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Ilslm3xs5ssltaujxepitvvowt8 7x1 – Wrong Turn: Part 1

Dog's target today seems to have a taste for drugs and a record of reckless driving. The hunt has deep emotional resonance for the team because today is the anniversary of the fatal car accident of Dog's daughter Barbara Katie. As the hunt goes deep into the night the team is confronted with a speeding SUV driven by the fugitive, and Dog worries that a similar fate awaits this fugitive.

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9b1midvc2wxsdvzdl8k6ko8zeow 7x2 – Wrong Turn: Part 2

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Wgsn3yhapn4nadqvnxgiyvuibcd 7x3 – Armed and Dangerous: Part 1

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Lt1nj2ehtpenc4kfsz2fewkz5th 7x4 – Armed and Dangerous: Part 2

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Tqbuhmcdriddushcewaunyf1n6c 7x5 – Easy Rider: Part 1

What looks like a routine pick-up turns into a complicated case of betrayal, deceit, as well as quality nail care as Dog and company track down an fugitive alleged to be an abusive boyfriend with one too many friends in his close knit community.

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Doivc3arlqnkpflhtxedwfvlc0b 7x6 – Easy Rider: Part 2

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Gjgmuilxlvcxupzhsxigpxq1l7c 7x7 – The Hunt for Santa: Part 1

Dog and Beth want to take time from their bounty hunting to thank their fans by inviting them into their home to celebrate the holiday season. As they prepare for their family gathering, Dog and Beth and the posse share their personal reflections on how each member of the Chapman family has grown and matured over the years as well as some of their greatest bounty hunting moments.

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Akoowptiu0fv6ptsowbrworzbio 7x8 – The Hunt for Santa: Part 2

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7x10 – Kid Stuff

Dog is back in Colorado chasing a young man with a taste for trouble. He's fled to Texas but with his family's house on the line Dog is willing to try a risky strategy. He enlists the family in an elaborate hoax to lure the runner home. With Dog tutoring them in the art of deceit the scam begins. Will his new pupils prove fast learners or will their divided loyalties undo the plan?

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2umwycthrv4tqyfqfcrqfc5hu6c 7x11 – Easy Does It

There is a running joke in the posse that every time Bobby Brown asks them for help with a fugitive he always promises them that it's "an easy one," but the hunts end up being epic searches. So it's with a huge grain of salt that they listen to his guarantee that today's hunt will "really be an easy one." Will today finally be the day?

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9ycwr6xj81itvbp9hqkojc41uhu 7x12 – Ghost Rider

Dog believes in safety first, and today's hunt puts this philosophy to the test. The fugitive's problem with anger management increases the dangers of their already risky line of work. Dog warns the crew to be ready for anything as they head out. But an unexpected turn of events proves that even Dog and crew can be surprised.

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H99jhwfsqonfd51qoyefdovfzii 7x13 – Back in the Hood

Dog doesn't know it yet, but today's bounty is about to take him on a trip down memory lane and test his investigative chops. With each lead propelling him closer and closer to his childhood haunts, Dog uses old-fashioned detective skills to track his prey. Even examining a suspect's rubbish in a masterful example of "garbology" to uncover a hot lead.

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7pgtsvgaia8puty8rqpqgiprblw 7x14 – One for the Road

Dog is a big-hearted guy and today he's proving it. He's helping Mary Ellen, his friend and fellow bondman, on a dangerous night hunt for a fugitive she is now regretting bailing out. He's also giving his nephew Justin a second chance to rejoin the team. And if that isn't enough, he's making a special visit to lift the spirits of a young boy facing numerous medical challenges.

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Nt7xs8bteahd2ricqakyvmfabdg 7x15 – Bait and Switch, Part 2

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Jq4kzrh6truonyvuwzomqa3eg1e 7x16 – Bait and Switch, Part 1

Things are seldom what they seem in the world of bounty hunting and it is though this maze of illusions that Dog pursues his prey. When the fugitive's girlfriend offers to help Dog trap this dangerous felon Dog knows that someone is being deceived, the only question is whom?

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5kc78js3txazsz4qzlsuo71hwhl 7x17 – True Identity

Dog knows that looks can be deceiving and today's hunt makes this point crystal clear. The fugitive is pretty, petite, and trouble. She stands accused of settling an argument with the help of a box cutter. What Dog does not anticipate is how deceptive this femme fatale can truly be!

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7x18 – Secrets and Lies

What do you do when you have a fugitive you not only want to find, but believe can be helped back onto the straight and narrow? If you're Mary Ellen you call you good friend Dog. He not only has the ruthless tenacity to hunt down the most elusive of prey, but also the generousness of heart to offer hope to the most desperate.

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Ha26p3j3lxamuyy6khmkvmwua5g 7x19 – Match Point

The day starts with Duane Lee and Leland facing off in the kind of court rarely associated with the Chapmans a tennis court. At stake, as always, are bragging rights for which son can claim the title of Chapman Champ. But before a winner is declared duty calls and they are off on a hunt with Dog. The team chases a fugitive who has disappeared into a world of 'no known' addresses.

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Syjs7mt5wd9yc3memfdk6vbp8du 7x20 – Menehune Mischief

When Beth returns to the compound on the Big Island she finds a damaged SUV and two possible culprits - Dog or Justin. Pressed by Beth, Dog offers a third option. The perpetrators are Hawaii's mythical mischief makers - the Menehune! As the team pursues their fugitive over volcanic mountain ranges and into the unmapped wilds of Puna, Dog regales the team with the lore of these magical beings.

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Kr6ipw9tmyjqjpov5lsrwvp2w2t 7x21 – Mister Mom

It's been quite a while since Tim Chapman put down his mace can and bulletproof vest to care for his growing family. When his old friend Dog calls asking for help tracking an elusive felon Tim jumps into action. Can he shake off the cobwebs and man-up for a bust or has he spent too many days being mister mom?

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7shhriqedsck6lryhltpi4isqal 7x22 – Bait & Snitch

When the local cops put out an APB for a client with a checkered past, Dog springs into action. With the aid of the runner's girlfriend the posse heads out to bring him in. Little does the team suspect that before the end of the day Dog will be helping to mend a family torn apart by violence.

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7eszzwss8fvsyytu1pxzic0kywj 7x23 – Scared Straight

Back in Colorado Dog tracks a fugitive who is on the run from the law for the first time. Reading the file Dog knows the young man's life is at the crossroads. He can either get back on the straight and narrow or careen down the road to wreck and ruin. Will Dog's posse be able to track down this wanna-be-gansta in time to convince him to make the right choice?

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4e7f5myzcack2j04qmkluaasref 7x24 – All My Children, Part 1

For a guy who started life as a free spirited outlaw-biker Dog has certainly turned into a family man. His children touch everything he does today, from searching for the perfect gift for his daughter Cecily's birthday to hunting a fugitive with a surprisingly intimate connection with his estranged son Tucker. Dog ends the day surrounded by family and friends celebrating Cecily's 16th birthday.

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7shhriqedsck6lryhltpi4isqal 7x25 – All My Children, Part 2

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G1ddnkyynrtgr6weg5frorwfpqk 7x26 – Welcome to the Jungle, Part 1

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Cdnmyahn55jszuwdevbuha1ex4g 7x27 – Welcome to the Jungle, Part 2

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Dvnhiu7geczhve9gql6fr2ewlva 7x28 – Bounty Baby, Part 1

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9hk5hybjgcum27r1mrcilmkl99j 7x29 – Bounty Baby, Part 2

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9hk5hybjgcum27r1mrcilmkl99j 7x30 – Rain Check, Part 1

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Um9hxcl1ytut1m0hndqprn89nd5 7x31 – Rain Check, Part 2

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Um9hxcl1ytut1m0hndqprn89nd5 7x32 – Love on the Run

Today Dog finds himself looking for more than one fugitive. He starts the day looking for a woman who has skipped out on her court date. But he soon learns that since she disappeared she has teamed up with a woman whose criminal exploits have attracted the attention of local media. Word on the street is that they are on the run together.

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N7is8jnwqv01qibthmpxwn3doz8 7x33 – Jump Start

A big heart can be a problem for a bail bondsman and today's hunt is a case in point. Dog gave a break to a young man with a drug problem who promised to enter drug rehab. But this commitment to rehabilitation seems to have ended when he bolted from the car on the way to the drug treatment center and went on the run. Now Dog has to track him down. Can he also set him right?

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N7is8jnwqv01qibthmpxwn3doz8 7x34 – The Ice Man

Dog's latest fugitive, doesn't think small when it comes to illegal drugs: he was carrying almost a pound of methamphetamine when he was arrested. Now he's on the run with his pregnant girlfriend on the high plains of Colorado.

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7x36 – Trouble in Paradise

Dog is back in Hawaii and tracking a dangerous fugitive through the jungles of the Big Island. Their prey is being protected by a ring of family and friends that Dog must forcefully confront to bring in his man. Finally a hot tip sends Dog and team to a volcanic moonscape and a midnight raid.

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7x38 – Girl Power

When Dog decides to spend the day caring for his newest granddaughter, Beth enlists the girls to hunt down a female fugitive. Heading into a dangerous part of town the ladies will use their feminine wiles to track this mother gone wrong.

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7x39 – Prodigal Son

Fugitive beware: Dog's rolling with extra power today. His old friends Tim Chapman and Sonny Westbrook are riding with the team, so their target, a thief with violent tendencies, is out of luck. When Dog learns that the fugitive is also a disrespectful son, he is more motivated to find his man. But once he finds him will Dog be able to work his magic and help heal this fractured family?

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7x40 – Family Ties

Dog doesn't have the whole team today and he's got to catch a fugitive with a record of criminal assault. But when Dog finds the fugitive's former girlfriend, she thinks he isn't dangerous at all. As the team closes in on their target Dog begins to doubt her story. Will Dog find himself facing a violent offender or just a young man more in need of tough love than serious jail time?

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7x41 – Special Delivery

For months, this fugitive has been stringing Leland along with a series of barely believable excuses. Out of patience, Leland calls in the Big Dog. The team whole team heads out to put pressure on the family and friends of this imposing 300-pound felon. Then, a late-night call kicks Dog and crew into high gear. Is the lead legit?

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7x42 – Surface Scratches

Dog's latest quarry is running from abuse and assault charges. As Dog investigates, he discovers that this fugitive has gamed the system by jumping from one bond, and one bondsman, to another. With an assist from the bail bonds community, Dog plots to capture his prey in an arrest by appointment.

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7x43 – The Great Debate

When the co-signer of a bond is also romantically involved with the defendant, sometimes the bondman is put in the middle of a lover's quarrel. But sometimes the defendant is a threat to the community and the cosigner asks the bondsman for protection.

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7x44 – Facebooked

Dog is in Denver helping Bobby Brown to track down a fugitive with a long rap sheet. But unfortunately they have no picture of the felon to work with, so the challenges are big on this one.

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7x45 – Mano-a-Mano

Back in Colorado, Dog`s on the hunt for a runner with more than a decade's worth of trouble with the law. But the fugitive's friends and family are reluctant to help Dog bring him in. Closing in on the one location they have, Dog knows he may have a family feud on his hands as he tries to bring this felon to justice.

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7x52 – Tent City

Today's hunt takes Dog far from the glittering hotels of Waikiki to the parts of Hawaii tourist rarely see, Oahu's ramshackle tent cities. The team searches for a woman who has lost almost everything, her home, her family and her spirit. With no known address and only tips from questionable sources, Dog heads out to bring her to justice and try to bring hope back to her life.

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7x54 – Dead of Night

The bounty-hunter adventures of Duane "Dog" Chapman and his Posse are chronicled in this one hour "Best Of" special, featuring superlative memorable moments from the previous seven seasons.

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7x56 – The Montrose Files: The Million Dollar Man, Part 1

A small town bondsmen is in over his head, his business on the line, when he makes a desperate plea for help. Dog agrees and launches a high stake hunt through the desolate and dangerous mountain landscape of western Wyoming in pursuit of a gun-loving survivalist with a million dollar bond on his head. Will Dog's plan of using brains over brawn work?

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7x58 – The Montrose Files: The Million Dollar Man, Part 2

Once in Montrose, Dog discovers that the million dollar fugitive is not the young bondsman's only problem. His kind heart and inexperience have led him to bail out a bevy of bail jumpers. Dog and Beth make it their mission to both clean up the mess and teach him the fundamentals of bondsmanship.

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7x60 – The Montrose Files, Part 3: Round the Clock

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7x62 – The Montrose Files, Part 4: And Then There Were None

Can Dog complete his mission to clean-up this frontier town? With four outlaws still on the lam, Dog sets out to bring `em in. As day turns into night and with the darkness and the danger mounting, an undaunted Dog and team plan late night hits on the riskiest of locations--their targets' homes.

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7x64 – Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

With a long record of violence and abuse and weighing in at over 200lbs, Dog's target for the day does not sound like a gentle giant. When the trail grows cold Dog turns up the heat on the fugitive's brother and sister. Will Dog's relentless ruthlessness force the siblings to turn on their bad news brother?

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7x66 – Cap and Gown

Other than bringing criminals to justice, one of Dog's loves is teaching the next generation of bounty hunters the tricks of the trade. Today he has a new student. Friend of the family, Kili, is joining the team to help track down a runner on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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