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Zg9jfzzcm0vutrngemgordvegbk 1x1 – Das verlorene Happy End

Emma Swan is taken to a strange town by her son Henry, who she gave up for adoption years ago, and tells her of a curse cast by the Evil Queen.

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Djxvn765o7cshhnmiqb8u3xeeep 1x2 – Das, was du am meisten liebst …

Regina tries to push Emma out of Storybrooke and Henry's life, as flashbacks detail information about the Evil Queen's curse.

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Ul1oyf1varjxkfefhmogbfmbzdt 1x3 – Der Fall Snow White

At Henry's urging, Emma convinces Mary Margaret to pay a visit to a comatose man in the hospital and read to him from the storybook, as flashbacks show how Snow White and Prince Charming first met.

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Owy1fi0yldjoqmfgj40dlcdnvts 1x4 – Ein hoher Preis für Gold

Emma tries to help a young pregnant woman escape from the clutches of Mr. Gold, as flashbacks show when Cinderella made a regrettable deal with Rumplestiltskin.

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Mwjypc02vg6pimoejxiojaesfgp 1x5 – Die leise Stimme des Gewissens

As Graham makes Emma a deputy, a mysterious sinkhole appears at the edge of town and Henry's life is placed in danger, while flashbacks show Jiminy Cricket's yearning to leave the family business.

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7kdgfbvbrnnzup9g7adcem27mnq 1x6 – Der Hirte

David is caught between his feelings for Mary Margaret and his marriage to Kathryn, as flashbacks detail information about Charming's life.

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Dlbppgmxpeqwgxygzfvwzi10axa 1x7 – Das Herz ist ein einsamer Jäger

Graham starts to remember details about his life before Storybrooke, while flashbacks show when the Evil Queen sent an assassin to kill Snow White.

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8h8vwgnrw0hrezsadtnhejrxvph 1x8 – Verzweifelte Seelen

Gold and Regina play dirty politics and take opposite sides when Emma runs against Sidney for Sheriff, as flashbacks show Rumplestiltskin desperately try to find a way to save his son from being enlisted into war.

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Twj2izvmse6wxcyl7ovgdgzkvzc 1x9 – Im Haus der Hexe

Emma tries to save two children from foster care by trying to find their birth father, as flashbacks show the Evil Queen coercing Hansel and Gretel into stealing an important artifact from a blind witch.

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Avcchfdapxanlgejowqazvw22qx 1x10 – Der Schmerz der Liebe

Mary Margaret and David struggle with their feelings for each other, while Emma and Regina become suspicious of a mysterious arrival in Storybrooke.

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62jzwowuazcqzw16w473dk4d3fl 1x11 – Frucht des vergifteten Baumes

A dejected Sidney asks Emma for help uncovering evidence that could expose Regina's corruption, while Mary Margaret and David start seeing each other in secret.

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Scmyodoiuh2rstqb63pdfdamgvi 1x12 – Das Biest und die Schöne

Emma suspects Gold is planning vigilante justice when his house is robbed, as flashbacks show when Belle made a deal with Rumplestiltskin.

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Mgkbbtcad1r9coaecbkscyhyuv3 1x13 – Fluch und Versuchung

David finally agrees to tell Kathryn about his relationship with Mary Margaret, as flashbacks show Charming helping Princess Abigail with a dangerous mission.

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26vsydruy4t7jbby9avfiw61qak 1x14 – Jenseits der Träume

Emma investigates Kathryn's sudden disappearance and Mary Margaret and Leroy help the Nuns sell candles at the Miner's Day festival, as flashbacks show when Grumpy fell in love with a fairy.

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Wuq7gqrjphghshscbrxbi5g8xc0 1x15 – Wolfswinter

David faces questions about Kathryn's disappearance and Emma gives Ruby a job as her assistant, as flashbacks show Red Riding Hood attempt to kill a wolf preying on her village.

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Tggfvyou4vmnbl0nmekhtturheb 1x16 – Finsternis im Herzen

Mary Margaret hires Gold as her attorney when she is arrested for the suspected murder of Kathryn, while flashbacks show Charming try to find Snow, whose memory is clouded by Rumplestiltskin's potion.

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Wimt9g7cbdonk8vnpudf73vtg42 1x17 – Der Hutmacher

During her search for Mary Margaret, Emma finds herself trapped in the home of a strange man, as flashbacks show the Mad Hatter helping the Evil Queen in exchange for his daughter's safety.

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Bv2uusqevsvimwkawaa3ftesdxj 1x18 – Schmetterlingseffekt

Emma continues to search for evidence that will prove Mary Margaret's innocence, as flashbacks reveal the reason behind the Evil Queen's hatred for Snow White.

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Vfhgj9zfff4dhvwwgyfl9gmpuof 1x19 – Die Rückkehr und die Fragen

Regina's plan for Mary Margaret is thwarted following Kathryn's sudden re-appearance and Gold becomes wary of August, as flashbacks show what happened to Baelfire after Rumplestiltskin became the Dark One.

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2b5xzoanqoihpzms6gtoj3zvnbb 1x20 – Emmas Bürde

August's real identity is revealed as his condition worsens. Regina tries to seduce David to spite Mary Margaret.

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Gwrguxknfjatzxnrqrpz4x9ajfv 1x21 – Ein Apfel, rot wie Blut

Regina works with Jefferson on a plan to get rid of Emma, as flashbacks show Snow attempt to reunite with Charming after he is kidnapped by the Evil Queen.

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Rmfn3etsh8i6gqohcjwsggksgci 1x22 – Ein Land ohne Magie

Emma and Regina are forced to work together in order to save Henry's life, while flashbacks show Charming's mission to save Snow's life after escaping from the Evil Queen.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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