1x1 – First Day of Rule
On the day Elena officially becomes Crown Princess, she must rescue her sister Isabel from aboard a missing ship.
1x2 – Model Sister
Elena is torn between her commitments as a member of the Royal Family, and her commitments to her sister.
1x3 – All Heated Up
Elena finds herself at odds with the Grand Council when dealing with a magical rock whose anger can trigger a "monfuego" eruption!
1x4 – Island of Youth
Elena must save Esteban after he drinks too much magical water from the Fountain of Youth and starts getting younger and younger.
1x5 – Spellbound
When an evil wizard sneaks into the palace and turns Elena's family to stone, she must help newly appointed Royal Wizard Mateo save her family.
1x6 – Prince Too Charming
While visiting a neighboring kingdom, Elena is convinced by a spoiled prince to set aside her better judgment and take a break from ruling.
1x7 – Finders Leapers
Naomi seeks to prove she belongs on the Grand Council by leading an archeological dig, but she is put to the test when Esteban unleashes mischievous duendes on the city.
1x8 – Royal Retreat
Elena attends her first Royal Retreat, but clashes with King Hector, the self-appointed leader of the club, when she tries to reunite a baby sea creature with its mother.
1x9 – A Day to Remember
Elena celebrates Dia des los Muertos with her family.
1x10 – The Scepter of Light
When a moth fairy tries to bring "the gift of eternal darkness" to Avalor during a solar eclipse, Elena must learn how to control the magic in her royal scepter.
1x12 – Navidad
Elena brings all the communities of Avalor together to share each other's holiday traditions and remind them of the true spirit of Christmas.
1x15 – Captain Turner Returns
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1x16 – Wizard-In-Training
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1x18 – My Fair Naomi
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1x21 – The Princess Knight
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1x22 – Party of a Lifetime
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1x24 – Realm of the Jaquins Part I
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1x25 – Realm of the Jaquins Part 2
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1x26 – Blockheads
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