Seit langem arbeitete Sony Pictures an einer Fortsetzung des Fantasy-Klassikers Jumanji aus dem Jahre 1995. Nun ist der Film endlich fertig und wurde der US-Presse gezeigt. Im Vorfeld erhielt Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel den Ruf ein Flop zu sein. Nur wenige glaubten daran, dass das Projekt ein sehenswerter Film werden würde. Doch laut den ersten Meinungen ist er überraschend unterhaltsam. Unten haben wir euch einige Meinungs-Tweets eingefügt.
Was expecting the worst but have to admit the new #JUMANJI movie is a lot of fun. I’d even say it is one of the best “video game movies” ever made, maybe under only King of Kong, Scott Pilgrim, Edge of Tomorrow & Wreck It Ralph (none of which are adaptations).
The new #Jumanji is a ton of fun and succeeds by not trying to make a film even remotely similar to the original. It's vindicated of comparisons, while also giving a nice nod or two to Robin Williams.
Happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised by Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle. It's fun and funny in equal measure, and makes smart use of its great stars. Not much of a universe-builder for a fantasy sequel, but definitely a reinvention that works.
Hey, about that new #Jumanji: It's fun! It's the kind of family-friendly outing that should help settle a lot of debates this holiday season. Jack Black is very, very funny, and I kinda love how they attempt to make it a true sequel to the original with some wonky engineering.
Now that the social embargo for Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is up, I will say that Jack Black's performance is perfection personified and deserves 12 Oscars.
I can now say that the biggest surprise of the holiday season is #Jumanji. It's super entertaining & very funny w/ terrific cast chemistry (especially b/t @TheRock & @KevinHart4real). Video game fans will dig it even more. See it w/ the whole family
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