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Ffvr4cboikzsdx2fiqruopp5uf 2x1 – An der Angel

Mike and Molly are happy to be engaged but, where Molly's about planning the ceremony, Mike's all about the wedding night. This causes a rift that sends Mike and the guys off on a fishing trip.

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Pc9nclletgzk3jmymwlhdquqyyk 2x2 – Dennis hat Geburtstag

Mike's mom, Peggy, is in for a big surprise when she celebrates her boyfriend Dennis's birthday.

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Eatayw9liwzsqifbjvgombhyoue 2x3 – Ein Mann im Haus

When Mike moves in with Molly and her family, he has to adjust from life in his bachelor pad to a house full of women.

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Nwfkuqevrp7uduxximwpeb4f06y 2x4 – Der 57er Chevy

Molly wants to save money for their wedding, but Mike is lured into buying Vince's 1957 Chevy Bel Air.

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Hanacdxpksgjuqxusjyhplut3mu 2x5 – Victoria haut ab

Despite Mike's good intentions, he adds fuel to the fire when Molly and her family get in a fight.

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Zqilx0calzsxvbixsmxqucvrsnn 2x6 – Halloween – Nein danke!

Mike's spooked when Molly's boss invites them to a party on Halloween, a holiday he dreads.

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Ae0z2cqz2jcog6emedqzsxinra7 2x7 – Carls neue Flamme

Carl tries to get a date with an attractive woman he meets at the diner.

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Kndav6jauer9c6hdhfxk5dqpcka 2x8 – Peggy geht arbeiten

When Mike encourages his mom, Peggy, to get a job, he never imagines how it will interfere with Molly's life.

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Jzu693bk3auozihlsci24xlqrxe 2x9 – Mike wird schwach

Mike cheats on his diet and gets caught.

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8wqxqfrpe61o7xh6rrzvijcazr1 2x10 – Molly will es wissen

When Molly is swamped with wedding planning, she asks Mike to help, with mixed results.

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9nljn1fgxwonktogyf2fd53atm9 2x11 – Weihnachtsferien

When Molly gets disappointing news at work, she is thrown into a funk that threatens to ruin Christmas.

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A4wjblp6c4xekmsf2udmb2fctqu 2x12 – Für Carl wird’s ernst

Carl is confronted with his fear of commitment when he and Christina attempt to take their relationship to the next level.

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Gwplrc3y3o43nhgbmmih7ehb32y 2x13 – Victoria darf nicht fahren

When Victoria is arrested for various driving violations, Molly and Joyce ask Mike to help spring her from jail.

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Qfepkh757c7n0ilty5kpvo4lzin 2x14 – Joyce entscheidet sich

Joyce drives Vince crazy with jealousy when she agrees to have dinner with her ex-boyfriend.

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3kxpzaz32qzxllryemtffgtqybc 2x15 – Valentinstag zu viert

When Mike fails to make Valentine's Day dinner reservations, he persuades Carl to share the reservations that Carl made for Christina. On their way to the restaurant, Mike and Carl must talk a suicidal man down off a ledge.

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4szr3b5cotljiovhhp87qawmegc 2x16 – Überraschung

When Molly learns that Mike hasn't had a birthday party since he was 9 years old, she decides to throw him a surprise party. Meanwhile, Samuel dates a girl he met through an online dating service.

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5whf0wacly7offrknndklvppeaz 2x17 – Mike mag Lasagne

Mike is worried when Molly suggests that they write their own wedding vows, until Carl tells him to write vows like he's describing how much he loves lasagna.

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63aqsnqqipuufxavtleoiwmmhl4 2x18 – Peggy macht Urlaub

When Peggy goes out of town, she leaves her beloved dog, Jim, with Mike and Molly, telling them it will be good practice for having children.

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4lcu7y2tira9zkaqlgnqkdbmmll 2x19 – Molly lügt nicht

When Mike and Molly meet with the priest at Peggy's church, Molly's outspoken and forthright nature winds up costing them their wedding chapel.

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Dcqzomig4ellre4clpsyiorakii 2x20 – Das Brautkleid

With three weeks to go before the big day, Molly discovers that her wedding dress is too tight during her final fitting. Putting her dieting into overdrive, Molly's about to have a meltdown.

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C6n0mhaw6jjuyqi822jvxqhmsom 2x21 – Der Junggesellenabschied

When Mike's dad comes to town early for his son's bachelor party, Peggy decides she should attend Molly's bachelorette bash - and proceeds to turn it into a raucous affair.

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Bx2s4cktwxqoqw8j4degvgc0c7w 2x22 – Die Generalprobe

With only two days to go before the big day, Mike and Molly stage their wedding rehearsal - with disastrous results when it's upended by their family and friends.

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23vky5qfact6exv0lwrocxtgjh0 2x23 – Die Hochzeit

Chaos ensues on Mike & Molly's wedding day as anything that can go wrong, does in the second season finale. Watch as they finally make their trip down the aisle and tie the knot.

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Es geht um das Paar Mike Biggs und Molly Flynn. Sie haben Probleme mit ihrem Gewicht und wollen etwas dagegen tun. Beide besuchen das Treffen von der Selbsthilfegruppe für Menschen mit Ess-Störungen Overeaters Anonymous, wo sie sich auch in einander verlieben. Für Molly ist es nicht einfach, sich auf das Abnehmen zu konzentrieren. Sie lebt mit ihrer promiskuitiven jüngeren Schwester Victoria und ihrer Mutter Joyce zusammen, die beide trotz ihres gesunden Appetits eine tolle Figur haben, die sie mühelos halten können. Auch Mike hat es schwer mit der Diät. Er und sein Kollege Carl essen jeden Tag in einem Diner, wo sie sich mit dem senegalesischen Kellner Samuel anfreunden. So muss Mike jeden Tag den Versuchungen aufs Neue widerstehen. Mike und Molly haben sich an einem sehr ungewöhnlichen Ort kennengelernt und sind nun dabei herauszufinden, wohin sie ihre Suche nach Gesellschaft hinführt.

Es liegt noch keine offizielle Kritik für diese Serie vor.

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