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7kc7mndksotnzjiuiv71ewybl2r 1x1 – Episode 1

Salad Fingers is a green-colored being that enjoys the feeling of rusty metal objects against his skin. In order to increase his enjoyment of rusty metal objects, he seeks out more spoons.

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Damsqqkxle5nqjvtd7xji752ztc 1x2 – Episode 2

Salad Fingers has a get-together, but can't quite reach into the oven on his own.

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Ubafuzjvaaihzhqvgtgyni2fuda 1x3 – Episode 3

Salad Fingers enjoys nettles and an armless man goes after him.

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5xii4hnpzdp6i9b5kvyxgctdqfh 1x4 – Episode 4

An odd boy-like creature falls in love with Salad Fingers.

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Obdils8y5x8xqk7wur6llkmw8uf 1x5 – Episode 5

Salad Fingers enjoys a lovely picnic with his friends.

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Jtqwccvmmiktmurjzlh8uphvzmw 1x6 – Episode 6

Salad Fingers receives a gift from an old friend.

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Jatjj6hpdkrpm3oslrilzgru91b 1x7 – Episode 7

Salad Fingers spends time with a dismembered corpse he finds.

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9cdukiloepqgun7iry1r6o9niym 1x8 – Episode 8

Salad Fingers hides in his safety cupboard, after his radio starts making strange noises

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G6aitgq2jv3vxihh779i4qrosje 1x9 – Episode 9

After becoming ill, salad fingers gives birth, but cannot take care of his child, so he seeks out a caregiver

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Vvipbnrmqmolbblbfp1pzife5ft 1x10 – Episode 10

Salad fingers throws a birthday party for his finger puppet, Hubert Cumberdale

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Ezz4raizk04a2cfpzvje3rt1xbw 1x11 – Episode 11

Salad Fingers decides it's time to turn Hubert Cumberdale into a real boy, but he becomes haunted by his mother and an evil version of himself in the mirror.

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  • Ph9hr5qsw9qg6dmuphotbitarhv
  • 5wqcienjagvumgw70mprnwykxyg
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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