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Milla Jovovich ist schwanger, 'Resident Evil 6' wird verschoben


Von siBBe

Bildnachweis: http://www.firstshowing.net

Paul W.S. Anderson kündigte bereits an, dass "Resident Evil 6" der letzte Teil werden soll. Ursprünglich war geplant, "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" (so der derzeitige Titel) bereits im nächsten Monat zu veröffentlichen, doch da das Drehbuch mehrmals umgeschrieben werden musste, verzögerte sich die Produktion immer mehr. Nun wird sich der Kinostart nochmal weiter nach hinten verschieben, denn Milla Jovovich und Regisseur Paul W.S. Anderson erwarten ein Baby. 

Milla Jovovich schrieb über Facebook:

"Happy Monday everyone! This was originally going to be a post to tell you how excited I am about flying to Cape Town to begin working on Resident Evil: The Final Chapter.  But… My husband Paul and I just discovered that we are expecting another baby!!!
So after a lot of discussion, we thought it would be in everyone's best interest to wait till the baby is born before we set out to try and tackle an RE movie. Between the stunt work and what will become my ever-expanding belly, we didn't think pregnancy and zombie killing are the best combo! Lol! I imagine the only thing I'll be killing in the near future is an endless supply of cupcakes. Yikes…
In all seriousness though, we want to make the best movie possible and that would be extremely difficult, to say the least, in my present condition.
I would like to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who has been working so hard on the movie in South Africa already and we are so looking forward to working with you all next summer. And when we arrive, it will hopefully be with the newest member of our little family! YAY!
Thanks so much for understanding! All the best! -m"

Babypause für Jovovich und "Resident Evil 6" wohl nicht vor 2016, wie es scheint. 

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