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2x1 – Die total perfekte Frau

After beating Eddie at basketball and winning a pair of valuable concert tickets, Malcolm is sure that his luck has taken a turn for the better. And he couldn't be more convinced of his good fortune than when Adrian Collins, a very beautiful, very wealthy and very single woman drops by the bar. Stretching the truth about himself, Malcolm quickly snags a date for the concert with Adrian. However, while Malcolm is on a roll, Eddie's luck has turned sour. Meanwhile, as Nicolette learns she's passed the first test on the road to becoming a police officer, Malcolm must ...

2x2 – Dachschaden!

A rainstorm during a televised football game makes it clear that Malcolm and Eddie desperately need a new roof. Insisting that Eddie not attempt the repair himself, Malcolm calls the bank to borrow the $20,000 they will need. And when loan officer Mr. Bellamy demands that they hire his daughter Brooke in exchange for the money, her beauty prompts both Malcolm and Eddie to agree to the terms -- despite the fact that the job is sparing her a prison sentence for burning down her estranged husband's house. Meanwhile, as Eddie works to keep his romance with Nicolette a ...

2x3 – Monte Carlo am Missouri

If his food, drink and music weren't bad enough, fellow bar owner and competitor Mike McGinley has resorted to dirty tricks in order to steal business away from Malcolm. Searching for an idea to turn things around, Eddie suggests turning McGee's into a casino. Only they must first divert the Missouri River, which is 40 blocks away, in order to put McGee's on the river front and qualify it for a gaming license. With help from Hector and their position downhill from the river, Eddie makes sure that the Missouri River just touches McGee's. And once Malcolm bribes their ...

2x4 – Und wer kriegt Brenda?

After hiring Brenda as his new waitress, Malcolm prepares for a visit by his sister, Maura. And upon finding out that Maura is gay, Eddie worries that being a lesbian is a fad that's catching on. Meanwhile, as he's caring for his young nephews, Tim is asked to teach them the facts of life, too. While he's trying his best to get a date with Brenda, Malcolm is surprised when Maura claims that his new waitress is gay. Although Malcolm refuses to believe it, Maura says that Brenda is interested in her and not him. Meanwhile, as Eddie tries reining in Tim's nephews, he ...

2x5 – Dein Freund und Nebenbuhler

Although Malcolm is aware of his romance with Nicolette, Eddie is still intent on keeping it a secret. And even after discovering that everyone else knows, too, Eddie still isn't ready to be seen with her in public. So when Lieutenant Stanley Proctor asks her to be his date at a police department dance, Nicolette must give it serious consideration. Meanwhile, Malcolm's new cook Simone quickly makes it clear that she's interested in him. After giving Eddie a chance to reconsider, Nicolette agrees to be Stanley's date. As Eddie's protests to Nicolette go unheeded, ...

2x6 – Mama ist tabu!

Following her divorce, Eddie's mother arrives in Kansas City. Convinced that his parents should have tried harder to stay together, Eddie has a hard time adjusting to her seeing other men. And while he's glad to have his parents living far, far away, Malcolm is surprised when his own father drops by unexpectedly. Meanwhile, after promising a football game ticket to Eddie, Malcolm is forced to rescind the offer when his father wants to go. When his dad needs a place to stay, Malcolm offers him his room. With his mother visiting, too, Eddie is forced to share the living...

2x7 – Die Cappuccino-Werkstatt

After filling in for a few minutes at the bar, Eddie is convinced that he can do Malcolm's job without missing a beat. And when told he could never replace Eddie at the garage, Malcolm bets his half of their tax refund that he can. So while Malcolm installs a gift shop and coffee bar while supervising Hector's work, Eddie offers cheap drinks to lure new customers to the bar. As Malcolm begins having problems meeting commitments he's made to the garage's customers, Eddie gets NBA star Matt Pelton to autograph his new book at McGee's. However, the deal with Pelton ...

2x8 – Lust auf Kekse

In order to keep Simone from going to work for a competitor, Malcolm agrees to re-do McGee's menu. Upon discovering that translating it into to French allows him to raise the prices and his profits, Malcolm couldn't be happier. So when Simone bakes some extraordinary cookies that have exactly the same effect as sex, Malcolm and Eddie propose selling them. However, before she'll agree to participate, Simone wants a romantic partnership, something that Malcolm is simply unwilling to do. After learning that Eddie has already sold shares in the cookie venture to Tim and ...

2x9 – Die 500 Meilen von Kansas City

In preparation for the upcoming Kansas City 500, Eddie is helping his old friend and champion stock car racer Rusty Shaeffer get ready. With Eddie in his corner, Rusty is certain he can beat rival Trevor Davis and take home his first ever national championship. And impressed with Eddie and Rusty's confidence, Malcolm then asks Tim to hook him up with a bookmaker so he can place a $100 bet on the race. Meanwhile, a strange dream about Eddie driving a race car has Nicolette convinced that it's a premonition of bad things to come. When a case of double vision forces ...

2x10 – Basketballzwerge

When Malcolm asks him to step in and coach his youth basketball team while he's away, Eddie complains about the team's losing record and turns him down. However, when Nicolette stops by to make arrangements for a party at McGee's, Lt. Stanley Proctor mentions that it's for his team to celebrate their certain victory over team Malcolm's Li'l Dribblers. So a jealous Eddie offers to substitute for Malcolm in order to beat Proctor, only to learn that he's just needed for the game before. Meanwhile, Malcolm and rival Mick McGinley agree to save money by purchasing their ...

2x11 – Zwei Männer und ein Baby

Needing someone to babysit her son while she goes to St. Louis for a job interview, Paige asks her cousin Eddie for help. And though Eddie agrees to keep an eye on little Bradley, he immediately shifts all the responsibility to Malcolm. As Malcolm tries to care for the baby and run the bar at the same time, Nicolette asks him to help out in case she needs to be bailed out of an uncomfortable roommate interview. But when Malcolm goes to the supermarket for baby supplies, he leaves Nicolette without anyone to help her get rid of a prospective roommate who has some real ...

2x12 – Ein ideales Paar

When Simone complains about Eddie storing car parts in her refrigerator, Malcolm wants an explanation. As the discussion causes a rift between the two friends, Simone suggests Malcolm is just as much to blame for allowing Eddie's behavior to go unchecked. And when Eddie balks at the suggestion that their relationship isn't always as good as it could be, Malcolm reminds him of some past problems, including the time Eddie turned McGee's into a strip club. Though Eddie doesn't want to hear it, Malcolm suggests taking advantage of Simone's many years of psychoanalysis to ...

2x13 – Mann und Frau

As Nicolette prepares for her police department exam, Malcolm learns that his restaurant is about to be reviewed by an influential food critic. But as Malcolm prepares for the visit, a customer's complaint suggests that something is wrong in the kitchen. That's when Simone admits she's flustered by the upcoming prospective of Antoinette, a Culinary Institute classmate and rival who stole her boyfriend five years ago. And while Malcolm wants to get rid of her before there's any more damage in the kitchen, Eddie is determined to get a date with Antoinette. When ...

2x14 – Das größere Zimmer

On the night he's having a new girlfriend over, Malcolm is upset to learn that Eddie hasn't made other arrangements for himself as promised. When Malcolm complains, it ignites an ongoing argument over who has the biggest room. While Malcolm isn't looking, Eddie enlists Hector to help him move Malcolm's things so he can have the bigger room for a change. Upon discovering Eddie's scheme, Malcolm then tries moving his things back, only to injure himself and land in the hospital. When Malcolm blames him for his hernia, Eddie claims it never would have happened had he ...

2x15 – Ohne Freundin, ohne Job …

After learning he and Eddie are being audited by the IRS, Malcolm hopes that his sister Maura will offer them some free accounting advice during her upcoming visit. However, before he can even explain their problem, Malcolm discovers that not only has Maura recently lost her job, but that she's also been left by her girlfriend. And once Maura despondently settles in on her brother's couch, good news about Nicolette's job and boyfriend do nothing to buoy her sagging spirits. Needing something drastic to get Maura moving again, Eddie suggests that Malcolm hire her at ...

2x16 – Der Heiratsantrag

Though Nicolette is ready to accept, her boyfriend Lt. Stanley Proctor cannot bring himself to ask her to get married. Asked for their help, Malcolm and Eddie agree to speak with Stanley to boost his confidence. Yet, when he even has trouble with them, Malcolm and Eddie arrange for an attractive friend to convince Stanley that he's the most fascinating man in Kansas City. Still unaware that he was set up, Stanley gains renewed confidence in himself. However, instead of asking Nicolette to marry him, he decides that he's not ready to settle down just yet. And while ...

2x17 – Tiffany, die Tigerin

Prior to the wedding of their friend Nelson Carter, Malcolm and Eddie take responsibility for organizing a bachelor party. Upon learning that Eddie has asked a friend of Simone's to be his date at the wedding, Malcolm worries that her arrival will upset their bachelor party plans. However, Eddie assures him that he's arranged for everything to go off without a hitch. Meanwhile, Nicolette goes undercover as an elderly woman in order to nab a purse snatcher. As Tim anxiously awaits the arrival of the stripper they've hired for the bachelor party, Eddie's plans are upset...

2x18 – Die Heuschrecken kommen!

In preparation for their father's surprise 60th birthday party, Malcolm and Maura arrange for Eddie's mom to cook. When Malcolm suggests inviting the Sherman family, both Eddie and his mom agree they would be far too much trouble. But after Sheila lets her sister Ruby know about the party and a Sherman family contingent arrives, it isn't long before Malcolm finds their presence a problem. After missing his dad's phone call because of Eddie's family, Malcolm sends Nicolette to pick him up at the airport. However, as Sheila and Maura square off in the kitchen and Eddie ...

2x19 – Der Fall Rusty

When Malcolm grows tired of quirky ex-race car driver Rusty Shaeffer hanging around the bar all day he asks Eddie for help. Owing his start in the car repair business to Rusty, Eddie agrees to give his old friend a job. But while Rusty quickly impresses Eddie with his hard work and commitment, Hector complains that it's making him look bad. Meanwhile, Nicolette frets over giving Malcolm a traffic ticket. Once the Kansas City Classic Car Club learns about Rusty, they move their meetings to McGee's in order to have him around. As Malcolm looks forward to making a lot of...

2x20 – Zweierlei Wahrheit

When Malcolm decides to redesign McGee's, he gets a carpenter to build an exact replica of the bar at Kansas City's legendary Jelly Roll Club. However, there's a problem when Eddie finds that the man hired to build the bar is Harvey Squires, his old nemesis from their days in the Navy together. After Eddie explains how Squires got him blamed for dealing in stolen government property, Nicolette announces that she's bringing the entire police force in for a retirement party. So in order to reopen in time, Malcolm has no choice but to keep Squires on the job. When ...

2x21 – Ein Gefallen unter Freunden

After a wild night leaves him with a strange woman's named tattooed on his arm, Malcolm needs to find some way to make it a little less obvious. Instead of having the tattoo altered, Tim offers to get Malcolm some expensive laser surgery for free, provided he go on a date with his sister Claudine. Despite his strict policy against blind dates, Malcolm agrees, but only if his friends can come along. And that's when he and everyone else gets a dose of Claudine's bad attitude. When no one can interest Claudine in anything fun, Eddie suggests that nobody could seduce her....

2x22 – Ein Auto von der Mafia?

When Malcolm's old car finally gives out, Nicolette suggests buying a new one at an upcoming police auction. To make sure he gets a good deal, Eddie offers to go along. But when Malcolm sets his sights on a 1961 Corvette Stingray, Eddie is called on for more than mechanical expertise when his partner needs a loan to buy the classic car. As he's cleaning up on Malcolm's new car, Eddie unexpectedly finds $22,000 hidden inside. While Eddie feels entitled to keep the cash for himself, Malcolm warns that it could have criminal origins and calls Nicolette for advice. And ...

2x23 – Getrennte Wege

A harrowing experience on an airplane flight back from a big car show that's left Eddie feeling full of life has Malcolm depressed. To help lift his flagging spirits, Simone offers him a tape of spiritual guru, Dr. Mira Shakra. As a result, Malcolm suspects his destiny lies somewhere beyond McGee's. And when Mira coincidentally shows up at the bar during her lecture tour, he's ready to change his life. Meanwhile, Eddie gets lucrative a job offer in Pittsburgh. As a result of Malcolm's meeting Mira and Eddie's new job, they call their friends together to announce ...

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