0/13 Gesehen
2x1 – Franklin's Visitor / Franklin Not-So-Broken Bone
#20101 In ""Franklin's Visitor"", Mr. Mole's grandson visits and Franklin have to keep him company. Mole doesn't seem to be interested in anything Franklin wants to do so Franklin has to find a way to compromise. ""20102 In ""Franklin Not-So-Broken Bone"", Franklin noticed the attention Skunk was getting with a cast on her arm. He finds a way to put a cast on too but learns there are down sides too. Gesehen von 1 User |
2x2 – Franklin's Gift / Franklin Growing Up Fast
#20201 In ""Franklin's Gift"", Franklin made a beautiful present for his mom for Mother's Day. He was so proud of it. But when he heard what his friends have gotten their mothers, he wasn't so sure about his home made gift after all. #20202 In ""Franklin Growing Up Fast"", Franklin watches an old home movie of his dad. Franklin couldn't believe his dad was once his size. He sets to do grownup things knowing he'll be a grownup some day but yet he still wants to be a kid too. Gesehen von 1 User |
![]() Using a hidden tape recorder, secret agents Franklin and Bear, eavesdrop on the conversations of their family and friends;Agreeing to accept the responsibilities of a borrower, Franklin is issued a library card Gesehen von 1 User |
2x4 – Franklin's Kite / Franklin and the Babysitter
#20401 In ""Franklin's Kite"", Franklin's kite broke and he threw it away. Fox asked if he could have it and fixes it. When Franklin saw what he did to it, he wished he never threw it away. #20402 In ""Franklin and the Babysitter"", Granny was not able to babysit Franklin when his parents have to go out for the night. So Mrs. Muskrat was called in. Franklin was not pleased for he was looking forward to spending time with his Granny. Gesehen von 1 User |
2x5 – Franklin and the Broken Globe / Franklin's Valentines
#20501 In ""Franklin and the Broken Globe"", Franklin accidently breaks the classroom globe but Goose thought she had broken it. Franklin starts to feeling guilty when Goose feels she's nothing but bad luck. #20502 In ""Franklin's Valentines"", Franklin made beautiful valentine cards for this schoolmates. During class time, Franklin could not find his cards anywhere. He found them on his way home, they were strewn all over and rain soaked. Since his schoolmates were so understanding, he found a new way to celebrate Valentine's Day. Gesehen von 1 User |
2x6 – Franklin's Family Treasure / Franklin's Music Lessons
#20601 In ""Franklin's Family Treasure"", Mr. Turtle gives Franklin a whistle. Without realizing it's value, Franklin traded it away until his Granny told him where the whistle originates from. Franklin and his Granny desperately tracks down who has the whistle. #20602 In ""Franklin's Music Lessons"", Franklin and his class were entertained by Mrs. Panda and her piano. This inspired Franklin and Beaver to take up piano lessons from Franklin's Granny. He didn't realize how practice can really be perfect until he noticed how well Beaver was playing the piano while he was out goofing off. Gesehen von 1 User |
![]() Franklin learns to appreciate the simple pleasures of a pioneer village; Franklin is teased for wearing a bicycle helmet with a flashing red light on top. Gesehen von 1 User |
![]() Franklin must make alternate plans for his birthday after inviting too many friends to an expensive amusement park; when Franklin and his friends start calling each other by nicknames, Bear is embarrassed by the nickname given him. Gesehen von 1 User |
2x9 – Franklin and Otter's Visit / Franklin's Collection
#20901 In ""Franklin and Otter's Visit"", Otter has returned for a visit to Woodland and Franklin was excited. But soon he realizes how things have changed since Otter have moved away, including their once great friendship. #20902 In ""Franklin's Collection"", Franklin did not know what to bring to school for show and tell. Everyone had a collection of some sort except for Franklin. Franklin sets out to find a collection but didn't think it was anything spectular until Mr. Owl pointed out what a great collection Franklin has. Gesehen von 1 User |
![]() Franklin finds it difficult to apologize to Bear after accidentally revealing a secret; Franklin worries about fire safety after a fire wrecks a village store. Gesehen von 1 User |
![]() Franklin wants a caterpillar out of his garden after it eats his plants; Franklin and Snail decide to run away after having a bad day, but have trouble figuring out how to go about it. Gesehen von 1 User |
![]() The weather is gloomy and so is Franklin, when there is no one to play with and nothing to do;Franklin is self-conscious that he has not learned how to tell time the way all of his friends can Gesehen von 1 User |
2x13 – Franklin's Test / Franklin and the Duckling
#21301 In ""Franklin's Test"", Franklin so deperately wants to win a pen during a spelling test that he cheated. When Bear didn't get a pen because he didn't pass the test, Franklin felt guilty for not earning the pen fairly. #21302 In ""Franklin and the Duckling"", Franklin finds a duckling at the pond and tries to hide it from his parents. He soon realizes there's more to it than meets the eye with how much care a duckling needs. Gesehen von 1 User |
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