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Tqmpz9qffsisyqbafhsuscpofo1 3x1 – Qualverwandtschaften

David's father contacts David after a long time. The reason for the visit is that David Sr. is getting married and wants David Jr. to be the best man. When David Jr. sees the bride-to-be, he realises that he had a one night stand with her.

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L9njkvhnmnbmvn4jjobdyreogtn 3x2 – Über den Tod hinaus

In an argument, a man kills his wife and buries her in a forest. However, when he starts getting phone calls from her the next day, he tries to dig up her body only to find that it is gone. He then decides to use Blue Moon to find her.

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4tzmsog6vdfdb9dfui72gb9bkh8 3x3 – Sinfonie für vier Handschuhe

Maddie and David have an argument about what a date should be all about. David decides to show her a good date by buying stolen tickets to a symphony concert from a scalper. They then find themselves involved in an assassination plot.

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Yih2rl4xxrrdrmcalmzvyia7f2n 3x4 – Mit tödlichen Grüßen

A woman approaches Blue Moon for help. For over two years, she had been corresponding with an unknown admirer. The woman wants Maddie and David to find the admirer and ask him to stop. When they find him, they are in for a surprise.

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Didfnepfzn5gli9m6pgrzw5wzpf 3x5 – Viele sind berufen

A Catholic priest is infatuated with a woman who comes to confession regularly. This week, the woman says she wants to commit suicide. She disappears before he can catch up with her so he asks Blue Moon Investigations to find her.

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Fxo2vi7fujup49sawqz81fvdzpc 3x6 – Jugendsünde

David hears that his former brother-in-law has just died. Maddie is shocked that David was briefly married. She becomes very curious about his former wife and follows him to New York where she finds out some amazing information.

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Mztey84w11xbtqfqzg07wsv2jcq 3x7 – Atomic Shakespeare

A student starts to watch Moonlighting, then his mother appears and reminds he has to read Taming of the Shrew for school. As he starts to read, the characters from Moonlighting enact the play.

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Ojik1lpylem3hxw98ird3hqmuwi 3x8 – Willkommen in der Wirklichkeit

It's Christmas and Blue Moon has to work. The staff are not happy. Maddie is also under pressure and says she regrets keeping the agency open. Her guardian angel approaches her and shows her how life would have been if she had done this.

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Idmvfjjdh9w2philuxmdxb6s7pd 3x9 – Live aus dem Atelier

Other shows have done it when you flash back and discuss the show. Now "Moonlighting" after too long with no new episode Rona Barrett, an 80's reporter goes in to get "The Straight Poop" apparently Maddie and David have been fighting and not speaking to one another. As she talks with Maddie, David, Miss Dipesto, and Mr. Viola they flash back to previous episodes to show examples of their statements and in the end they kiss and make up.

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Vqb6kozhrooenoo7sarayxyakbl 3x10 – Karrierenknicke

Agnes has been at Blue Moon for five years and is upset Herbert is already working on a case after only three months. To prove herself and without telling them, Agnes takes on a case that Maddie and David refuse to do.

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6fm1zr1fs62eire49w5ormcz60m 3x11 – Gefahr von Blond

When Maddie walks in on an office poker game run by David and does nothing about it, he realises that something is wrong. Maddie is feeling a bit low and wants to go out and pick up a man for a one night stand. David decides to follow her.

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L0duey4peqadnrwhgddet5gafvk 3x12 – Rivalen bei Kerzenschein

David attempts to be civil towards Maddie and Sam, but ends up becoming a drunken embarrassment.

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Gtyszmnld5ihvmwgu2fjyfahpqr 3x13 – Bis dass ein Mord sie scheidet

Maddie is still torn between Sam and David, and David is still jealous of the situation. They continue to investigate whether a woman's lover is betraying her by continuing to be with his wife, when his wife suddenly commits suicide.

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29xe7w9onqfhae7p96fxccicxjk 3x14 – Ring frei

The battle between Sam and David continues and became serious when Sam proposed to Maddie. She is non-committal with her answer but it forces David to think about how he feels about Maddie. Sam and David end up having a fight.

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Klkpzhewsyymlahqllfwvdzuyso 3x15 – Der Geist ist willig

It's the morning after they slept together but Maddie and David are in different moods. She wants to forget that it ever happened. A wealthy heiress hires Blue Moon to prove that her boyfriend loves her and isn't after her money.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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