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S50zmr0m4p46nvsc7ribxg1wske 1x1 – Folge 1

Orga's team has been hand picked to escort Kudelia, the young leader of the Martian independence movement, to Earth for an important meeting. Just as preparations for departure are underway, Gjallarhorn attacks the base in an attempt on Kudelia's life.

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68j9ihvt2bz5tkgehpysnmeqxjx 1x2 – Folge 2

The adults of CGS flee in the face of Gjallarhorn's attack, using Mikazuki and the other children as decoys. Gathering the children who have been left behind, Orga decides to fight back against Gjallarhorn, and puts a certain plan into motion.

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Tb4t1hxu79ltanhijxkn31zsefl 1x3 – Folge 3

Thanks to Mikazuki and the Gundam Barbatos, Orga's group has temporarily repulsed Gjallarhorn, though not without many sacrifices. As they are discussing their next move, one of Gjallarhorn's Graze mobile suits again appears at the CGS base.

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Fbqti19hdj0ttzie3mcpt3gxgfc 1x4 – Folge 4

Kudelia is distressed that so many boys have lost their lives because of her. Mikazuki takes her to the farm run by Biscuit's grandmother, where an unexpected encounter awaits.

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Msfnuhas1cyot7twp6itjjkzufs 1x5 – Folge 5

Kudelia and Tekkadan finally leave Mars behind them and head for Earth. With a ship waiting for them, they attempt to travel by shuttle to a low-orbital station, but are attacked by Coral's Gjallarhorn forces.

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7g80cppfxwqz2vgqtzzf9qd1lei 1x6 – Folge 6

The members of Tekkadan need a guide in order to reach Earth despite Gjallarhorn's surveillance. To gain a powerful backer, they attempt to negotiate with Teiwaz, which is based in the Jupiter Sphere.

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Ixd8milkgxrjfczvcnhsjgcybsl 1x7 – Folge 7

Tekkadan has made contact with Turbines, which runs Teiwaz's transport division. But they find themselves clashing with Turbines over their group's origins and property.

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Wznvrmive9tv9mem7qvphmkqujj 1x8 – Folge 8

Having demonstrated Tekkadan's strength and legitimacy to Naze, the leader of Turbines, Orga and the others renew their negotiations with Teiwaz. Meanwhile Atra visits Turbines's warship, bringing the frustrated Kudelia with her.

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Emzetkx9bp7rvghlqc2ugx3jphj 1x9 – Folge 9

Accompanied by Naze, Tekkadan visits the Saisei, the stronghold of Teiwaz, in order to meet with Teiwaz's representative McMurdo Barriston. Here, Orga receives a surprising proposal from Naze.

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2aznhgr5rkefrjd6yqm0sqtd0dc 1x10 – Folge 10

Tekkadan and Turbines go on ahead to Earth, leaving Mikazuki and Yukinojo on the Saisei to complete final adjustments to the Barbatos. But the events aboard the Saisei have greatly affected their respective states of mind.

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Vokv7tmnhke7ew2wjevraxnh6a6 1x11 – Folge 11

While on patrol, Akihiro and Takaki encounter unknown enemies and engage them in battle. The attackers turn out to be Brewers, a pirate group that operates between Mars and Earth.

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2jzfiq3zhosyo4cxbcpl3a4qxsw 1x12 – Folge 12

Mikazuki and Orga learn that Akihiro's long-lost younger brother is one of the Brewers mobile suit pilots. Tekkadan challenges Brewers in order to get back Akihiro's brother.

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Cbwmvwwmybfidy6aa1g7wrscecy 1x13 – Folge 13

The battle with Brewers has cost many lives on both sides. The survivors hold a funeral service to pray for the rebirth of their fallen comrades.

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73ogws3jgwzq9mwvsjssaym5h5e 1x14 – Folge 14

After overcoming many difficulties, Tekkadan is finally about to reach Earth. Its members head for the Dort colony cluster, to deliver an item that Teiwaz asked them to transport when they were aboard the Saisei.

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I5vj8jvufl84kk4dsy43su7poxh 1x15 – Folge 15

Just as on Mars, the colonies suffer great disparities with Earth, and a protest movement has begun among the increasingly dissatisfied workers. As it gradually intensifies, Tekkadan is caught up in various schemes.

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Clgrw3slwhbigyjhv57tifmancs 1x16 – Folge 16

The colony workers have launched a protest movement against the company that employs them. As they grow more radical, the situation finally develops to the point of a Gjallarhorn intervention. Before she knows it, Kudelia has been drawn into the heart of the uprising.

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Ynagbpadqpogldyejdjxln8pjcr 1x17 – Folge 17

Kudelia and Tekkadan witness Gjallarhorn's brutal suppression of the workers. Seeing the true situation of the colonies, Kudelia makes a fateful decision.

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Lr5xyq6zu16mx2trou4chq1i7vl 1x18 – Folge 18

Tekkadan's members attempt to leave the colonies behind and descend to Earth at last, but they miss their chance due to one last item of business in the colonies. They are contacted by someone who claims to be their supporter.

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Bm1ndbnmjcj3iffar7cxg9thszt 1x19 – Folge 19

Following a resupply by the Montag Company, Tekkadan prepare their descent to Earth, with a Gjallarhorn fleet standing in their way.

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H7s9pfhdsxtoybzjpk2dlwe1nmd 1x20 – Folge 20

Tekkadan has finally made it to Earth, successfully introducing Kudelia to Arbrau's representative, Makanai Togonosuke. However, they will have to accompany Makanai to a parliamentary general session taking place in Edmonton.

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Gbu4hfhevpl0kcvlukarzw12o4h 1x21 – Folge 21

During preparations to depart for Edmonton, Tekkadan finds itself under attack by Gjallarhorn. Setting a trap for their relentless pursuers, Orga makes a counterattack.

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Xmjuxve0fa66difmrarsuhrkgkr 1x22 – Folge 22

Though Tekkadan is exhausted by its repeated battles with Gjallarhorn, its members are still determined to get to Edmonton, and they hasten toward their goal.

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A1pygxmryigdz4erssubzxwdihi 1x23 – Folge 23

As Tekkadan heads for Edmonton, it finds Carta blocking the way, seeking a showdown. However, Mikazuki and the others won't let their progress be halted, and they press on ahead.

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Zfocolaavy7jax8yhu9agaxkay2 1x24 – Folge 24

Orga and the other Tekkadan members have finally reached Edmonton, but they are attacked by Gjallarhorn, which seeks to prevent Makanai from making it to the parliamentary session.

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8aglpzbbdqbjazlhs7b8giko2ur 1x25 – Folge 25

As the fierce battle between Tekkadan and Gjallarhorn continues, a new threat appears. To protect Kudelia and the others, Mikazuki must confront it alone.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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