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1x1 – Episode 1
MOUNIR, a young seasonal employee, disappears. Only EVE, who met him by chance, seems to care about this. And, in LUCILLE - Eve's daughter - and GLENN's couple, awkwardness is growing. JULES, fascinated by Lucille, perceives it quickly. Gesehen von 1 User |
1x2 – Episode 2
Only MAUD, the village rural warden, friend with Glenn before he left the Police department, agrees to hear Eve's concern about Mounir's disappearance. Concern shared by the young ADRIENNE who was his friend, unlike her 2 brothers. Gesehen von 1 User |
1x3 – Episode 3
As Lucille is about to confess to her husband an affair with CYRIL, Adrienne's brother, the phone rings to announce that Jules's mother has come out of her coma. At the same time, Maud tells Eve that Cyril has also disappeared. Gesehen von 1 User |
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