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4wuk76e7itenr232y9szjybar3x 5x1 – Molly schreibt ein Buch

In the fifth season premiere, Molly (MELISSA McCARTHY) returns home after eight weeks at a writers' workshop with great news: she's getting published and scored a big book advance.

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8ggdevl56imdokgpfz6kfuvzd8k 5x2 – Molly ist enthaltsam

Molly has writer's block...and she might lose her big advance if she doesn't cure it fast.

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6f9hlemuk2yqqw8xxeqaggfow6e 5x3 – Alle tanzen nach Mollys Pfeife

Mike assures Molly he'll be home in time for Christmas Eve dinner...until he and Carl end up in the back of a stolen truck. Meanwhile, Molly is upset with Vince for trying to change the family's Christmas traditions.

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Vqesswoclbhiyslqhgvaxwxj1kb 5x4 – Herrenausflug mit Damen

Mike and the guys go on their annual fishing trip except this time it's a little different. Victoria has a secret that she finds hard to keep.

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66zrfosw0ghweuuccs030rabzea 5x5 – Mollys unendliche Geschichte

Molly's work on numerous drafts of her book begins to annoy Mike and the family.

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Iobysvxyhbddu9mkjfzpfxpwsjp 5x6 – Und führe Mike nicht in Versuchung

Mike engages in a little innocent flirting with a rookie policewoman and then feels guilty when she reciprocates.

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4gixzpmijqo8latce9gdm8su427 5x7 – Samuel braucht Geld

A letter from his financially strapped parents in Africa leaves Samuel contemplating a return to his homeland.

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Yzaeveokvogzsilz4dia1lbmmif 5x8 – Der Mike-Check

Molly urges Mike to go to the doctor when she learns that he hasn't been in over a decade. The 100th episode was directed by series star Melissa McCarthy.

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4basj6yfdpaemoqj6avsgtswqnm 5x9 – Das Phänomen

Molly runs into a roadblock in the form of her publisher who wants her to make a provocative rewrite in a section of her book.

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Parijob1rekr9vpgq0nsaxwn0j7 5x10 – Joyce sieht rot

When Joyce refuses to take a breathalyzer test at a DUI checkpoint, Mike is forced to arrest her.

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Qu3lg4wnpho9bpwsjyechycsn7p 5x11 – Sturmfreie Bude

The prospect of an empty house for the weekend has Mike and Molly in a state of excitement.

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6aahztddcdqvldvcqybhppdf4ic 5x12 – Die Welt der Peggy Biggs

Molly plans a party for Peggy after hearing that she's suddenly retiring.

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P3dafadcj6hyzrcxhjwc5cafgpo 5x13 – Die Buchpräsentation

Molly is excited when her book becomes available for purchase but fears no one will buy it.

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Hroldfqrrtcrcm9m9fo4xtbpzaz 5x14 – Peggys Geheimnis

Peggy shares tantalizing stories from her past for Molly's second book.

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Oyp1dvedcgowkdr64hr2xirml8 5x15 – Kuchenschlacht

When Mike reaches a weight-loss goal he decides to celebrate by indulging in a slice of pie.

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Fpsmsdygkpzf0k42q8egnjq5p8u 5x16 – Cocktails und Peinlichkeiten

Molly is nervous about Mike attending a celebratory party her publisher is throwing for her and Peggy. And Mike's feelings are hurt when she doesn't want him to go.

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K2arpyenichewpy9khvnmkilznw 5x17 – Die Reise nach Mudlick

Molly arranges a surprise reunion between Peggy and her estranged sister.

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Ekyorcdsa7cnmanowwwdo7q1lys 5x18 – Die Heldin ist müde

Peggy is thrilled when Kay comes back to town; Molly looks for a way to lift Kay's spirits.

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Eubaopth1fwivjz7a8qfgqtkjcr 5x19 – Die bessere Mutter aus Mudlick

For the first time, Mike meets his aunt Rosemary and is smitten with her positive attitude.

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Hlfrfbymkkglcwylnultrinjtgh 5x20 – Die letzten Zeilen

Molly gets angry when Mike won't listen to her vent about writing with Peggy.

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5lwpucvahvbrqvmn2p7snapns0g 5x21 – Fast hätte uns der Tod geschieden

A near-death experience on the job inspires Carl to propose to Victoria.

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9mytdbqmqol95swn9z5oatbxh7v 5x22 – Der verbitterte Mann und der See

Mike and Molly must rescind Carl's invitation to their anniversary cruise.

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Es geht um das Paar Mike Biggs und Molly Flynn. Sie haben Probleme mit ihrem Gewicht und wollen etwas dagegen tun. Beide besuchen das Treffen von der Selbsthilfegruppe für Menschen mit Ess-Störungen Overeaters Anonymous, wo sie sich auch in einander verlieben. Für Molly ist es nicht einfach, sich auf das Abnehmen zu konzentrieren. Sie lebt mit ihrer promiskuitiven jüngeren Schwester Victoria und ihrer Mutter Joyce zusammen, die beide trotz ihres gesunden Appetits eine tolle Figur haben, die sie mühelos halten können. Auch Mike hat es schwer mit der Diät. Er und sein Kollege Carl essen jeden Tag in einem Diner, wo sie sich mit dem senegalesischen Kellner Samuel anfreunden. So muss Mike jeden Tag den Versuchungen aufs Neue widerstehen. Mike und Molly haben sich an einem sehr ungewöhnlichen Ort kennengelernt und sind nun dabei herauszufinden, wohin sie ihre Suche nach Gesellschaft hinführt.

Es liegt noch keine offizielle Kritik für diese Serie vor.

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