help, Dai goes on the offensive against Crocodine. Popp joins in and the battle intensifies. Seeing Dai and Popp fight, Maam remembers Avan's words to her when she was young and comes to a decision.

Si1cescqjlfemt23l1c9xzjzncv 1x8 – Episode 8

Dai and company arrive late at night to the castle town of Romos. The next morning, Crocodine attacks with the Furfang Legion. In Romos Castle, Dai faces Crocodine. Crocodine decides to use the weapon that Zaboera gave him.

5c3fjryvf9glbfg03w858v60brw 1x9 – Episode 9

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Unddaj12ono1nzrdlevyfrij3gl 1x10 – Episode 10

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4vyljlawi2nfwrdmb63ophxzf08 1x11 – Episode 11

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Oz8oi1lrgj3x9j1vpxoq4gges1y 1x12 – Episode 12

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A3qz7fjuzx3uaubghz10j86vd59 1x13 – Episode 13

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Zr13n1wu818ive6iuscucihx9dy 1x14 – Episode 14

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Em0hawrnq2q2t2ktoyvq9cpnpug 1x15 – Episode 15

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7waxcwkaw0uwdxhgf9ewuen3jln 1x16 – Episode 16

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2tfphup7zkyoxrbsu9gshtjpgv3 1x17 – Episode 17

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Rk6nnwtk7ll1zxjdrnztudygnpk 1x18 – Episode 18

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C8y3uthy5ljapiqiqq4sj03i3gq 1x19 – Episode 19

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52dnzpsgccgg36baxuhr9vk0l5g 1x20 – Episode 20

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Sgainrbhsimefvefnpoyekskv8r 1x21 – Episode 21

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Tbj6fufrqn1jnhyptqbq8wi3fox 1x22 – Episode 22

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Yjsy0ox4p4r7carfxwbeirb8bph 1x23 – Episode 23

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Ujcejmg69onvpomq1yxyncyokfi 1x24 – Episode 24

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Ijmvrc1xu8niampfayh9t07aest 1x25 – Episode 25

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Iumepgse5sukicuwzvn0oekt0av 1x26 – Episode 26

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Uc7audyku6oureuhqiq7vecppfw 1x27 – Episode 27

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Bm4jmvzp6fulo7rexnqx2kj47hm 1x28 – Episode 28

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78iwovirlacmrtnhkvpyamwdbhz 1x29 – Episode 29

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26kfnnpp7btw77ihwyrernytos0 1x30 – Episode 30

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

V1dfktjibo8svjyg5kdfnctwflc 1x31 – Episode 31

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5akrz7m0pgs0xxjbfaxuvkvfhea 1x32 – Episode 32

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67roitkvfzwexdlbx4cpwuvvhtl 1x33 – Episode 33

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4ywqop41czrx17vcjzkumw4qqhh 1x34 – Episode 34

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Ludbxpgthuf1c9mfjxyylsw0pnf 1x35 – Episode 35

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Wbea9iw9wxeja2vhw8fppe6wehq 1x36 – Episode 36

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Pvjowptntplx1tn961xok98jppl 1x37 – Episode 37

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  • Rhxkhrxxaqnfjssbeskwo9uvr5g
  • 7nlspdotbybjqcknbilbm2du27n
  • Ilytu5waucyh2gn6lfwwb7w48pb
  • 3mxgkmjnx4uaqp9pmemuww4qjsc
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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