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Dflkiaypo5hdfxncbnnzxa1vt3c 1x1 – Episode 1

A gifted young student plans to study theology at university, but his true passion is astronomy. One day, he meets a mysterious scholar named Hubert.

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Goecyuuku7xramqqpincesob7kp 1x2 – Episode 2

Rafal is intrigued by Hubert's heliocentric theory. Later, Hubert is arrested by an inquisitor but he gives Rafal a pendant before being whisked away.

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1uex9rr3j1ho7bz0nwbeaodieox 1x3 – Episode 3

Nowak convinces Potocki to admit to Rafal's heresy. Once arrested, Rafal is given a choice: recant his belief in heliocentrism or submit to torture.

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9p7fpawdlgcx2qc6aegnikg9gs9 1x4 – Episode 4

The duelist Oczy wishes for death so he can escape his hopeless world and go to heaven. His colleague finds meaning in life by observing the stars.

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Qcrt47vws9mvpd1dmnu3vadhrla 1x5 – Episode 5

Gras aborts the mission, placing himself and Oczy in mortal danger from Nowak. They both flee for the mountains, where they find a stone chest.

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8xmjgfjnppyqkomfvysogynf1tr 1x6 – Episode 6

Oczy seeks the help of Badeni, the demoted monk who incurred the Church's wrath by turning his curiosity to the riddles of the sky.

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U2qqmredbtzbznakq1ypcexo3kn 1x7 – Episode 7

Gifted scholar Jolenta suffers discrimination as the only girl at an astronomy institute. Badeni seeks resources to prove the heliocentric theory.

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Srjg2672gvrt4lulidlmpkkupu 1x8 – Episode 8

Badeni offers Jolenta a chance to pursue the truth of the skies, but she is overcome with fear. Afterward, she overhears bold words from Count Piast.

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3tmmk5t0qycthpkjmu3keqew3fz 1x9 – Episode 9

A middle-aged Piast vows to prove his professor's geocentric model. In the present, he agrees to let Badeni use his records on one condition.

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6ryprvfwzn5weeddrqc3yep3dwz 1x10 – Episode 10

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Fygq77amqxvc9ykpytgbqh3xjpk 1x11 – Episode 11

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Ipib5fbspizqxptmfqrhcqvmsfz 1x12 – Episode 12

Nowak asks Badeni to show him his research. He inspects Badeni's premises but doesn't find anything incriminating until he spots a certain item.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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