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89rbnbcrdalmte1byo6xsz1qgv9 1x1 – Der König der Straße

The Wrigleys' annual trip to the Hoover Dam turns into a competition with another family. Don, who wants to keep his title as "King Of The Road", tries to beat them there, but his efforts are threatened by frequent bathroom breaks and lack of family spirit.

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7xnoaopep2vfk4z5eq57nodq2be 1x2 – Der Tag des Punktes

When their school marching band is invited to the Regional Championship Ellen is picked to be the dot in the "i" of "Squid." Big Pete takes it upon himself to free the band and Ellen from Mr. Markle's "full frontal mind meld." Meanwhile, Little Pete is stuck on an endless tour of Bus Driver Stu's shattered romance with Sally Knorp.

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4yyeyduzygaxe01uwfkzyfmcqyh 1x3 – Die Nachtschwärmer

Believing that his early bedtime has resulted in countless hours of lost fun, Little Pete defies the International Adult Conspiracy by attempting to stay up 11 days in a row.

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Lrbnbdeows3vx9jsyljcg7tlbph 1x4 – Der Balljunge

Big Pete must work at his father's golf course for the summer, including being the mascot on a tournament day.

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Irigcybfjhziyf70dmzdzsugz7n 1x5 – Das Geheimprojekt

Big Pete signs up for shop class thinking he'll breeze through it, but the teacher, Mr. Slurm, has it in for him and chooses him to build a "special project." Meanwhile, Little Pete sells insurance cards to other students.

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Q4jovpisvfvkgjemmwseulpfqxg 1x6 – Alle gegen Pete

While Little Pete butts heads with an arrogant dodgeball coach, Big Pete finds he has eighteen minutes to cram for a history test.

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Dm2clrd1q4am0eduduwphyhl3mv 1x7 – Pete gegen Pete

When their grandfather visits them with his most-prized possession, Don's supposedly lucky bowling ball, the Petes dispute who should be entitled to inherit it.

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9ekiypbsdik89u8aniwu87frozf 1x8 – Harte Tage für Pete

Little Pete controls underground radio station WART along with Artie. Little Pete then decides to start his own band. However, the neighbors aren't too tickled about the racket every day and night as they rehearse.

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1x9 – Folge 9

Big Pete accidentally kills the school mascot, the Squid, and only the Petes and Ellen know. But when a hooligan named Open Face wants dirt on Big Pete, he gets cozy with Ellen hoping to extract the vital info.

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1x10 – Folge 10

As summer ends, the Petes and Ellen try to befriend Mr. Tastee the ice-cream man, but they soon learn that being an ice-cream man is supposed to be a lonely job.

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1x11 – Folge 11

Little Pete and his father unite to beat a neighborhood nemesis in a race between a station wagon and a remote-controlled toy car after a 16-year-old feud.

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1x12 – Folge 12

On New Year's Eve night Little Pete looks back on his failed attempt at a resolution to change the world. As he sees it the only thing he needed was the Riley Retro-Fire Jetpack to fix countless problems worldwide. With the failures of seasons past he becomes more and more desperate for the $456.98 needed to buy the jet-pack. In this episode Little Pete enlists the help of Big Pete, Artie, and even Frank the crossing guard.

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