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3x1 – 2001: Beerdigung von Ahmed Schah Massud

Films of the funeral of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the commander of the anti-Taliban coalition in Afghanistan. He had been assassinated a week before on 9 September 2001.

3x2 – 1897: Präsident Félix Faure auf Reisen

President Félix Faure's tour in Western France filmed by Charles Moisson.

3x3 – 1945: Die Kapitulation Japans

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3x4 – 1961: Juri Gagarin, erster Mensch im Weltall

How the Soviet media presented Yuri Gagarin's pioneering spaceflight in 1961.

3x5 – 1981: Die Geiseln von Teheran kehren heim

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3x6 – 1918: Die Siegesfeiern in Paris, London und Washington D.C

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3x7 – 1977: Die Krönung von Kaiser Bokassa I.

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3x8 – 1945: Die Befreiung der Konzentrationslager

Films from Nazi concentration camps liberated by the U.S. Army in April 1945. They were later used as evidence in the Nuremberg trials.

3x9 – 1945 – Die Konferenz von Jalta

Films from the Yalta Conference, secret negotiations of the Allied leaders, in February 1945. Some ended up in newsreels, some show behind-the-scenes preparations.

3x10 – 1936 – Die Spiele von Berlin

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