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4bcl7gt0qjjgzgrj6ogy73nedsf 2x1 – Episode 1

After narrowly surviving the fall into a fiery volcano, Lukas, Danny, Panchi and Richard find themselves in a prehistoric world teeming with real dinosaurs. As they struggle to find a way out, they save a dinosaur egg that hatches into an adorable baby Dino. The Baby is pure precocious trouble, and inadvertently leads them on a perilous path to the ruins of an ancient civilization.

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Nu93avdwgg8dlry2ipan9bovryf 2x2 – Episode 2

After traveling across an inhospitable subterranean valley Lukas, Danny, Panchi, Richard, and Kong explore an ancient city. What they don't know is that the city is still inhabited by a tribe of advanced apes who may be related to Kong. Meanwhile Botila takes on the military as she hatches her latest scheme, while Jonesy hunts for his missing comrades.

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1bjo1kgnny6ffvlck0efkxmh1ym 2x3 – Episode 3

Our heroes chase the hordes of gigantic spiders and frogs topside and find themselves in the middle of the Egyptian pyramids, where they need to find a way to return the rampaging creatures before the military and Botila arrive to take out Kong.

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9ttolkvd6xwxkynswewl4q2pts6 2x4 – Episode 4

Kong and his friends are summoned to New York by the world's leaders to be honored as heroes in a ceremony transmitted around the globe. Lukas and the others are overjoyed by the recognition, but all they really want to do is get back home to their loved ones. Their departure is postponed when Botila arrives, threatening the international dignitaries and displaying alarming new abilities.

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Ftlhzdaptmi2g4fm26rzulpmtdj 2x5 – Episode 5

Their tree fort blown to bits, our heroes head to Kong Island for supplies, only to discover Botila booby-trapped the place with reprogrammed "Liberated A.I.s". After a very unique battle, a furious Botila discovers that "not all A.I.s are created equal," and our heroes realize the only safe HQ left to them is the subterranean Ape City... which proves far from safe for Anita.

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Hydhe3xsjtcvk7arxodpgd0zfal 2x6 – Episode 6

Botila blasts the volcanic entrance to the underground haven where our heroes have retreated, sealing them in. While Kong and company deal with the effects of the subsequent cave-in, Botila attempts to hijack a supply tanker. The tanker has a mind of its own, however, and Botila's efforts to use her new abilities to override its A.I. are ultimately futile.

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C2nknrhqmiylge2ypo8eo2xlukk 2x7 – Episode 7

Danny is itching to tell everyone what he discovered during his adventure with Zippi, but they're too busy dealing with the aftermath of Botila's sealing them in to listen. When they finally do, everyone is thrilled by Danny's discovery - including the Apes, who believed what he found was lost ages ago.

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6pogovnjfpz6tydtfvll9at4iyd 2x8 – Episode 8

When Botila inserts her consciousness into an orbiting weapon satellite and threatens the world with annihilation Kong and company ride a rocket into outer space to foil her plans. Their victory has a price when Botila snatches Jonesy and escapes moments after the satellite is destroyed. The clock is ticking as our heroes race to save their captured comrade.

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42mpdch3ff5cpg11lycibggdsku 2x9 – Episode 9

While Botila is battling her entire crew of mutinying A.I., our heroes discover that Kong has been captured by some mysterious and clearly superpowerful force, but they have no idea who or what it is or where they've taken the giant ape.

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Zizzuw6zypv077yygsoizt2c8fa 2x10 – Episode 10

In the season climax, Kong battles Mega-Richard, a gigantically transformed version of Lukas' criminal brother. Meanwhile, Lukas and Jonesy contend against Richard's army of patchwork Bionobots, while Danny and Panchi attempt to stay out of harm's way. The clones exercise free will, making choices that help turn the tables and aid our heroes in defeating Richard and Botila once and for all.

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