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Bpuiyzop6gnnrnxppt5m03b3yhf 3x1 – Houston auf der Flucht – Teil 2

Houston is still on the run and is trying to find the one responsible but has no leads. But when he meets a gifted child who tells him to seek out the help of his family. But Houston says he has no family except for his Uncle Roy who is a former member of the CIA. That's when Houston realizes that the man he is looking is probably a former CIA man too. So he goes to his uncle and the man he is looking tracks him there and tries to kill him but he and his uncle escape. Roy takes him to someone who can help him find the man and when he learns who he is and where he is, ...

6ajajd9evifdcgic1zkp3fg5yba 3x2 – Hoyts Tochter

When three children are abducted and one of them is Hoyt's, he and Houston do whatever they have to find her. Eventually they find the man who got them but he claims they're dead. And since Houston and Hoyt didn't exactly go by the book, the man's released. And Hoyt sets out to get him.

8u26qamkj4vjxv42h5lxbeskida 3x3 – Karriere

Accused of being jealous, Matt is reluctantly faced with proving that C.J.'s newscaster boyfriend is a murderer.

Qzxswcyvaixma08vteicneieguk 3x4 – Apostel des Bösen

Houston is hired to rescue a girl from a cult. It seems that anyone who joins has to turn everything they have. And she's about to inherit a fortune. And it also seems that anyone who after turning over a fortune, dies shortly after.

Czymtjdwubtrnjcbtykwg63wheo 3x5 – Gefangen im Bannon County

Matt sets out to rescue C.J. who has been mistaken for a prostitute and imprisoned after suffering amnesia in a freak car accident.

W4okedglkgwvy34qeuduuskt5ni 3x6 – Trauma Vietnam – Teil 1

Houston and Roy get information that Roy's son who is an MIA in Vietnam is alive. They go to the government who tell them that they can't do anything. So Houston decides to go and find him himself; Too Mean accompanies him. They meet a mercenary who tells them that the man who has the one they are looking for is a warlord. So they go to try and rescue him.

Ragoyfgtembust7zn0vojl3fj3c 3x7 – Trauma Vietnam – Teil 2

After getting captured by the warlord holding his cousin, Houston tries to find a way out. The warlord demands a ransom which C.J. is about deliver but a government agent stops her. Roy decides to ask someone from his days as a spy to help him.

T97utth0dxocv4kplzw0reuejav 3x8 – Mord ist keine Modesache

Two models have been murdered, and Matt can't accept the alibi of the most likely suspect.

9us0wxx6pqbaomh68hkqroqsaak 3x9 – Der Rächer

An old enemy of Houston's, Andre 'Allen' Garvey - AKA the 'Wolf-Witch' - is released from prison after bribing a corrupt judge, Malcolm Granger. The fiend begins taunting & stalking Houston on a single-minded mission of revenge.

Ar7kkj7kjvtrp9v9vodsdgmrnn3 3x10 – Blutige Steine

An old high school friend of Matt's is unaware she is being used as a decoy when she asks for his help to find her boyfriend.

5eiq94n9wbiufkrhc9wxofjbvri 3x11 – Menschenjagd

The most dangerous game is revisited when a sporting goods mogul hunts athletes.

Wor74rdmaoimge7lfabmxxrok5n 3x12 – Kidnapping

Matt stumbles upon an illegal adoption ring when a woman hires him to find her kidnapped son.

S58dzpfyqnpnylaadjeevqoiatm 3x13 – Ein 20 Jahre alter Alptraum

After getting a lead on the man who kidnapped him when he was a little boy, Matt sets out to find him and bring him to justice.

Vvh1spw6h9hka7zwajxdvcfmhw7 3x14 – 37 Etagen bis zum Tod

A birthday party for Cousin Will turns sour when Matt is informed that he's parked on a roof, ready to jump.

Ku59e4b5wvqjfc1f7yghccuyecm 3x15 – Reise in die Vergangenheit

Matt must rescue C.J. and Roy from small town oil embezzlers.

Whlkksd9xstiewxntdi2g7ajhji 3x16 – Flitterwochenmorde

An old college friend asks for Matt's help in solving the murder of his wife, killed hours after their wedding.

Xozyrkf3gjiyo37gflj33hh1cww 3x17 – Mord im Strandclub

Matt meets his female counterpart while investigating the murder of two guests at a resort.

V1f9y3uhobeyjlhwmndpibeitko 3x18 – Das Mördertribunal

A stewardess accidentally happens upon and photographs a murder and asks Matt to protect her.

9o5bglalhopqau3ozw032aysiyo 3x19 – Die fünf Finger

One of Roy's former intelligence associates tells him that a Russian agent whom they took down years ago and who swore vengeance is back. It's not long after that that the man is killed. So Roy tries to find the agents who helped him before the man gets them all.

Kbfclmja14li50ra4yefoqvf2pw 3x20 – Mord ohne Opfer

After suffering his umpteenth concussion, Matt falls head over heals in love with an Irish heiress who is being brainwashed by her Irish-terrorist brother.

Bhgmp8kunukux9bdhiiguaglqjz 3x21 – Die Falle

Matt Houston and his company investigate a drug ring and end up in a bar, where a hood shoots and gravely wounds Lieutenant Hoyt.

Qmhlivu8xzwbjtmdnsv1kzw4wx6 3x22 – Der heilige Eid

Elizabeth, object of Matt's affection, returns and they decide to marry. Serial killer Adam Booth looks for notoriety, sees that the press is ignoring him, brings Matt into it, and jeopardizes Matt's plans with Elizabeth.

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