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2x1 – Shaggy and Scooby World

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2x2 – Almost Purr-fect

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2x3 – Inside Job

Scooby and Shaggy's worst fears come true; Dr. Phineus Phibes has used the silicon nano-compound he stole from their mansion to finally bestow himself with super nano-powers!

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2x4 – Zoinksman

Scooby and Shaggy track Dr. Phineus Phibes to a volcanic island where their mission is to stop him from rigging the massive volcano to explode.

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2x5 – The Many Faces of Evil

Dr. Phineus Phibes uses his new found nano-technology to clone himself into a mini-army of evil. Because Scooby eats too many super snacks, he becomes briefly immune to their effects. Without Scooby's super powers, Scoob and Shag are easy pray for Phibes and his gang of clones.

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2x6 – Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

Phibes and Scooby and Shaggy decide to go on vacations but, as luck would have it, they book trips on the very same Mexican Cruise Line. They call a truce for the duration of the cruise. However, Phibes orders his agents to kill Shaggy and Scooby.

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2x7 – There Is a Doctor in the House

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2x8 – Super Scary Movie Night

Scooby and Shaggy settle into their favorite weekly ritual, super scary movie night. But little do they know, the evil Dr. Phineus Phibes is using them as guinea pigs for a new, super evil technology --- a high-tech DVD that projects scary "on screen" characters into reality as living breathing fiends.

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