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Disney Disney plus Amazon prime
1x0 – 2016 Original Pilot

Snowfall is set against the infancy of the crack cocaine epidemic and its ultimate radical impact on the culture we know.

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Pzhmd0i5buzdpbgellufuvqzv3j 1x1 – Neue Regeln

South Central street entrepreneur Franklin Saint takes a leap into the cocaine game. Disgruntled CIA officer Teddy McDonald allies with a Contra soldier. Luchador wrestler Gustavo "El Oso" Zapata makes inroads with a Mexican cartel family.

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8oism7ya8ylugl8bcnlb3j24yrn 1x2 – Das Ikarus-Syndrom

Franklin continues his courier work for Avi. Teddys first encounter with Avi is not quite expected. Gustavo learns who he stole from - and wound up killing in a home invasion.

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Gm13e9cirjhy9xitwjzcxwn8rhh 1x3 – Gegenwind

Franklin enlists help to retrieve his stolen property. In the midst of a weapons deal, Teddy receives an unexpected visitor. Gustavo, Lucia and Pedro seek a fall guy.

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4z0baootqmnnfrjcr4cou6msy9l 1x4 – Verlorene Unschuld

Franklin and Leon deal with the thief. Teddy goes to extreme measures to protect the CIA. Lucia and Gustavo connect in the aftermath of the previous night.

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N29tzhez48dmtd9rxisuvpopo02 1x5 – Gestrandet

Franklin's indecision causes issues at Jerome's 4th of July barbecue; Teddy and Alejandro become stranded; Lucia's family vets Gustavo.

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Gd3rc1bak7ennbi9uzg2bfuimqb 1x6 – Neue Geschäftspartner

Franklin turns to Jerome for guidance, resulting in an unexpected encounter. Teddy contemplates a different future for his family. Gustavo and Lucia enlist business partners from Gustavo's past.

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Hkrq1v8lwmemmtgfew7b6ozhyek 1x7 – Auf eigene Faust

Franklin, Leon and Kevin take a game-changing road trip. Teddy deals with a sin from Alejandro's past. Lucia makes Gustavo's partnership official, much to Pedro's dismay.

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Xwbpyhtfyuikomgbiu3tcbktmm9 1x8 – Die Aussaat

As Franklin's ramps up, he has problems with his inexperienced crew. Teddy stops at nothing to protect Alejandro. Lucia experiences an epiphany when she visits her father.

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7ietfiwunhsc7mry3rhbmi1bvoq 1x9 – Allianzen

Franklin suffers the cost of his business. As Teddy's situation deteriorates, so does his mental state. Gustavo and Lucia struggle with how to proceed.

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Svj5m9uh1u5qnasemljmo4wy2h3 1x10 – Rubikon

Franklin solidifies his future. Teddy's hand is forced. Lucia decides between business and family.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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