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5x1 – Steckbrieflich gesucht/Freispruch für Gary

Mack believes Chip killed Ciji and a search begins for him. Karen is upset that Diana has gone with Chip. A mystery man helps Val when she is bombarded by reporters. The murder charge against Gary is dropped due to lack of evidence.

5x2 – Reporter in Aktion/Das Geständnis

Val discovers who her mystery man is. Diana and Chip are on the road, where Diana discovers the police are after Chip. Chip confesses to her that he killed Ciji.

5x3 – Liebe und Verrat/Entdeckt und umstellt

Abby and Gary move into Westfork Ranch. Abby and Westmont secretly start a subsidiary of Gary's company called "Apolune." Chip and Diana are found by the police but Diana rebuffs Karen in favor of Chip as she has just married him.

5x4 – Fatale Geständnisse

Diana tells Karen that Chip killed Ciji for her. Abby has five days to marry Gary as he will then inherit 10% of Ewing Oil and she wants it to become community property.

5x5 – Große Pläne/Eine Frau sieht rot

At Greg's fundraiser, Val introduces Ben to Gary. Lilimae tries to make Chip and Diana testify as there isn't enough evidence to prove that he killed Ciji. When Chip is released without charge, Lilimae runs him down with her car.

5x6 – Zukunftsmusik spielt leise/Die Liebe und das große Geld

Lilimae is arrested as Chip lies in a coma. Diana blames Karen for running down Chip. Val seeks comfort in Gary and they end up sleeping together.

5x7 – Ein neuer Anfang/Überraschung in Mexiko

Eric persuades Diana to testify. Laura advises Gary to leave Val alone. Gary and Abby marry. While at a hotel on their honeymoon, he meets a woman who looks exactly like Ciji.

5x8 – Das Mädchen Cathy/Nervöse Stimmung

Karen begins to take pain killers. Abby decides to secretly develop Lotus Point but Laura discovers what Abby is up to. Gary receives his 10% share of Ewing Oil but also becomes obsessed with Ciji's lookalike, Cathy. Chip disappears from the hospital.

5x9 – Wie du mir, so ich dir/Das Ebenbild

Abby finds out she'll need a coastal variance to develop Lotus Point and asks Greg for help and they end up in bed together. Gary continues to pursue Cathy. Val and Ben sleep together.

5x10 – Ein hübsches Angebot/Die Warnung

Gary begins to have Cathy dress and sing like Ciji, which disturbs Laura. Abby and Greg are caught together by his daughter Mary-Frances. Diana finds Chip hiding at Gary's ranch.

D7dod0y2aj7uaxxa10ggld96kgu 5x11 – Ein wahres Ebenbild/Die Verwechslung

Mack tries to find out who the head of the sinister Wolfbridge group is. Cathy tells Gary she isn't Ciji and never will be. Abby receives her variance from Greg and they kiss but are seen by Laura. Karen continues to take the pain pills which causes Val concern. At the ranch, Chip tells Diana they must leave together but when he sees Cathy, he stumbles back and falls onto a pitchfork and is killed.

5x12 – Auf der richtigen Spur/Die Drohung

Mack realises that Wolfbridge is bigger than he first thought. Abby warns Laura to not play her game. Val tells Mack that she is worried about Karen's dependency on pills but Karen disagrees with her.

5x13 – Ein neues Buch/Offene Worte

Greg's wife, Jane, comes to town. It becomes clear that Abby hired Cathy because she looked like Ciji and wanted to keep Gary occupied, but when Cathy tells her she wants to end their deal, Abby won't let her. Ben asks Val to be more committed to their relationship. Val discovers that she is pregnant but that Gary is the father.

5x14 – Ausreichende Beweise

Val tells Ben that she is pregnant with Gary's baby and he leaves her. Mack's investigation into Wolfbridge results in his home being ransacked and Greg's office too. Abby is forced to be partners with Wolfbridge in the Lotus Point development. Karen's pill dependency gets worse.

5x15 – Die Pressekonferenz/Tablettenentzug

Karen is admitted into a rehab program. Abby gets angry at Greg for getting her involved with Wolfbridge. Greg also has his own problems with them during the election.

5x16 – Unglaubliche Neuigkeit/Wieder daheim

Gary discovers that Cathy spent four years in prison. Ben tells Val to inform everyone that Gary is the father of her baby. Ben and Mack delve deeper into Wolfbridge and Karen begins therapy.

5x17 – Die Aufdeckung/Er will es wissen

Gary tells Abby about Cathy's prison sentence but Abby pretends to know nothing about it. She tells Cathy to leave or she will tell her ex-husband where she is. Karen and Diana finally make up.

5x18 – Die ganze Wahrheit/Die Erpressung

Cathy's ex-husband, Ray, arrives. Mack learns that Apolune is Abby's company via Laura, who is being threatened by Mark St. Claire of the Wolfbridge Group.

5x19 – Lügen haben kurze Beine/Eine neue Liebe

Ben proposes to Val and tells her he will raise her child as his own. Cathy tells Gary that she went to prison after taking the blame for Ray's crime. Abby denies being involved with Wolfbridge, but Gary throws her out after her schemes are exposed. Brian and Olivia choose to stay with Gary.

5x20 – Raus aus dem Geschäft/Aufforderung von oben

Abby orders Cathy to leave the ranch until Gary tells her to stay. Gary and Cathy sleep together. Gary wants to divorce Abby but she doesn't want to divorce him.

4u3y3uyocx5hamcufx0glnbzabe 5x21 – Eine Beteiligung wird angeboten/Die Scheidungsklage

Val learns that she is having twins. Ben disappears while in El Salvador. Gary protects Cathy from Ray.

5x22 – Geheime Missionen/Der Schuss

Val wants to go and find Ben in El Salvador but is persuaded not to because of her pregnancy. The Wolfbridge Group arranges to have Gary eliminated so that Abby will inherit his money and Lotus Point will continue. After a shooting at Gary's ranch, Mack tells Val that Gary has been killed.

5x23 – Auf dem Friedhof/In Schutzhaft

Everyone is shocked about Gary's murder. Ben is found alive in El Salvador. Abby is questioned about Gary's murder and the Wolfbridge group but denies any involvement.

5x24 – Einen anderen hat es getroffen/Versprechen nicht gehalten

Ben returns home to Val. The hitman actually shot Ray, not Gary. Greg asks Karen why none of the Ewings of Dallas came to Gary's funeral, and tells St. Claire that he thinks Gary is still alive. Greg tells Abby to sell Lotus Point to Wolfbridge, but she won't. Greg tells St. Claire that he is through dealing with him, and calls Abby to tell her Gary is alive. Abby goes to the Mackenzie's and tells Karen that Gary's alive and Mac is using him to get to Wolfbridge. Karen feels betrayed and confronts Mac after he promised her he was done investigating the dangerous ...

5x25 – Ein teuflischer Plan/Dramatische Wende

The Wolfbridge Group arranges to have Gary killed once and for all, but the plan goes disastrously wrong. Abby is kidnapped by them and Karen is shot by accident.

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