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1x2 – In letzter Sekunde
Know what this is about?
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1x3 – Out of Control
Know what this is about?
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1x4 – Der Lockvogel
Know what this is about?
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1x5 – Das Duell
Know what this is about?
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1x6 – Entführt
Know what this is about?
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1x7 – Gewagtes Manöver
Know what this is about?
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1x8 – Gefährliche Freundschaft
Know what this is about?
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1x9 – Tod in der Tiefe
Know what this is about?
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1x10 – Verhängnisvolle Affäre
Know what this is about?
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1x11 – Nachtflug
Know what this is about?
Be the first one to add a plot.
1x12 – Schatten der Vergangenheit
Know what this is about?
Be the first one to add a plot.
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