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4x1 – Franklin's Good Deeds / Franklin's Submarine
#40101 ""Franklin's Good Deeds"" Mr. Groundhog has hurt his foot, so Franklin and his friends are helping him with chores around his garden. Mr. Groundhog says that they should take a break, but Franklin wants to pick just one last pumpkin. As he goes to pick the pumpkin, a reporter for the newspaper, Mr. Coyote comes along. He does a story on how the kids are helping Mr. Groundhog. He takes their picture, but Franklin doesn't get back in time for it. The story is published in the paper, with the picture. However, Franklin's not in the picture and although he's mentioned in the article, they accidentally print his name as ""Frank."" Nobody's going to know that's him. So Franklin tries doing a series of good deeds so he can get in the paper. But nothing works, the newspaper reporter always leaves him out. Then, while walking in the woods, Franklin finds a wallet that somebody lost. He checks and it belongs to Mr. Beaver. He races to return it and ends up bumping into Mr. Groundhog. Frankl Gesehen von 1 User |
4x2 – Mr. Fix-It Franklin / Franklin Has the Hiccups
#40201 ""Mr. Fix-It Franklin"" Franklin is good at doing things such as repairing things with tape. However, he wants to fix something complicated. He tries to help Mr. Turtle with fixing the washing machine, but Mr. Turtle says there isn't enough room for the two of them. In his room, seeing that his clock is broken, Franklin decides that it can be his repair project and he takes it apart. But he has no idea how to put it together and blames Goldie for not stopping him. His parents come in and help him out. Then, Mr. Turtle shows him how to use basic tools, such as a wrench and hammer. However, when Franklin wants to do a really big repair job, Mr. Turtle says that he doesn't have enough experience. Using his hands, he shows Franklin how much experience he has and how much he would need to do the big job. It's a large difference. Not daunted, Franklin goes outside to find his friends. He finds Bear, who has a wobbly wheel on his bike. Using the tools Mr. Turtle gave him, he fixes the Gesehen von 1 User |
4x3 – Franklin Delivers / Franklin's Shell Trouble
#40301 ""Franklin Delivers"" Franklin and Bear are having a great time playing in fallen fall leaves. They pretend that Bear is a ship captain, Franklin is first mate and that a pile of leaves is the ""Red Sea."" Then, Jack Rabbit, an older kid, comes along. He comments that he used to play in the leaves, when he was younger. Franklin and Bear say that they weren't playing in them, they just fell in them, by accident. Jack Rabbit, who tells them to call him ""Jack,"" talks with them for a while. Franklin tells him that he's been doing the exercises he's shown him and gotten stronger. Eventually, Jack tells them that he has to leave to go do his paper route. They ask if they can come along and help and Jack agrees. So they tag along as he does his paper route. As they go along, we see that they've taken to wearing their caps backwards, like Jack does. They finish and when Franklin gets back home, he asks his parents if he can have his own paper route. His parents don't think he's ready for Gesehen von 1 User |
4x4 – Franklin's Sailboat / Franklin Snoops
#40401 ""Franklin's Sailboat"" As Franklin and his Dad are at a store searching for things to fix up their old shed, Franklin spots a sleek looking new sailboat. Franklin wants it, but Mr. Turtle doesn't think he should buy it. He already has his old boat, the S.S. Snapper at home. But Franklin doesn't think much of the S.S. Snapper. It's a really old boat. Mr. Turtle thinks that he should give it a chance. With a little fixing up, it could be a great boat again. He promises to help Franklin with this. Back at home, Mr. Turtle starts work on the shed. Franklin's worried because there's a boat race on Saturday and at the rate Mr. Turtle is going, there's no way the S.S. Snapper will be ready by then. A practice is held for the race and Franklin doesn't have anything to race. Convinced that the S.S. Snapper isn't going to be ready, Franklin springs for the expensive new boat at the store. But when he tests it out, it's a dud. Instead of racing like it's supposed to, it goes crooked, then Gesehen von 1 User |
![]() Franklin has a string of misadventures at the train station while waiting for his Mom to return from a weekend trip;Franklin and Bear's winning streak comes to an end when an inexperienced player joins their hockey team Gesehen von 1 User |
4x6 – Franklin and the Puppet Play / Franklin's Stopwatch
#40601 ""Franklin and the Puppet Play"" Franklin and Beaver at the library when Rabbit's brother Bunny comes along. They ask him if he wants to hear a story and Bunny does. So they use puppets to perform ""Little Miss Muffet."" Mrs. Goose, who was watching their improptu performance, asks them if they'd like to put on a performance in the Reading Nook. They agree and Mrs. Goose schedules them for Saturday. As they walk home, Beaver says that she wants to make it the best play ever. Franklin suggests having Bear and Goose help out. Beaver agrees as they're going to need all the help they can get. Preparations begin for the play and Beaver immediately tries to show who's in charge by taking command of the meeting. But nobody will let her complete a sentence and they keep shouting out their own ideas. They decide to do the play ""Little Red Riding Hood."" As preparations continue, Beaver becomes even more and more bossy. She gets annoyed when the puppets that Goose bring are in disrepair and Gesehen von 1 User |
4x7 – Franklin Meets Ermine / Franklin's Funny Buisness
#40701 ""Franklin Meets Ermine"" When Franklin and his friends race paper boats, Franklin's boat gets stuck in a tree branch in the stream. Everyone goes on ahead, while Franklin tries to rescue his boat. But then a kid Franklin's never seen before, wearing glasses, accidentally tumbles onto Franklin's boat while trying to rescue it. Upset at what he's done, he runs off. Franklin's annoyed, thinking he wrecked his boat on purpose. He goes back to his friends and explains what happened. They all wonder why they never saw him. Later on, Franklin and his friends are flying kites. Suddenly the wind dies down and everyone starts running to keep their kites in the air. Franklin tells them that they're just impatient, if they wait, the wind will come back again. But they run off, leaving Franklin alone. Suddenly a new kite appears in the sky. It's the one of the kid from earlier. But then, his kite accidentally bumps into Franklin's kite, knocking it into a tree. Upset once again at what he's Gesehen von 1 User |
4x8 – Franklin and Sam / Franklin's Berry Patch
#40801 ""Franklin and Sam"" Franklin is over at Bear's house, playing a game with Bear, Fox and Rabbit. Things are going pretty well until Bear's sister Beatrice (""Bea Bear"") comes into the room looking for her teddy. It disturbs the game, but nobody really minds too much and they all help to look for Beatrice's teddy bear. Rabbit finds it, under a couch cushion. Mr. Bear thanks Rabbit for doing that. Bear explains that Beatrice can't get to sleep without her teddy bear. Fox shakes his head and comments ""Babies and their stuffed toys."" Franklin looks nervous. That night, Franklin sets his stuffed dog, Sam, next to his goldfish, Goldie. He says that Goldie can keep him company, but he can't sleep with him anymore, as stuffed toys are for babies. He tries to get to sleep, but he just tosses and turns and is bothered by the ticking of his clock. Finally, he takes Sam down from next to Goldie. He says that he won't tell if Sam won't tell. He goes peacefully to sleep. The next day, Bear say Gesehen von 1 User |
4x9 – Franklin's Rival / Franklin and the Trading Cards
#40901 ""Franklin's Rival"" Franklin is over at his Granny's house for a visit. Granny says she has a surprise for him and Franklin thinks it's chocolate-chip cookies. Actually, it's Possum. She babysits him sometimes and today she invited him over to her house. Franklin recognizes Possum. She has pictures of him on her mantel. Granny explains that she used to babysit Possum's Mom. She wants Franklint to get to know Possum and has them come outside for a picnic. Franklin is looking to his favorite sandwich, but when he bites into his sandwich, it's not peanut butter and lettuce, it's watercress. That's Possum's favorite kind of sandwich. They go into town and everybody recognizes Possum. Granny's told them so much about him and how he sends her letters. Franklin asks if he can send Granny a letter. Then, later, Franklin wants to play checkers with Granny. But you can't play checkers with three people. So they play cribbage, which Possum is especially good at, instead. From there, the t Gesehen von 1 User |
4x10 – Franklin's Robot / Franklin the Detective
#41001 ""Franklin's Robot"" Franklin and Fox are playing in the sandbox. Fox has a toy robot and he pretends that it's a real robot and that he's using it to make a castle. The two both agree that it would be neat if they had a real robot. It could build huge sandcastles and clean their rooms and all sorts of things. So Fox says that maybe his Dad will let him use some of the old things he has to make a robot. They get to work and put one together. Beaver and Bagder come along. They see and ask it can do. Franklin and Fox have to admit, the only thing they can do is make its eye light up red. Beaver and Badger aren't impressed. Then, Fox says that the reason it can't really do anything is because it's not ready yet. If they come back later, they'll be able to see it clean rooms and do all sorts of neat things. After they leave, Franklin asks just how it's going to do that. Fox isn't sure, but he knows that Beaver and Badger are just going to laugh at them if it doesn't. So Fox comes up Gesehen von 1 User |
4x11 – Franklin the Fearless / Franklin's Lucky Charm
#41101 ""Franklin the Fearless"" Franklin and his friends are going down Acorn Hill in their wagons. It doesn't really seem to be much fun though. They've gotten too big for the small little hill to be much excitement. Then, they decide to try going to ""Thrill Hill."" This is an especially steep hill that some of the big kids in town go down. But after getting there, they take a look at how steep it is and decide that maybe it isn't such a good idea after all. They start to leave, but then Franklin's wagon slips, with Franklin in it and he barrels down the hill. Thinking that Franklin did this intentionally, they cheer him on as he rockets down the hill. Franklin reachs the bottom intact and his friends call him ""Franklin the Fearless."" Franklin decides to go along with it and endures their praise. Things take a turn for the worse when his friends tell some of his other friends about Franklin's feat. Now, they all want to see Franklin go down the hill. They're all going to gather tomorr Gesehen von 1 User |
4x12 – Franklin at the Seashore / Franklin & Snail's Dream
#41201 ""Franklin at the Seashore"" It's a fun day at the beach for Franklin and Bear. Looking for fun, they find some seashells. Franklin tells Bear that if he holds one up to his ear, he can hear the ocean. But Bear can't hear anything, as the real ocean is drowning it out. They decide to use the shells as part of a sandcastle they're making. They make a wonderful sandcastle and go off to do some other things. While they're gone, two crabs come along. They wreck the castle and take all the shells. When Franklin and Bear return, they're mad that their castle has been wrecked. They notice that whoever took their shells left footprints. They follow them and reclaim the shells where the crabs left them. As Franklin and Bear leave, the crabs are indignant. How dare Franklin and Bear take their shells. Franklin and Bear make a new castle and agree that it's even better than the first one. They go off again and once again the crabs come for the shells. This time, though, they cover up their Gesehen von 1 User |
4x13 – My Franklin / Franklin's Mom
#41301 ""My Franklin"" Franklin goes over to Bear's house. He wants Bear to come with him to the playground. Bear wants to go too. However, he can't right now because he has to babysit his little sister Beatrice until his father finishes cleaning the house. The worst thing is that Beatrice keeps crying and he can't find a toy that will make her happy. He's got toys strewn all around the room, but nothing is working. He finds one that he thinks might work. He throws it to her and then goes to do pushups. He's getting in shape because he wants to do a flip on the rings at the playground. This doesn't go anywhere because Beatrice starts crying again. This time, Bear pulls out a bunny puppet and entertains Beatrice with it. But then Bear hands it to her and tells her to keep playing with it, while he goes back to doing pushups. It's not long before she's crying again. Franklin suggests that maybe he could entertain Beatrice while Bear tries to get his pushups done. So Franklin plays peekab Gesehen von 1 User |
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