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Xs5vk8louamlffsun0lcprhbkr0 2x1 – Folge 1

Sue believes she needs to reconnect with an ex; Camomile struggles with a paranormal reality show.

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Y9b2wxxb5e8vnjxwpxvtg8xfya9 2x2 – Folge 2

Pac helps a restaurant haunted by the ghost of a previous chef; Pac has a romantic date with Sue.

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Ippbvwdf66tgujogvmdfxoatzax 2x3 – Folge 3

Pac begins work for Camomile as her head of security; Sue befriends a mischievous ghost.

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Pesxryqvuuwrnhzbnvkvfjyvork 2x4 – Folge 4

A 1920s Broadway dancer can't move on until he's shared a last dance with his former dance partner.

Gesehen von 3 Usern

Clhhe25vwzqklzuiegvxulsajji 2x5 – Folge 5

Pac encounters a group of starry-eyed cultists; Sue discovers that Pac is working for Camomile.

Gesehen von 3 Usern

4fxvloz0dx9ajyqlg7pbw6y3oqt 2x6 – Folge 6

Pac helps the ghost of a janitor; Millie steals Sue away to introduce her to possession.

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Eghknybehlinrhmiwli4k1rdwqv 2x7 – Folge 7

Pac's father's apartment is haunted by the ghost of a Japanese man; Pac's TV show is canceled.

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2shcqbhnenxxorwcbxni6m7qfrt 2x8 – Folge 8

Pac helps a ghost rescue his girlfriend from their Y2K bunker, now trapped underneath a sperm bank.

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4vzyfwfhu673szstqw564f2efoe 2x9 – Folge 9

Pac and Sue's vacation at the Waldorf Astoria is interrupted by the ghost of President Lincoln.

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Hgypfo5pngf8klmec4tm5nv4gnz 2x10 – Folge 10

Pac and Sue are frustrated that they can't consummate their relationship physically.

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Fh0ecun40pgp4ulononnpexvf0g 2x11 – Folge 11

Pac encounters the ghost of a surly 1980s cop who's obsessed with closing his last case.

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Ltiwr6j9jpx7rgk1dccqtvxunit 2x12 – Folge 12

Pac meets the ghost of a mall Santa who steals and won't return the bag of weed with Sue's finger.

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Itrsenhiaduca03xickhfrhdgbr 2x13 – Folge 13

Pac prepares a surprise party for Roofie's return from prison; Camomile discovers video of herself.

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Kevin Pacalioglu, genannt Pac, besitzt das übernatürliche Talent, als Medium Kontakt zu toten Menschen aufnehmen zu können. Der ansonsten ziemlich glücklose Kiffer versucht mit dieser Gabe ordentlich Geld zu scheffeln. Zusammen mit seinem besten Freund Roofie hilft er fortan einer nicht enden wollenden Reihe störrischer Geister aus New York ihre offenen Rechnungen in der Welt der Lebenden zu begleichen. Pac hat allerdings nicht mit dem Widerstand seiner größten Rivalin – dem prominenten und äußerst attraktiven Medium Camomile White – gerechnet …

  • F27sgotfkry8kklqdicrzy4pc83
  • Vomp06w4hrgxwl8x2owftkptl0f
  • Higrg9sc3jaszfshz26bxmw1qqv
  • Tka6btlrtg2lno91hwlgulkemld
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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