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17x1 – Boom Banger

Heston gets into trouble when he goes to get his car fixed. A new jobs-worth security guard starts at the Campus, so Rob and Howard try to get Barry back.

17x2 – Out of Control

Al sees Lottie, who is very erratic and wants to be taken into care. Jimmi helps Heather look into her Uncle George's family history, though has a fit when she starts on his. Zara takes Joe to the library.

17x3 – The Dark Net

Rob and Emma deal with Ryan, after his partner's daughter finds indecent images on his laptop. Jimmi reveals all to Heather. Howard responds to a break in at the Mill, only to find a drunk Ayesha.

17x4 – Fusion Food

Ayesha finds herself in the middle of a cake war between a mother and a famous chef, whom she's accused of stealing her recipes. Zara calls in Rob when she discovers that her house has been burgled.

17x5 – Toy Story

Whilst investigating a hit and run, and burglary, Rob and Howard find one of the toys stolen from Zara's. Ayesha joins Emma, Niamh and Heather for their pajama party games night where Heather has a shock announcement.

17x6 – Touched by an Angel

Mrs Tembe investigates when she meets a young girl who thinks she's an Angel and may be being held at the local convent against her wishes. Heather gets a shock when he ex, Phil, finds out about the baby.

17x7 – What Love Means

An old friend of Niamh's turns up wanting to stop over, but brings her 15 year old boyfriend along too. Rob and Karen go house hunting with Barry's agent friend, though are shocked to see how young, gorgeous and female she is.

17x8 – Xander Harrison

Al struggles to connect with his god son Xander when he tries to look after him for the day. Zara takes Joe to see the doctor, but isn't happy with his views. It's ten years since the Mill opened.

17x9 – Afternoon Delight

An Army Major friend of Howard's is stopping with him, though Howard gets a shock when he finds his stocking clad date in his own bed. Italian beauty Allegra visits Heston. Heather's feeling ill.

17x10 – Idolatory

Al winds up Karen with a small Sumatran Idol which he say is 'imbued with mystical powers'. Heather is in hospital after fainting due to her blood clot. Zara opens up to Emma about Joe's consultation.

17x11 – The Hope

Emma deals with a woman who doesn't know who she is and may have recently given birth. A very talky new F2, Sid Vere, starts at the Mill, and Howard appoints a very annoyed Zara as his mentor.

17x12 – Listen to Me

Ms Wilson turns up at the Mill with her camera. She's been complaining about the Mill for years, so Howard calls for her liaison officer. It's Sid's first day, but he talks far too much. Ayesha has a flat pack wardrobe delivered.

17x13 – The Route of All Good

Niamh deals with Sylvia Blim, though is worried about her ragged appearance and bad cough. Her daughter says she's very rich and owns many businesses. Zara asks Al to look at Joe. Jimmi gets worried when he can't reach Heather.

17x14 – Give Us This Day

Mrs Tembe helps out on bread making day at the local refuge for torture victims. Zara has a frustrating day with Sid, especially when she role plays with him and introduces her concerns about Joe.

17x15 – Someone to Watch Over Me

Paranoid Jimmi gets, well, paranoid again, when Heather disappears. With good reason though, as she's off with Phil. Karen and Rob go to a property auction.

17x16 – L'Amore e la Morte

Heston is amazed when carer David Moss begs him not to tell his visiting girlfriend Sue that his mother has just died upstairs as he fears Sue will abort her trip to an Italian cookery school if she finds out. However his efforts to prevent Sure from meeting the undertakers end in disaster and nearly split the couple up. Al is worried when he is unable to contact Jimmi but Zara is pleased when specialist Dr Michael Burnett takes her concerns over Joe seriously.

17x17 – Aftermath

Al and his flat cap go to Wales in search of Jimmi. Ayesha gets worried when she gets called to see Mrs Rattingan and her son. Sid spends the morning with Heston, though soon puts his foot in it.

17x18 – Rescuing Silver

Karen pops round a friends for lunch only to find her with another man. Then her husband turns up. Al convinces Jimmi to go round to Bryn's house. Zara takes Joe to the park, and bumps into Dr Burnett and his daughter.

17x19 – Haunted

Howard has problems when Bernie the Beagle starts collecting for charity outside the Campus. Jimmi's alcoholic dad is having a bad day. Firstly with the bailiffs, then when Jimmi turns up.

17x20 – Cold City

Bryn and Al get a shock when they discover what Jimmi has done to his dad. Will Jimmi do the right thing though, and can they protect him from the police?

17x21 – Shining Light

Howard coaxes Ayesha into representing the Mill at the local Young Carer Awards, where she meets Jackie and her carer, son Tom. Michael asks Zara a lot of personal questions at their latest session with Joe.

17x22 – Finish Line

Sid goes to see a patient of Jimmi's who has cancer, but soon gets off on the wrong foot. Michael invites himself round to Zara's, and brings a picnic. Jimmi's back at the Mill, though he's a bit quiet and miserable.

17x23 – Norman Is Upstairs

Rob and Emma deal with Norman, who turns up at the police station with cuts on his face, saying that he's a psychopath. Howard tries to talk to Jimmi. Sid and Al are confused when they see signs of Zara being happy.

17x24 – Bumble Bee

Al gets caught up and held a knife-point at the corner shop by a Muslim girl looking for happiness. Michael turns up at Zara's with a bottle of wine. Emma, Niamh and Ayesha have a wine tasting night, and end up getting drunk.

17x25 – A Spade A Spade

Mrs Tembe welcomes a new member to the Church refreshments committee, though she's a bit blunt in her views. Daniel returns from Australia, though he and Zara spend most of the time arguing about Joe. Rob and Karen have a declutter day.

17x26 – Mods and Rockers

Niamh sees an old Mod with arthritis whose wife has given a motorized bike to. Daniel is finding Zara, and life back at the Mill a bit difficult. He then sees her with Michael.

17x27 – By the Lake

Rob goes on a fishing trip. Stopping overnight he meets and befriends a guy on a fishing tour. He is not what he seems though. Karen has a bad day after damaging her ankle.

17x28 – Flying Carpets

Daniel sees a man who's recently split up from his wife, and is worried that his son might be ill. Sid sees a woman who's worried about her father, who has MND but has been taken off his drugs.

17x29 – Mystic Madge

Rob and a young PC stumble across an elderly couple who have been tricked by a conman burglar. It's games night with Emma and Niamh, and Ayesha brings out the Tarot cards. Zara and Daniel try, and fail, to have a night in without arguing.

17x30 – Deeper

Zara and Daniel continue to argue after she spent the night at Michael's. Sid and Karen get the brunt of her mood. Mrs Tembe does her back in when picking up a cigarette, though still insists on holding the surprise fire drill.

17x31 – Plus One

Al and Niamh attend a friend's wedding. The nasty 15 year old daughter of the groom, Lucy, almost ruins it though, by getting drunk, spiking the drinks of the bride's younger son, and hitching up with an older boy.

17x32 – Joint Lock

Sid joins a patient at a jujitsu class, and helps fix his shoulder when he dislocates it. Daniel and Zara try to sort out their differences at a revamped Icon Bar. Al helps Mrs Tembe when her back goes while in a toilet cubicle.

17x33 – Little Brother

Karen visits an elderly ex neighbour, who's moving out of her care home and who introduces Karen to her long lost brother. Zara tries to get Daniel to read Michael's research. Mrs Tembe is forced into seeing a chiropractor.

17x34 – Subsidence

Niamh sees a woman, post hysterectomy, who's trying to revive her husband's sex drive, only to find him in bed with another man. Karen and Rob's move doesn't go smoothly. Jimmi, Zara and Daniel bicker over a problem patient.

17x35 – Strike a Pose

Ayesha helps a fashion model with a supposed hang over and ends up taking part in the shoot. Emma has a very bad day. A worried Al sits in on some of Jimmi's consultations.

17x36 – Father Figure

Amy runs away from home and decides she wants to move in with Heston. Daniel discovers that Zara has secretly taken Joe to see Michael, so storms in a thumps him. Sid asks Ayesha out on a date.

17x37 – Down and Up

Sid bumps into a woman who thinks she's just lost her one chance at love. Howard returns and tries to sort out the mess left by Daniel, Zara and Jimmi. Keith Loader turns up causing trouble.

17x38 – Fair Game

Rob and PC Dutta get some info after breaking up two fighting woman, which leads them to the 'Birdhouse' and a murder victim. Sid and Ayesha have a date at a posh restaurant. Mrs Tembe enjoys a visit to her chiropractor.

17x39 – C Pass

Al sees an old lecturer mate for his health check who gets accused of attacking an attractive student. Is she lying though, or is he? Emma has hot flushes.

17x40 – The Other Foot

Howard tries to sort out Daniel and Zara but saves Daniel's skin when a boy with breathing difficulties gets brought in. Mrs Tembe tries to impart Mr Kit's genius onto Karen and Niamh.

17x41 – The Doctor

Jimmi deals with a young autistic lad who's been arrested for kicking a policeman, and who's obsessed with Doctor Who.

17x42 – Sensitive Skin

Daniel sees ex convict Ray, who wants Botox injections as a birthday surprise for his sexy, rich girlfriend. Al and Jimmi play at paper planes. Sid asks Howard if he can change his mentor.

17x43 – The Neighbours from Hull

Now in her new home Karen finds the couple next door, Lily and Matt, extremely irritating with their over-friendliness and double entendres - not to mention Lily's penchant for policemen in uniform - so she is relieved to hear that they are moving soon. Meanwhile Zara requests a year off to look after Joe, facing resistance from both Howard and Daniel, whilst Ayesha and Sid get cosy.

17x44 – Ghost

Niamh bumps into an old friend at a conference who's dark past is about to catch up with her. Howard and Emma get lost on the way there and get stuck in a muddy field. Daniel has a go at Al about his diagnosis of Joe.

17x45 – Truth or Dare

Jenny and Matthew find Adam dead after a drunken night of games. Jenny convinces Matthew, who fancies her, to hide the body, but double crosses him when the police arrive and arrest him for the murder.

17x46 – Everybody Needs Somebody

Howard's sister, a Sergeant in the Special Services, arrives, holding out an olive branch between him and the rest of the family. Rob enlists their help in finding a band for a retirement do.

17x47 – Waiting for Gordon

On his way to a patient's funeral, Heston finds himself in a weird dream sequence. Howard meets an old work colleague for lunch, who has been to America and tells him of the '40 day date'.

17x48 – Touch and Go

Al deals with a man who suffers from premature ejaculation and doesn't want to tell his fiancée or have sex until after they're married. Howard tells Emma about the '40 day date' thing. Mrs Tembe gets embarrassed with Mr Kit.

17x49 – A Fine Romance

Niamh helps an old friend who's having intimacy problems with old flame Tom. Karen thinks she's cursed, so goes to see a psychic. Emma agrees to do the '40 day date' with Howard.

17x50 – Climb Every Mountain

Sid sees a man with a false leg who's arguing with council men over a tree in his garden. Howard and Emma ask Al and Niamh to be their confidantes for their 40 day date.

17x51 – Indefensible

Ayesha deals with a young woman, her out of control son, and their troublesome neighbour. Emma and Howard have their first lunch date, and counseling session.

17x52 – In the Line of Duty

Two young PCs arrest a famous footballer for refusing to supply a breath test and being violent. During a surprise test from Zara, Heston notices her slap Sid's hand. Emma accuses Howard of not being committed to the 40 day date.

17x53 – Mean Girls

Mrs Tembe meets a bride and her wedding planner sister in Church, who then arrives at the Mill with a damaged ankle. Heston reports Zara to Howard. Daniel and Zara attend Michael's presentation.

17x54 – A Quiet Life

Zara and Daniel have a difference of opinion when they have a meeting at Joe's daycare centre. A worried Karen goes round to see cancer patient Mrs Wilkie. Emma is upset at Howard as he seems to have given up on the 40 day date thing.

17x55 – End of Episode

Heston gets called out when a woman finds her husband dead. A guilty Howard books him and Emma in for another session with Kate. Daniel tries to speak to Zara, only she asks him to move out.

17x56 – It

Niamh sees Roy, who's been playing a game of 'It', or 'Tag', for 26 years and it's getting in the way of his new relationship. Zara has an official chat with Howard and Jimmi over Sid's accusations. Daniel speaks to Al about Joe.

17x57 – Trust Me I'm a Doctor

Al sees an old friend who's getting her fertility results, though Al can't find her partner's results. Sid helps Heston, his new mentor, with a crying pregnant girl.

17x58 – Chef's Special

Romance all the way as Daniel takes Zara to a posh restaurant, where they bump into Howard and Emma on a date. The chef also has romantic problems in the kitchen.

17x59 – The Laughing Gnome

Rob gets called out by Mrs Winters, when her garden gnome gets stolen, with her husband's ashes inside. Emma and Howard deal with the fallout after sleeping together. Zara admits her mistakes to Sid.

17x60 – Blind Spot

Darby takes her friend to see Sid, who's manning a sun awareness stall at the university. Zara makes an official complaint when Heston inadvertently calls her a racist.

17x61 – Insignificant

Mrs Tembe starts getting obscene, threatening phone calls at work from someone who sings 'We'll Meet Again' to her. Niamh's brother Sean arrives for a visit and helps Mrs Tembe out.

17x62 – Zero Tolerance

Daniel gets into a road rage incident with some yob who's just been sacked. Ayesha joins Niamh and Sean for lunch. Howard and Emma have another session with Kate.

17x63 – Slipping Through the Cracks

Rob arrests two kids for drug dealing, and also an forgetful old lady. Niamh gets a shock when she finally realises that Sean is gay. Zara gets in a mood again when Daniel books lots of fun thing to do on their trip to London.

17x64 – Spandex and Secrets

Ben takes his Grandad Ted to the Wellman clinic at the surgery where he sees his old mate Heston. Emma tries to talk to Al about Howard. Niamh gets some decorating work at the Mill for Sean.

17x65 – Lady Brenda

George goes to the police and surgery in search of his missing wife despite her leaving a note saying that she's leaving him. Meanwhile his next door neighbour sabotages his model boat in advance of the afternoon's big race.

17x66 – Housemates

Sid helps one of his house mates, wheelchair bound Rachel, but is she stealing from them? Jimmy continues his vendetta against Zara, and Sean starts painting the inside wall of the Mill.

17x67 – Sticks and Stones

Heston goes with a nervous Sid to St Phils for his end of placement review. Howard conducts a 'Respect in the Workplace' meeting at the Mill, though Jimmi soon reduces it to an attack on a tearful Zara.

17x68 – Someone Like You

Howard gets a shock when Sean reveals his wall painting. Emma has a bad day as she prepares for her weekend away with Howard, who then proceeds to strain his groin. Niamh and Sean go to a gay nightclub.

17x69 – Seen and Not Heard

DCI asks for Rob's help in investigating a possible pedophile ring called 'Treehouse' in a residential house. Howard is off sick with his groin strain, with much hilarity at work.

17x70 – The Ring

Karen helps elderly Mrs Highsmith search for her lost ring but which has been found by a gardener who gave it to his girlfriend. Sid says his thanks on his last day at the Mill. Sean tries to get Al and Niamh back together.

17x71 – Noli Me Tangere

Niamh quizzes the guy who stopped over with Sean, it seems he's not much of a chef after all. Mrs Tembe returns a professor's bag only to find his daughter locked up in her bedroom. Rob considers early retirement.

17x72 – Treehouse

Out on a house-call, Emma witnesses a double shooting. The two men were trying to get information about Treehouse to DCI Driver. One man escapes. Emma is hauled in for questioning.

17x73 – Manhunt

Driver continues to investigate the shooting, but annoys Noakes, her new boss from the SCU, when she goes to see a young girl she wants to adopt. Escaping the killers, Andy has trouble with an OAP.

17x74 – Bad Samaritan

Al sees Thomas who thinks the girl he's watching has a rare medical condition. Mr Houghton sees Heston after the stress of Andy's home invasion. Mrs Tembe bumps into an injured Andy.

17x75 – Injecting a Little Spice

Daniel sees an elderly couple who have reunited after 40 years and need to revitalise their sex life. The adoption agency have concerns over Driver and her job. Howard catches Andy. Rob and Karen visit a stately home.

17x76 – Best Served Cold

Rob gets called in when Andy says he'll speak to no one else. Noakes, after having suspended Driver, interrogates Rob. Heston deals with two warring ice cream selling brothers.

17x77 – The Letterbox

Ayesha sees one of Daniel's patients, Bridget, who's daughter Lily has gone missing. It's the 18th birthday of Bridget's son, who was given up for adoption after being born. Niamh goes round to see Karen.

17x78 – The Prince

Now that Rob knows who Andy is, he starts to interview him. It seems they were both in school together and the story flashes back to a particular day when Rob's thoughtlessness caused a motorway crash.

17x79 – Let Them All Talk

Andy says he'll only trust Rob and that there are moles in the force. He then finds a razor blade in his food and a note threatening Rob if he talks. Howard has a shock for Emma at their latest session with Kate.

17x80 – Golden Ticket

Mrs Tembe helps two warring music loving brothers in their search for the one's missing winning Lotto ticket. Andy having cut his wrists, Jimmi and Rob try to stop Noakes from moving him to a Safe House.

17x81 – Breaking Point

After Weston gets abducted en route to the Safe House, a bullish Noakes interviews Rob and Jimmi, accusing them both of being in league with Weston, and bullying them both into losing their cool.

17x82 – Shambles

Following his suspension Rob refuses to talk, but soon gets a visit at home from Noakes, searching for Andy. Howard teams up with Sgt. Daisy Murray. Zara goes to a friend's wedding, but soon sees it as a tacky sham.

17x83 – Reborn

Niamh sees a man who's facing bigots when dressing as a woman, and who is about to have a sex change. Rob meets up with Sgt. Daisy. Heston gets talked into presenting a wine Vlog.

17x84 – Take Two

Ayesha goes on a blind date, only to find a guy who's seriously distracted by deja vu. Heston takes Mrs Tembe through his Vlog plans. Rob and Karen try to interrogate Andy now that he's staying with them.

17x85 – Corked

Heston has lunch with an old friend, but finds her a sex starved alcoholic. Noakes signs up as a patient at the Mill. He's been diagnosed with Parkinsons. Rob tries to get the truth from Andy.

17x86 – An Act of Charity

Jimmi almost hits a charity runner with his car, forcing him to postpone his next run. Noakes gets Howard and Daisy to visit Rob's house to search for Andy. Niamh and Emma finally watch Heston's Vlog.

17x87 – Drop Dead

Rob and Andy ask Karen to pick up some vital evidence from behind a big bush. Unfortunately. Emma and Niamh decide to start speed walking. Emma finally tells Heston about his Vlog problem.

17x88 – Sea Whispers

Daniel stumbles across an injured girl on the street. He takes her to the Mill where he and Zara treat her. It seems she has escaped from Treehouse. Emma, Niamh and Ayesha go speed-walking.

17x89 – Busted

Ayesha sees a student who is angry and moody all the time, especially with his girlfriend. Andy tries to make a run from Rob's but is soon brought back by DCI Driver. Emma and Niamh go speed-walking again.

17x90 – The Bingo Conspiracy

Mrs Tembe delivers books to a local care home only to find Herbert, who's making a fuss as he believes recent deaths, including his wife's, are being caused by the playing of Bingo.

17x91 – The Heart of England

Rob and Driver's plan to trap the Treehouse bosses and the mole gets underway, resulting in Andy being 'shot' in the centre of Birmingham. Daniel and Zara meet up with Mia when she runs away from her foster home.

17x92 – The Reader

Daisy gets interrogated by Fleeshman, who also talks to Noakes and Rob. A new Australian agency nurse starts at the Mill, so Ayesha sends him on a house call where he gets accused when some money goes missing.

17x93 – Resilience

Noakes gets a shock when his ex wife turns up. He then tries to make amends by seeing Rob, Driver and Jimmi with varying results. He also sees Daniel about his Parkinsons. Zara thinks that Joe needs more personal time rather than nursery.

17x94 – A Very Reverend Institution

Mrs Tembe gets asked by the Vicar to help out at the WI. She drags Ayesha and Niamh along but they soon get involved in a battle over same sex marriages.

17x95 – Bitter Pill

Jimmi sees an angry man who he helped put away years ago, and he's holding a grudge. Al tells Howard about his new invention. Al is also not impressed with Hayden.

17x96 – Big Girls Don't Cry

Niamh and Social Services look after a Down's Syndrome girl when her mother collapses and gets rushed into hospital. Zara decides to take a sabbatical to look after Joe. Ayesha and Hayden have a session at the local nightclub.

17x97 – Safety Net

Al gets left holding the baby when a Muslim girl gives birth in the Campus surgery toilets. Back at work, Emma is still not feeling well.

17x98 – In Search of Happiness

Hayden sees a psyche professor who has severe headaches and is acting very strangely. Al and Howard present their App pitch to a possible investor. Mrs Tembe develops her Project Happiness.

17x99 – The Hatchling

Howard and Al have a decision to make. Zara sees Karl, who's found a birds nest and wants to hatch the egg. Mrs Tembe gives out questionnaires as she sets Project Happiness in motion.

17x100 – Reawakening

Daniel sees Vince who is about to fly to Australia, though gets hit by a car. His memory loss from a previous head trauma is beginning to come back, and only leads to shock.

17x101 – The Pain Barrier

Emma, Niamh and Ayesha find the Challenge Max course much more difficult than imagined. Al gets concerned for dementia patient Charlie and the actions of his troubled nurse daughter Claire.

17x102 – Marrow

Jimmi gets involved with two warring allotment owners. Al and Ayesha get annoyed when they discover that Niamh has slept with Hayden. It's Zara's last day, and she gets a bit emotional.

17x103 – A Proper Copper

Rob goes on duty with a super keen Support Officer on his first day. Ayesha is hung over, but why isn't Hayden? Howard discovers a problem with his and Al's funding contract.

17x104 – All the Time in the World

Zara's next door neighbour dumps her troublesome mother on her while she has a secret liaison. Mrs Tembe tries to get everyone's goals for her Project Happiness, but finds the task very difficult.

17x105 – Fallen Hero

Niamh gets involved with an ex Major on the anniversary of a soldier's death. He's holding a secret though. Emma talks to Daniel about her health problems. Al gets a visit from Carlo, who makes him a large offer for his App.

17x106 – The Man Who Was King

Karen deal with Arthur, who's convinced he's the rightful King of England and is being egged on by a local journalist. Al tells Niamh about his App offer. Hayden takes rather too many drugs.

17x107 – Spin Doctor

Hayden sees a recovering alcoholic professor, who has dizzy spells. Her son though thinks she's drinking again and should go back to rehab. DCI Driver asks Rob if he'll be Scarlet's Godfather.

17x108 – Conclusions

Daniel attends the funeral of a golf club member. Zara's having trouble finding a replacement, but then gets an offer she can't refuse, and an idea. Niamh and Ayesha find Emma's discarded pregnancy tests.

17x109 – Time of My Life

Zara meets up with Sid to offer him a job at the Mill. Hayden visits the home of a one night stand in search of his Hoodie which contains his drugs. Niamh and Ayesha tell Emma that they know she's pregnant.

17x110 – Spectre of the Rose

Heston encounters a homeless woman, a former ballerina who is confused and living in the past. Howard is very officious on Sid's first day. Ayesha is sick, then high, as Hayden keeps spiking her drinks.

17x111 – Troubled Waters

Jimmi sees Albi, who's been in care and is living rough, but who then steals from the Mill's kitchen. Jimmi finds him with a very pregnant girlfriend. Emma tells Howard about the baby.

17x112 – Clarity

Mrs Tembe organises a lunchtime meditation session with varying results. Daniel gets a distracted Howard on to the golf course, where he soon blurts out about Emma's pregnancy.

17x113 – It Starts with the Shoes

Karen gets chatted up in a shoe shop by a cross dresser with marital problems. Emma and Howard decide to keep the baby. Ayesha tries to warn Sid against Hayden.

17x114 – Girl About Town

Sexy Sadie gets a shock when she realises that her plainer, bigger sister has used her photo on her Blog. Ayesha gets suspended when she tells Howard about Hayden. Rob tells Karen about Driver's request.

17x115 – No Smoke Without Fire

Ayesha makes a statement to the police, whilst Howard interrogates the staff members about her. Al gets involved with drug dealers when a scared, battered kid jumps into his car.

17x116 – The Key

Various versions of Tommy Cooper appear at Mrs Tembe's laughter therapy session. Rob meets up with a retired friend on the 35th anniversary of his wife's murder. Emma and Howard see midwife Ruhma.

17x117 – The Odd Couple

Heston and Ruhma deal with a woman giving birth in a book store. Niamh sees a girl in agony who seems to have swallowed her friend's earring. Emma falls asleep when out eating cake with Howard.

17x118 – You Can Run

Ayesha sees Gina, who is recovering from Chemo, yet is taking drugs to try and keep lively and is slowly losing it. Mrs Tembe tries to help Sid with his constant talking.

17x119 – Signs and Wonders

Handyman Stan offers to buy Emma's house, especially when he sees a religious image in her bath. His business partner David though, is having problems with his operation scar and Stan's trouble making girlfriend.

17x120 – Hitting the Wall

Daniel deals with Jordie, a paraplegic MND sufferer and his exhausted wife. Jimmi seems to be losing patients. Howard decides he wants to sing to the baby, and Mrs Tembe buys everyone a plant.

17x121 – A Handful of Dust

Emma has a very bad day. She gets rushed to hospital where she has a miscarriage, then Howard, who's been having headaches, drops dead. Ayesha coaxes Sid into having lunch with Jimmi.

17x122 – In the Midst of Life

Everyone is very shocked over the news of Howard's death. Sid sees a rugby player on the verge of success, though who has a condition that would be life threatening if he were to carry on playing.

17x123 – Where There's Hope

Al sees Luke, who has Tinitus, headaches, is lethargic all the time, and is self harming. Emma blames herself for Howard's death, then is determined to tell his daughter. Mrs Tembe gets coaxed into standing in a Practice Manager.

17x124 – All in a Day's Work

Rob deals with an angry Sgt. who seems to be hiding her feelings over Howard. Niamh and Heston try to comfort Emma and help her with Howard's eulogy. Valerie gets called in to help at the Mill, and soon causes trouble.

17x125 – Who Knew?

It's the day of Howard's funeral, only an angry Emma seems to spend most of it on a bench outside the Church, with Jimmi. Ruhma and Sid see a pregnant woman with a drug problem.

17x126 – Best Laid Plans

Ayesha goes to hospital with a young woman who's just about to give birth. Rob and the police are after her boyfriend though. Mrs Tembe makes a decision about Ruhmer, much to the annoyance of Daniel, Jimmi and Heston.

17x127 – House of Hammered Horrors

It's Halloween, and Karen and Rob get next door's kids dumped on them. Al tries to cheer Emma up, who's alone clearing up Howard's things. Sid and Ayesha go to a fancy dress party.

17x128 – The Wrong Foot

Emma returns to work but finds it all a bit weird. Heston sees dementia patient George, who's daughter is trying to put in a home. Jimmi and Heston still try to block Mrs Tembe's plans for Ruhma.

17x129 – Perfect

Karen has the girls round to show off her new kitchen. Valerie is in charge of the cooking as she demonstrates what she's learned on her 'Cooks Heaven' course. It's all a bit of a disaster though.

17x130 – Interpretations

Mrs Tembe starts palming off Howard's work onto other members of staff. Sid sees an Indian couple, but the wife can't speak English so Emma calls in a friend to translate. Ayesha has trouble with some fireworks.

17x131 – Working the Net

Ruhma has her first day at the Mill. Niamh goes to her first PPG meeting, and takes Valerie with her. Mrs Tembe attends a women in industry networking event.

17x132 – About Time

Jimmi sees Graham, who's life in the local care home was fine until old 'friend' Brian arrives, and makes a play for Maria. Valerie sees Al, as she thinks there's all sorts wrong with her, following her clash with Ashley.

17x133 – Are You Kidding Me?

Valerie announces that she and Ashley have split up, so she makes a move for Heston. Al helps a pompous professor he knows, who's experiencing involuntary muscle spasms. Mrs Tembe asks Sid to look into the over subscribing of antibiotics.

17x134 – Afternoon of the Living Dead

Six of team go on a role playing team building event. They have to face the zombie hordes, following a zombie apocalypse, splitting into two teams, one to fine an ant- serum, one to find an antidote. If they stay alive.

17x135 – Mr Charity

A Locum steps in at the Campus surgery, but soon starts upsetting the patients, especially Sophie. Karen and Barry get involved with a charity fund-raiser who's involved with drugs.

17x136 – Forever

Niamh gets involved with a woman who's paying former drug addicts to get sterilized, and her latest target, Annie. Sid's job to get the prescribing of antibiotics down isn't going well. Emma gets a shock from Howard's solicitor.

17x137 – Phantoms

Sid sees a woman who's been being stalked for years. Now that the man is out of prison, she believes she's seeing him again. Heston and Ruhma go to the opera. Emma goes to visit Howard's daughter Amelia.

17x138 – Date in the Diary

Mrs Tembe goes to see the mysterious Yvonne, a meeting with whom has popped up in Howard's diary. Sid gets all excited at the prospect of Wednesday's Anitibiotics Awareness Day. Jimmi is excited after his photography course.

17x139 – I Got Up

Amelia turns up at Emma's, wanting to spend some time in Howard's house. Ruhma conducts a lively antenatal class. Valerie gets a shock when she visits her new doctor. Sid gets a bit stressed.

17x140 – Crash Bang Pow

Al sees Chloe on the day of her tribunal. She's angry all the time and has had a run in with the local comic shop owner. Valerie's not much help on Antibiotic Awareness Day. Amelia turns up at the Mill, and goes for a drink with Ayesha.

17x141 – Trespass Against Us

Back in the Police station, Jimmi and Rob deal with a possible racist attack, with two very differing versions of what happened. Ruhma joins Heston at a very posh restaurant to try out their new menu. Amelia turns up to speak to Rob.

17x142 – Valiant

Niamh helps a costumed super hero who has an inability to feel pain. He and Barry team up to help catch The Lurker, and gives advice to him on getting the girl. Amelia and Emma have a heart to heart. Sid's going too much, and keels overs.

17x143 – Skin Deep

A nervous Valerie goes to St Phils for her biopsy. Ayesha meets super fit Lydia whilst out jogging. After she turns up at the Campus surgery, Ayesha goes to see her motivational talk on holistic therapy at the university.

17x144 – Exposed

Mrs Tembe steps in to expose rogue builder Brian Hutchinson who has been bullying elderly widow Mrs Marsh into paying him whilst Karen is less than impressed when Rob's feisty cousin Mo comes to stay and the doctors plan a charity calendar.

17x145 – Bullseye

Sid sees bride to be Holly. She's had an asthma attack and thinks her boss is after her fiancée. Al joins Rob, Karen and Mo for a drunken game of darts. Heston invites Ruhma over on a business pretense.

17x146 – Milk

Rob tries to turn Mo off Al, after they slept together. Ruhma sees two young mothers who are helping each other out with a breastfeeding problem. Mrs Tembe goes in disguise to try and trap Mrs Marsh's rogue builder.

17x147 – And the Winner Is

Ayesha visits a man who's lost his winning scratch card. Valerie gets her biopsy results, and it's not good. Sid seems to be chasing his tail. Niamh finds out about Al and Mo.

17x148 – Warrior Princess

Mrs Tembe begins a poster campaign to expose Hutchinson but comes face to face with him and is rescued by an elderly man - though this puts them both in danger whilst Valerie confesses to Karen that she has cancer.

17x149 – In Death Do Us Meet

Everyone is shocked following Mrs Tembe's attack. Daniel wants to sort out the practice manager situation. Heston finds himself executor of a patient's will, and it's shock content. Jimmi takes Niamh's calendar shot.

17x150 – Shunt

Sid gets shunted from behind whilst in a traffic jam. Al warns him from getting involved with the other driver's problems. Jimmi takes Daniel's Icon photo. Karen and Valerie visit Mrs Tembe in hospital.

17x151 – Vapour Trail

Daniel gets confused when he visits a very confused Mr Ridgeley, who seems to have two sons called Malcolm. Mrs Tembe returns to work where Valerie has ideas for her Icon photo. Heston and Ruhma have a hot curry.

17x152 – The Power of You

Emma sees a man whose ex wife has returned from America to see him and their daughter. She's getting married but doesn't know of his illness. Valerie dresses as Marilyn Monroe for her Icon photo but soon has a meltdown in reception.

17x153 – The Many Shades of Joan Gray

Ruhma deals not only with Joan Gray's pregnant daughter, but also with Joan herself, when it's revealed she's also pregnant. Emma struggles to find her inner Icon.

17x154 – Mother to Be

After taking Ayesha's Icon photo, Jimmi sees a pregnant Asian woman who claims her baby is in danger. Karen and Rob have an eventful dinner party. Valerie helps Mrs Tembe with her online application.

17x155 – Favourites

Al has a new look and is trying to be boring in an attempt to get Mo to dump him. Seeing Angie for MS, Niamh also has to deal with her two arguing sons. It's Sid's turn to have his Icon photo taken.

17x156 – Tinkle All the Way

Rob deals with a man who says he'd been put up to pee on a neighbour's Christmas decorations. Daniel and Jimmi decide on the Practice Manager interview list. Karen has her Icon photo shoot. Al has no luck in dumping Mo.

17x157 – Self Portraits

Ayesha deals with a gay lecturer who's being harassed and blackmailed by one of his male student. Jimmi takes his own Icon photo. Mo buys Al a TARDIS dressing gown. Valerie tells Ashley about her cancer.

17x158 – He's Making a List, He's Checking It Twice

Sid has an eye opening time trailing Jimmi on the night shift at the police station. Ruhma and her two kids come to stop at Heston's for a few days. Rob and Karen get a shock when Mo's husband turns up, and they're very friendly.

17x159 – From Daddy with Love

Daniel is in a battle for a Monster Truck 5000 for Joe. Mo decides to dump Al for Lonnie. Sid is in a bad way after falling asleep at the wheel. Heston tries to bond with Ruhma's son. Al has his Icon photo taken.

17x160 – Speaking Up

Ruhma helps Heston with his Icon persona. Ayesha and a poorly Sid have an awkward double date. Annette has problems on the day of her dad's funeral. Ruhma and Heston have a quiet evening together.

17x161 – Perennial

Karen deals with the Campus gardener, who's taking a bit too much interest in the female student helping him. A test Icon calendar arrived, but it's a bit messed up. Heston and Ruhma's kids make fresh pasta.

17x162 – Pudding

Niamh gets deja vu on a house call. Daniel and Jimmi conduct interviews for the Practice Manager post. Ayesha goes with Valerie on her first chemotherapy session. Ruhma upsets Heston by telling him that they're moving out before Christmas.

17x163 – Future Perfect

Ayesha helps a partially sighted lady who mistakenly believes that a young on the run drug dealer is her godson. Anthony Harker, the new practice manager, starts.

17x164 – Without You

Jules calls in the police when she discovers her house burgled and her husband missing. Anthony wants to involve Heston in some important decision making. Valerie sees Claire at her latest Chemo session.

17x165 – A Good Man

Emma attends a cancelled wake, says her respects, but soon uncovers a dark family secret. Anthony claims to Daniel that Mrs Tembe has left things in a bit of a state. Things are a bit awkward between Heston and Ruhma.

17x166 – The Winner Takes It All

Mrs Tembe helps Valerie make a Bucket List. Sid sees Mrs Ward who's won over £200,000 on the lottery but now wants to leave her job, and her husband - for Sid. Anthony makes Valerie his Administrative Assistant.

17x167 – Roadkill

Al helps a delivery driver who faints in reception and claims he's either killed someone or has seen a ghost. Anthony wants to re-brand the Mill and wants some 'action shots' from Jimmi. Heston and Ruhma go on a picnic.

17x168 – Nighthawks: Part One

Anthony invites a few of the guys to a wine tasting evening. Ayesha and Karen go out and are chatted up by married thief Jackson and his dodgy mate. Jackson also beats his partner. Heston and Ruhma go to a restaurant.

17x169 – Nighthawks: Part Two

Jackson's battered partner confronts Ayesha. Ruhma sees Heston's angry side when he tries to follow up a missed delivery. Valerie tries to think of some fund raising ideas.

17x170 – Stop the World

At a boring GP Conference, Al and Niamh decide to make their own fun. Al chats up the receptionist though Niamh gets it on with a guy who seems rather too good to be true.

17x171 – Moving In

Daniel visits a retirement home where a new male resident is causing a stir. Ruhma tries to deliberately provoke Heston. Valerie asks Al about being a magician's assistant only to get knocked back.

17x172 – This Fading Light

Jimmi attends a head on car collision and deals with an injured man who has been abducting local women. Ruhma digs into Heston's violent past. Anthony suggests that Mrs Tembe applies for a job elsewhere.

17x173 – Right in Two

Emma visits a sick woman who's refusing to leave the house and says she's waiting for a dead man. Valerie and Al prepare for their magic act. Anthony helps Daniel with his new bike.

17x174 – Heartstrings

Sid gets involved with Eddie, who's in a custody battle with his gambling son over his grandson, especially when Eddie gets rushed to hospital. Anthony goes with Valerie to her 3rd Chemo session. Ayesha's sister Debs turns up.

17x175 – Dracula's Choice

Out on a blood drive with his hot nurse girlfriend, aging DJ Logan gets the wrong idea when he sees her with another man. Ayesha visits her drunken mum. Heston's proposal to Anthony doesn't go down that well.

17x176 – Peanut

Ruhma sees once sectioned 38 month pregnant mum to be Caz, who's scared her baby will be taken away. Ayesha tries to get her mum into a clinic, but she and her sister soon find their mum drunk as a skunk.

17x177 – A Taste of Home

Mrs Tembe helps new wife Anna who's worried as her Nigerian mother in law is visiting. Daniel and Anthony have a bet as to who can raise the most for their charity bike race. Karen tries to get Heston and Ruhma back together.

17x178 – The Hunter

On the night shift at the station, Emma deals with an altercation between two men. Heston and Ruhma have a heart to heart at the concert. Ayesha and Sid get wasted at a night club.

17x179 – Junction 10

Daniel, Sid and Anthony compete in their 90 minute charity cycle race. Karen looks in on a patient, Nicola, when her daughter reports her missing. Valerie plans her funeral music. Mrs Tembe tries to warn Sid about Anthony.

17x180 – Try Before You Die

Valerie researches her funeral by attending other funerals, and meets the like minded Graham. Niamh plans to visit her parents in Ireland, but gets a shock, Al winds up Heston.

17x181 – Play Date

Anthony's round of golf with cigar chomping pledger Jack goes from bad to worse when first Heston, who is out for a walk with Ruhma, gets hit by a golf ball, and second, Jack collapses. Al tries to cheer up Niamh.

17x182 – A Ghost at the Feast

Daniel catches up with Iain which soon involves his clingy ex wife. Iain also has ulterior motives. Valerie drags Ayesha to a funeral, but soon gets a shock. Mrs Tembe considers her position.

17x183 – The Rules of the Game

Anthony gives Mrs Tembe a suggestion box to look after. Niamh deals with Lauren and her rich sugar daddy. Heston and Ruhma spend the afternoon cooking, at least until her son turns up.

17x184 – Prey: Part One

Mrs Tembe can't find the key to the suggestion box, and her meeting with Anthony doesn't go too well. Jimmi and social worker Anya get concerned about the friends Ollie is making in his new flat.

17x185 – Prey: Part Two

Jimmi and Anya investigate after Ollie turns up at the police station, hungover and beaten up. The gang preying on him start to get nasty. Anthony tells Ayesha off for wearing the wrong uniform.

17x186 – Being Witched

Sid sees a boy in extreme pain. His white witch of a mother won't let him have any tests though. Ayesha spends the day looking after Bren. Mrs Tembe gets head hunted by a local practice.

17x187 – Martians

An old American friend of Al's turns up wanting to marry him to stay in the country. It seems though that he's bi-polar. The staff are all shocked at Mrs Tembe's big announcement. A drunk Brenda turns up at the Mill.

17x188 – Melting Point

Emma spends the day at home, only she has obnoxious Brenda as a house guest. Karen is worried about an old friend of Jacks. Anthony tries to dump off a lot of work.

17x189 – Cold Facts

Ayesha moves out of Emma's with Brenda. Valerie has a shock when she finds out about Mrs Tembe. Emma gets called to the university lab when a student gets cold burned, and where relationships are fraught.

17x190 – Triangle

Emma and Rob deal with a Muslim man found in the street covered in blood. His wife is also missing. Valerie takes legal action against Al. Ruhma and Heston go to a country hotel and spa, and there's something Ruhma wants to do.

17x191 – 24

With a mad gunman with a Nazi tattoo on the loose and the Campus surgery in lock-down, Daniel has to deal with a kid who also has a Nazi tattoo, and an older guy with heart problems and spider tattoos.

17x192 – Direct from the West End

The Mill becomes a madhouse when West End star Ricky Delaine visits to surprise Valerie. Ayesha is surprised to find her mother hungover and shacked up with some bloke who she describes as her 'lodger'.

17x193 – Monique

After his wife dies of a blood clot, Patrick keeps seeing her and talking to her. Karen is convinced to play the stock market. Ike tries to convince Ayesha that he's a good guy.

17x194 – Menage a Quatre

Ruhma sees a lesbian couple having a baby, though things soon start going horribly wrong. Ike shows his true colours after Ayesha discovers his stash of drugs and calls in Rob. Karen tries to interest Jimmi in the stocks and shares market.

17x195 – What Goes Around

Al introduces Karen to the joys of Spread Betting. Ayesha tries to get some proof on Ike. Daniel helps a therapist colleague when she and her daughter get targeted by a revengeful sex addict.

17x196 – The Last Days of Queen Victoria

Sid helps an old dinner lady after she bashes her leg on her last day working in the University kitchen. Barry is shocked when Rob tells him about Valerie's cancer. Emma helps Ayesha short out her mum's house now that she's left with Ike.

17x197 – Old Flames

Emma's games night gets awkward when first Valerie invites herself, then she invites Barry. Jimmi gets worried at DI Larkin's interest in a new prisoner. Karen tells Rob of her playing the stock exchange.

17x198 – Trash

Rob gets stuck between two warring neighbours over some dumped rubbish. Jimmi treats a drunk homeless man with a bad foot. Barry tracks Valerie down as she believes her Chemo hasn't worked.

17x199 – The Bad Spell

Faye convinces Ellie that Niamh is evil and has cast a spell on her family. Everyone tries to come to terms with Barry and Valerie's marriage announcement.

17x200 – Promises, Promises

Ayesha seriously breaks patient confidentiality to try and keep two friends together. Zara has butterflies on her return to work. Barry and Valerie go for a posh lunch to talk about their wedding.

17x201 – Pest

Karen deals with a confused English professor who turns up wanting his typewriter fixed. Al tries to cheer up Niamh. Valerie asks Anthony to give her away. Anthony impresses Zara and comes to her with a proposition.

17x202 – Mother's Ruin

Emma leaves Niamh alone at the Icon Bar whilst she deals with Helen and her troubles with her ill mum. Ruhma takes Heston to see an alternative comedian. Daniel, Anthony and Sid go to a gin bar. Niamh gets chatting to a guy at the Icon.

17x203 – Shadowland

Sid catches up with friends who have recently lost one of the twins they were expecting. Anthony proposes to Heston that he cut down his hours. Barry gets a shock when he and Valerie visit a wedding planner.

17x204 – Climb Another Mountain

Valerie and Barry try to help student Chloe find her missing boyfriend. A charming Zara tests her Personal Performance Appraisal skills on Sid.

17x205 – Under My Roof

Jimmi deals with impaired Paul, who's been holding a missing girl in his bedroom. Ruhma and Heston's curry night soon starts going down hill. On a dinner date, Ben tells Niamh about his seriously sick child.

17x206 – Sugar

Al deals with Leo, who was hit by a van after stealing a bag of sugar to help his diabetic mum. Ayesha goes wedding dress shopping with Valerie. Heston finds himself sidelined by Anthony following his health scare.

17x207 – This One's for You

Anthony dumps some new work on Heston. Al and Ruhma deal with a surrogate mother about to give birth to her brother and sister-in-law's baby. Niamh meets up with Ben again.

17x208 – On the Beat

Ben takes Niamh to see his sick boy in hospital. PC Danny helps search for a young boy on a run down estate, though Rob discovers he's not a cop at all. Barry goes with Valerie for her hospital scan.

17x209 – Age Concern

Ayesha and Sid have a slow day on their Mental Awareness stall. Daniel sees a lecturer who's nervous about his new relationship. Niamh discovers experimental drugs which may help Ben's son.

17x210 – Songs of Appraisal

Zara spends the day conducting the personal appraisals of the staff, with varying degrees of success. Particularly problematic for her are Heston and Al.

17x211 – Indecent Proposal

Sid sees a friend who's visa has ended, so needs to marry someone quickly. The girls have a great Burlesque hen do for Valerie. The guys not so much, as a jerk from Barry's work has ordered a big stripper.

17x212 – Me Before You

It's the day of Valerie and Barry's wedding. Barry is nervous, though Valerie is all excited, at least until she gets good news about her scan. Emma is just hungover.

17x213 – Man Up

Emma deals with Sean, who's been beaten up by his boyfriend, and also his fireman dad, who chats her up. Niamh talks to Harry's consultant, who's refusing to consider sending him to Switzerland for treatment.

17x214 – Fit for Work

Heston sees a HGV driver who's been having blackouts. After refusing to pass his medical the man complains to Anthony. Harry gets pulled from the jaws of death.

17x215 – The Woman Who Runs

Daniel sees troublesome learning impaired Kayley who's refusing to move into a care home, as her mother can't cope. Heston's in hospital following his angina attack. Niamh gets an earful from Sarah.

17x216 – Hanging by a Thread

Karen sees a pregnant woman who's partner's family has a history schizophrenia. Ben and Niamh are hunted by the police after taking Harry from hospital for treatment in Switzerland.

17x217 – Creature Comfort

Niamh returns from Switzerland, gets sacked, and is almost arrested. Zara tells an asthma sufferer he needs to get rid of his dead wife's cat. After Heston gives Jimmi an ultimatum, he and Daniel confront smooth talking Anthony.

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