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Gz4izyxabkuy7f3z7ibkrqcafzk 1x1 – Weggespült

Steve Taylor is a charming, efficient man, but can't handle women well, being affected by fears which are only aggravated when he talks with his best mate Jeff, who always manages to say and do the wrong thing and worse...

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Iofrd6evee3sjmwkuyfimu6z3yb 1x2 – Die Frage der Größe

When Susan calls Steve, he instantly looses all his command of conversation, yet they agree to meet and she offers to cook, according to Sally an offer of free sex plus catering. Steve's report to the mates is treated to Jeff's dubious 'foreplay tips', such as avoiding at all cost to be even a moment, while undressing, naked except for socks, and one the mentioned girls overhear entering the bar: using the girlfriend's first name to call the celebrity one usually thinks of during sex. Jane is absurdly confident her own bisexuality makes her eligible for pure gay hunk ...

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1qm7ij82orxkmd36rqg9wipixm3 1x3 – Sex, Tod und Nacktheit

Jane's aunt dies, and everyone's going to the funeral ... but whose date is whose? The event has Sally worrying that her anti-aging beauty regime may never be enough. This episode also features Jeff's infamous (and illustrated) theory of the "giggle loop."

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Gir4jzhche81wm69zjn9cnvezrl 1x4 – Inferno

While tidying up Steve's flat, Susan finds a hot tape we'll just call "Inferno" ... but that's not the FULL title. At a dinner party featuring all the friends, plus Jane's ambiguous guest, he is called upon to give a detailed review of the film and, by extension, a defense of the whole male heterosexual psyche. Jane also takes this evening as her opportunity to proclaim her variety of "open" vegetarianism.

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Iplpprktk3zh585eshttoztmbfn 1x5 – Die Frau mit zwei Brüsten

Jeff meets and tries to "chat up" an Israeli girl who doesn't speak English. Meanwhile, Steve and Patrick are inspired to thoughts of a science fiction movie featuring intelligent breasts -- but what will they call it?

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Yuj3qudldcvluouhryenicoczld 1x6 – Patricks Schrank der Liebe

Patrick's video collection, including the tape of Susan, is discovered. Before she can ask for Patrick's discretion, he's already shown it to Steve, Jeff and Sally who haven't even noticed that Patrick taped over her.

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Eine Bar, drei Männer, drei Frauen und nur ein Thema: Sex, in all seinen Formen. Die sechs Freunde in den Mittdreißigern schlagen sich quer durch den Beziehungsdschungel und lassen kein Abenteuer aus. Dabei kommen alle noch so pikanten Themen auf den Tisch: Von der Frage, wie viel Pornografie eine Beziehung aushält, bis zur Socken-Etikette beim Vorspiel.

Es liegt noch keine offizielle Kritik für diese Serie vor.

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