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2x1 – Acceso a la salud

The first special, Access to health, questions how the pandemic is just one more problem that came to overload a deficient health system, highlighting its shortcomings. It is put on the table what has been done in Mexico to save lives, vaccination policies, the participation of civil society; what are the actions that the government would need to take to adapt to the cultural, social and genetic needs of the population and where is the limit of what is public and what is private.

  • Szgiapi78dlj9umn6xhpc817rbq
  • W5zgpxxsyosn1wlsvjzxy2yjxbf
  • Nm82xfuoe8pb5tml3kk8nlpzapc
  • 8q6jms5ivumggq0xgqvfx5lby3n
Quelle: themoviedb.org

Es liegt noch keine offizielle Kritik für diese Serie vor.

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