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6cc2pamxzafr0yqshmf1gxgikyo 8x1 – And Baby Makes Three

Leland has to attend a Lamaze class before he can join the hunt--another Chapman is on the way! But when Dog starts to go after this accused jewelry thief without his fastest son, he learns that this fugitive puts the "R" in runner. Dog now knows that only Leland's fleet feet can catch this criminal. And when the fugitive is finally cornered, Leland is in for the fight of his life!

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I3mannpbwnq3rfqoacrc841cicx 8x2 – And Baby Makes Three: Part 2

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Ipjv2ademfieaqdrdfpp7stv5ug 8x3 – The Tender Trap

Dog is up in the high plains of Colorado helping a fellow bondman bring his most elusive fugitives to justice. When Dog discovers today's prey is a notorious ladies man, he knows just how to lure him in. The trap includes a suggestive phone call, a motel rendezvous, and a crew of bounty hunters waiting in the next room ready to break up the party!

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Qfcy7brsp2a6qtyojqu0vu5imev 8x4 – The Tender Trap: Part 2

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Fwzf3fcw1btgdla3fjrgsrowpw7 8x5 – Greed Is Good

Today's fugitive is accused of assaulting a police officer, so Dog and the team are not taking any chances. While on the Big Island and Dog convinces the felon's friends and family to join forces and then learns he has fled to another island. So Dog has to play on his target's greed and deploy some modern technology to set a trap for this runner.

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Qenk17vxq1gbsounbzgox582iqg 8x6 – Greed Is Good: Part 2

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Rfzoxnsw9j0dox3qs1sxgqszy5t 8x7 – Tears for Fears

There are few louder wake-up calls than coming-to in a jail cell with no idea how you got there. Add the media splashing the news of your arrest on every TV channel, and if your name is Lyssa Chapman you know you are in for a rough day. Surprisingly, when this happens to Baby Lyssa, she steps-up and befriends a woman who is waging a very personal battle against drug addiction.

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Jbemxprgxymqliuqwlizqcxw6zs 8x8 – Tears for Fears: Part 2

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9xoyd0ivyyrjyahc4fbzrcnbow9 8x9 – Picture This

A fugitive with a long criminal record has fled to Hawaii, and the bondsman on the mainland has asked Dog and the Posse for help. Dog doesn't have much information to work with, but he can use the felon's desire to impress his friends to track him down.

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Appr3qo7spezfxyq4assubsbs44 8x10 – Tag, You're It

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but that's not the case with "Dog" Chapman. To his traditional bounty hunting tools of confidential informants, canvassing, and silver-tongued subterfuge the world's greatest bounty hunter has added Facebook! A word to the wise for those on the run-post at your own peril, the Dog is watching!

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8x11 – A Family Affair

Dog likes to say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," and this is a hunt where that is true. So will Dog be able to use one family member's troubled ways to catch another one in trouble with the law?

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Zeoafqfj0fze0oxarwwivdqgmwi 8x12 – A Family Affair: Part 2

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Puj0p8owjka6t4u4firgw7gaxy8 8x13 – Training Day

It takes years to become a seasoned bondsman, and the tenderfoot Alysin has a lot to learn. She not only bailed out a man facing charges of theft on just his promise to pay the fee but also without a co-signer for his bond. And sparks fly between Beth and Duane Lee when he questions Beth's decision to go on the hunt with Dog leading the charge!

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Z9lkme7iy11xq3nsjksmb5fx9wa 8x14 – Cutting the Apron Strings

Two different young men; one has a taste for larceny, the other for strong sprits, both have a bad bad habit of missing their court dates. Looking over their files Dog senses that they have another trait in common, both are a little too tied to their mothers. Dog makes it part of his mission to offer some fatherly advice to these wanted men.

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Tshvpdvalyqjveelrquu2xfi20j 8x15 – Short Handed

Dog is in Colorado helping a fellow bondsmen clean up his files. The target today has a history of violence, and apparently plans to re-locate without notifying the proper authorities. Unfortunately the team is missing a key player, Duane Lee is MIA today distracted by his new lady love.

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7l0bs91hdih788ecjojwnwapwpg 8x16 – Photo Op

Dog and Duane Lee can't agree about what role Duane Lee should have in the family business, and the simmering tensions come to a head when Duane Lee is accused of denting Dog's SUV. But the family comes together as they set out to hunt a chronic violator with an open warrant and a wife who has an odd request for Dog.

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8x17 – A House Divided

Dog has dropped Duane Lee from the team, and Leland is feeling caught in the middle. When Leland confronts Dog and Beth about the decision tempers flare. But they have to come together to answer a cry for help from a mother who feels that the safest place for her daughter is jail.

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4swr87yrxfg0gptz01nlzxwuvww 8x18 – All Grown Up

Cecily has graduated from High School and Dog believes the time is right to show her what the family business is all about. The rough and tumble world of bounty hunting is very different than the all girls private school she attended and Cecily is reluctant to hit the mean streets with Dog. But by days end a Chapman is a Chapman.

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Vj8omhbjgzlezxmkoblf7gk2k9l 8x19 – Fight Like a Girl

This one is close to home. Dog's target on today's hunt is the cousin of Kali, Garry Boy's caregiver. In addition she has a reputation as a brawler. With Duane Lee still missing from the team Baby Lyssa decides she will step-up in this hunt.

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Rminzrtx5huyqplihsnsldkzweb 8x20 – A Higher Power

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Furealyqdyfk4vkdoabmjjnjoco 8x21 – Ties That Bind

With Duane Lee back on the team, the rift in the Chapman clan appears over. But will time heal this wound or make it worse? As the family heads out for the seedier side of Honolulu in search of an erotic dancer, we will find out if the wound is truly healed.

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8pqrrqvrtdwmwlg0e2pkrwvs0v7 8x22 – Who's the Boss

When can a bounty hunt also be a date? When Dog and Beth decide to ride in the same SUV as they pursue a run away fugitive, will their different approaches to the investigation lead to a capture and romance?

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Vq1h1mwg5g9lnymhbydqyvn2zja 8x23 – Bus Stop Bruiser

Curiously, it is the domestic cases that bring out the puppy-love side of Dog's devotion to Beth. Today case is a prime example as Dog insists on joining his leading lady in her car as they pursue their fugitive. How long will the honeymoon last?

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8x24 – Luck Be a Lady

Dog and company head to the Big Island in pursuit of two courthouse no-shows only to find that one of them appears to be posting status updates from Southern California.

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8x25 – Luck Be a Lady: Part 2

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8x26 – Behind the Scenes (I)

Today the cameras are turned around, as we get a tour of life "behind the scenes" on Dog the Bounty Hunter. Using interviews with Dog and the posse, the TV crew, and never before seen footage.

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8x27 – Behind the Scenes: Part 2

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8x28 – God Looks on the Heart

This fugitive's sketchy associates and footloose ways spell trouble for Dog in today's hunt. When the leads grow cold it's the US Postal Service to the rescue as a mail carrier lends a helping hand.

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8x29 – Big Brother

/Today's case involves a Samoan so Dog knows that the runner's close-knit kinfolk hold the keys to bringing him in. Dog's plan is to convince family that everyone is best served if the fugitive mans-up and takes care of business.

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8x30 – Mid-Course Correction

Dog's target for today was once an upstanding member of his community. Now with no home, no job and the law on his trail, this middle-aged exile from middle-class society is using the cold end of an ice pipe to soothe his troubled soul.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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