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T46yvmjp1xasbsr3ef7prxriwe0 3x1 – Folge 1

Enjoying a new lease on his baseball career as the closer for the minor-league Myrtle Beach Mermen, Kenny Powers settles into a life of bodyboarding, jet-skiing and hard-partying with his catcher, Shane. A detour to Shelby to attend the one-year birthday of his child reunites Kenny with April.

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L6vxpspgx3ssushcvenm8yshmft 3x2 – Folge 2

Kenny heads north with baby Toby in search of April and attempts to liberate Stevie from the clutches of Ashley Schaeffer.

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Idkdptgj2ck3xwlfsxr7hbiwxtb 3x3 – Folge 3

Pro scout Roy McDaniel arrives in Myrtle Beach to ask Kenny to mentor Ivan Dochenko, a promising young Russian pitching prospect. Stevie lays down the ground rules for his return to Kennyʼs team, while grappling with Shane and Kennyʼs relationship.

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16r6nv5mwhsdgngxwaj3ki2plyq 3x4 – Folge 4

Convinced his son is cursed, Kenny blames Toby for his recent travails. Later, he tries to connect with Shane's straight-laced family during a difficult time. Stevie is overcome by guilt.

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H0wt8sqxx5z3ayfekbhdfg2i6be 3x5 – Folge 5

Kenny is surprised by unannounced visitors. Desperate to win back control of his team, Kenny decides to stage the 4th of July party to end all 4th of July parties. Meanwhile, a guilt-ridden Stevie struggles with confessing to Maria.

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Lodyd6aqioanucwwi5b5xd6xicw 3x6 – Folge 6

Kenny and Eduardo reach into their shared past in an effort to find permanent child care for baby Toby. Stevie continues to lament his loss; Kenny embraces a new pitch while facing up to his responsibilities as a man and a father.

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Vuzxjusdvzcsa1nml2ppacxlyc6 3x7 – Folge 7

Kenny tries to win over Coach Banks and get back in the rotation but many obstacles threaten to detour his pursuit of redemption. Stevie attempts to win back Maria.

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Hyp3zmumrjhwojp4rbfsoqhqlhn 3x8 – Folge 8

Season Three Finale. As Kenny adjusts to the new realities of his life, a twist of fate alters his future with the Mermen.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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