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5x1 – Episode 1

In July of 1944, French resistance fighters called Maquisards declare a Free French Republic on the remote Vercors plateau in eastern France to support the Allied invasion of Normandy. In response, the Nazi occupiers dispatch 10,000 German soldiers from elite airborne and mountain units to crush their rebellion by whatever means necessary.

5x2 – Episode 2

In August 1944, when Hitler launches Operation Lüttich to retake the port city of Avranches, German panzer and SS troops quickly overrun the French town of Mortain and completely encircle a battalion of US soldiers who hold the high ground on Hill 314. An American artillery observer and his radio is all that stands between their survival and certain capture.

5x3 – Episode 3

In the autumn of 1944, Patton's Third Army approaches the heavily fortified region of Metz. After being turned back from Fort Driant, Patton's men target Fort Koenigsmacker a month later. Using C2 plastic explosives, gasoline and grenades to find a new way to smash the German line and advance to the Rhine.

5x4 – Episode 4

In February 1945, Allied forces lead an attack out of the Netherlands and onto German soil west of the Rhine defended by elite paratrooper units. When three quarters of his regiment is wiped out in one of Germany's counterattacks, a Canadian battalion administrator must assume command of a company and lead them into battle.

5x5 – Episode 5

American soldiers risk everything to protect their comrades to clear German defenses in the Hurtgen Forest. So when his company attempts to capture a small village, an American soldier, born in Mexico but raised in Texas, must crawl through an enemy minefield to capture two German machine gun nests holding up his unit.

5x6 – Episode 6

January 1945. An American 2nd Lieutenant sends his company back during an enemy counterattack during the Allied bid to clear the Colmar Pocket. He tries to hold off the German soldiers with his carbine rifle and calling in artillery but runs out of bullets. When he prepares to retreat, he notices a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on a burning tank destroyer and climbs aboard to continue his fight.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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