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Rcu8etlnayoydoegooxeditspe8 1x1 – Der Straßenkreuzer

Point Place, Wisconsin, May 17, 1976. Nerdy teenager Eric, who smokes weed with some classmates in the basement, is in heaven when his dad Red decides to hand him the keys of his flashy Vista Cruiser, at the price of extra chores and forbidding him to take it out of town, knowing that won't be obeyed anyway. The gang, which just adopted foreign exchange student Fez, is excited about a Todd Rundgren concert- Jackie uses her female charms to make sure skirt-chaser Michael Kelso would take her too.

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Gd8vfyjwqnevsosxuedsrneo3rf 1x2 – Die Überraschungsparty

Eric is turning 17 and made very clear he wants no more childish 'surprise' party and a cassette player, not an outdated 8-rack player, but ma Kitty is as subtle as a herd of elephants preparing exactly what he dreaded. To make it worse, Eric's nasty sister Laurie, in college, is home and makes the gang boys' heads spin, Kelso even imagines her to be madly in love with him. Pa Red cheerfully gives Laurie the keys to his new car plus $30, Eric nothing except that damned 8-track and his usual chores, while barring the only escape route from Kitty's eternal baby-party; ...

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Dtycscvzsi37vuacgknmnqehw1r 1x3 – Präsident Ford und die Nackten

Point Place is buzzing when it's announced that President Ford is coming to town. Meanwhile, the guys want to do something to show their opposition and decide to go streaking.

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Fp2ooyhbjn5afrkutknanxtmf8 1x4 – Schlacht der Sexisten

Donna keeps beating Eric at games, which isn't very good for their relationship.

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67b2alu0aypasdlbxnholmvlbme 1x5 – Erics erster Job

Eric gets a job at Fatso Burger and can't spend time with Donna, who's planning a party at the end of the week.

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133qss5kbw2qfp1qfjnzzvxbnas 1x6 – Red, der Partykiller

The gang finds a keg and decides to throw a party in the pool of an abandoned house.

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Wpxdmrmwsh38buorgta2y3a3tqb 1x7 – Discofieber

The gang decide to go to a disco. Hyde can't dance and secretly gets lessons from Kitty.

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Dkvu6pirgbjruim1pz26nwialk5 1x8 – Eric geht ran!

Fez's host parents think the group has a bad influence on him and Eric and Donna are going to a drive-in movie.

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G4vmrdbxvpjm4ypxxogqggz357z 1x9 – Die Reifeprüfung

Laurie brings a friend home for Thanksgiving which could be a problem. When they arrive it turns out that Kate is hot, and Eric has a hard time controlling himself, much to Donna's concern. Meanwhile Bob offers Red a job.

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O7xwvspskhfgdbl3kzorybz3brz 1x10 – Die verflixten Sonntage

Red's overcritical mother goes to church with the Foremans, torturing Kitty, who has just quit smoking.

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Vcm5qoyia2csev3sd7wrn74altk 1x11 – Erics neuer Freund

Eric starts hanging out with his rich chem lab partner, Buddy, and they become best friends, to the chagrin of Fez and Hyde.

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Riyvjacch7nubst74k9bqpthj2y 1x12 – Der geklaute Weihnachtsbaum

It's Christmas and Eric wants to give a party in the basement, with beer.

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Kggie8bqwqxo7i2cfi9e9dvy52d 1x13 – Ausflug in den Schnee

The gang goes on a ski trip, without Kelso.

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9lksd346t2df1iuwpszjq3raas6 1x14 – Hinter Gittern

When Eric scratches the Vista Cruiser Red takes it away. Luckily Kelso is able to borrow his cousin's car, or so they think... Meanwhile Donna and Jackie are starting to think more about sex and Midge begins to take feminist-classes.

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Cchesuskeaotbe6fgzbisr7g4vc 1x15 – Red im Schwitzkasten

Kitty makes Red go to a wrestling show with the gang. Jackie becomes a door mat for Kelso. Midge convinces Kitty and Laurie to join her at "therapy."

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Vpd8xhymtfrhacza3dae3qunnof 1x16 – Das erste Date

This episode is Valentine's Day. Eric wants to give Donna his class ring, but Hyde wants to tell her how he feels. Eric takes Donna to a restaurant and she gets drunk. Hyde and Eric have words and come to an understanding.

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Qfadckhndf2ysfol1ywinorfsab 1x17 – Die Pille

Kelso passes out when Jackie tells him she might have gotten pregnant; Midge learns about Jackie and decides to put Donna on the pill.

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D7ppa7ennwixdndqbe1pt4yzpqc 1x18 – Für's Leben lernen

It's career day and the gang spends a working day with their parents.

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Ebti4hlerl0anzfgmyeqqyc8onq 1x19 – Der Abschlussball

Eric rents a hotel room for prom night, but the mood is ruined by howling children; Hyde takes Jackie to the prom out of pity because Kelso went with Pam Macy.

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Nxmnpoquohpzesgbguox2bov7ot 1x20 – Krieg der Sterne

Eric, Hyde, Fez and Kelso go see Star Wars and become obsessed with it. Red's boss Milbank returns to town. Eric fights his son David, whose butt he once kicked in elementary school, for moving in on Donna.

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Qkviqmkpnat0ppbhega0qywcjmf 1x21 – Der Sturm im Wasserturm

Hyde convinced the gang it would be cool to paint a pot weed leaf on the water tower and dares Kelso to take crazy risk to fix the failure, till Michael makes a fall and badly hurts his arm, then Fez who falls but is alright. Jackie semi-nurses Kelso and makes him realize Hyde is no real friend, to little avail. When Eric seeks medical advice from his nurse mother, he gets traumatized by accidentally walking in on his parents making love. The unsavory idea even gets Laurie's sympathy, yet he rather lets h-them thinks he's on drugs then come clean until that's done ...

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Kz2mbwkpkysxwcw5rxuhr4lxdmb 1x22 – New York ruft

Hyde meets a girl who asks him to go to New York with her.

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C15kgg5wnxirdypgvajoovuyvxw 1x23 – Eric, der Großmuttermörder

When Grandma Forman dies unexpectedly the Formans have to deal with the loss. Eric goes to a bar, Kitty cooks, Laurie thinks of her inheritance, and Red has to deal with his over-emotional brother.

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7ekxcjrc38ktrqks3upu4atofdz 1x24 – Kekse mit Ketchup

While riding in Eric's car, Kelso has the brilliant idea to go skinny-dipping at the reservoir, but all their clothes get stolen, so the basement gang goes to the Hyde home to borrow his and his mother's clothes so they'll have something to wear. Jackie catches a cold from the reservoir, and ends up in bed. Midge's Feminist Warriors - which no other husband puts up with - keep making her crazy, yet member Sharon actually proves an old-fashioned caring housewife at heart when she finds good provider Bob feeling neglected. Red felt with the car plant about to close down...

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Lyrsxnl9nehfechsb3jonufq0lm 1x25 – Der gute Sohn

Eric's love of Hyde for doing his chores turns to hate when his parents start liking Hyde more than him; Hyde changed from a conspiracy but to a total bore.

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 1976, das amerikanische Provinznest Point Place: Hier lebt eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen, die sich bemühen, trotz der spießigen Umstände in ihrem Kaff einigermaßen cool und locker zu leben. Wortführer ist der smarte Eric Forman, der ständig versucht, sich der Fürsorge seiner Eltern Red und Kitty zu entziehen und seine Unabhängigkeit zu demonstrieren. Dessen Freundin Donna geht es auch nicht besser, denn auch ihre Eltern haben nicht gerade das Gefühl dafür, was bei Jugendlichen in den Siebzigern angesagt ist. Im Keller der Formans treffen sich Eric und Donna mit ihren Freunden Kelso, Jackie, Hyde und Fez, wo sie gemeinsam fernsehen, Musik hören und sich auf die nächste Disco-Party vorbereiten...

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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