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Nhdfszccuy4xud6wvxcvyu2igbx 1x1 – Pilot

When Ted's best friend Marshall proposes to his girlfriend, Lily, Ted realizes he'd better get a move on if he hopes to find true love. Ted soon meets Robin in a neighborhood bar, immediately becomes smitten and scores a first date. But when Ted can hardly wait to see her again, his eagerness threatens to scare her away.

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6gjpmipsyypefbvukm1exiosnu 1x2 – Purple Giraffe

In a desperate attempt for a second date, Ted invites Robin to a party he is throwing. However, she doesn't show up and he keeps throwing parties in the hopes she will finally arrive.

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Oatov5e01beo1ad8al9v72ltba 1x3 – Sweet Taste of Liberty

Ted agrees to let Barney spice up his love life, and ends up on a crazy adventure of flying to Philadelphia, encountering the law and visiting the Liberty Bell.

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Eypuol9gwzfjfylc3uptp7dbo4e 1x4 – Return of the Shirt

Ted's outlook on his continuing search for love is altered when he rediscovers a shirt that has not seen daylight in years. Meanwhile, Barney amuses himself by coaxing Robin into sacrificing her job by saying completely outlandish things on air live for a cash reward.

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Uvh1r4s6rw8rbdkfmeqo9cu3ssj 1x5 – Okay Awesome

Ted and Barney start checking out the club scene with their friend Robin, whereas Lily and Marshall try to participate in some more "grown-up" activities, as they draw slowly nearer to their wedding.

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Bjrxhdey3cpgvau68udaed7vfox 1x6 – Slutty Pumpkin

Ted makes his yearly pilgrimage to the rooftop Halloween party in search of a girl dressed as a pumpkin who he met years ago. Meanwhile, Robin is dumped after driving her new boyfriend away with her independent ways.

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8zzicztnjgbjjdhav9u740db1uw 1x7 – Matchmaker

When a matchmaker with a 100% success rate turns Ted away because he is not compatible with any of the available women in her database, he is still determined that he is going to find his match. After getting information from the matchmaker’s computer, Ted pays a visit to a very cute, but taken, dermatologist in an effort to prove the prediction wrong that there are no women out there for him. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily are obsessed with ridding their apartment of a critter.

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3540get82tyokyjrx3ynzhpjglw 1x8 – The Duel

As Lily becomes more of a permanent fixture in the apartment, Ted feels like he is being edged out of the mix by his engaged roomies. Petrified of being left alone and homeless, Ted tells Marshall that when he and Lily are married, he wants the apartment. The problem is that Marshall wants to keep the place too, so they settle it like real "grown-ups" -- launching into a sword fight that leaves one man down for the count.

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H13vecwqse7fay7o5uvyazdnqob 1x9 – Belly Full of Turkey

Ted and Robin are surprised to run into Barney when they volunteer at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving. Lily is on the brink of freaking out when she goes to Thanksgiving dinner at her future in-laws house.

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6cpcixo4boagoukk9qhzxt8wpuy 1x10 – The Pineapple Incident

After being forced into knocking back 5 shots, so he will stop thinking, Ted goes on a partying rampage. The next morning he wakes up with a woman in his bed, but he does not know who it is. So he turns to his friends to try and piece the night together and work out who the woman is in his bed.

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8lg0d07imdqedbtntyb5xaou0kg 1x11 – The Limo

Ted rents a limo to take the gang out to sample five New Year's Eve parties in a quest to find the perfect celebration.

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79smret58fqxjpc1tdbo88hnag3 1x12 – The Wedding

Robin accepts Ted's invite to a friend's wedding, but thanks to Ted, the couple may never make it down the aisle.

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B9exrgisgllwywl1dknga1fuffc 1x13 – Drumroll, Please

Ted finds a new woman at the wedding. They want to remember the evening so they don't exchange last names or numbers; but Ted takes a big fall when he tries to find out her name.

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2dcomymt4bbclp3gt7cderx2lwj 1x14 – Zip, Zip, Zip

After agreeing to take things slowly and not have sex for a month, Ted and Victoria decide that they have waited long enough.

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1i85synqhish3uxy3lp8hfg0g2n 1x15 – Game Night

A mysterious tape arrives for Barney from one of his numerous ex-girlfriends, and the entire gang watches it. But, in order for them all to find out how she broke Barney's heart and made him into a suit-wearing bachelor, everyone must share their most embarrassing moment.

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Ittbyrudvogshlno6gtfnysqrec 1x16 – Cupcake

Things are going great with Ted and Victoria's relationship, but when Victoria is offered her dream job, the couple have to make serious relationship decisions. Meanwhile Marshall and Lily set out to purchase their wedding outfits and find out that none can afford what they bought.

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9opu42mgc0fgpm5qqyspb3fom36 1x17 – Life Among the Gorillas

Marshall interns at the corporation where Barney works and Lily finds that he is becoming a shallow jerk as he tries to fit in with his crude fratty coworkers. Meanwhile, Ted feels guilty when he receives several gifts from Victoria (Erika Singh) while he hasn't sent her anything.

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Evrvammk2ojqmd37mfdcyuf4wrh 1x18 – Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M.

Robin, who is very lonely, asks Ted to come over to her apartment after 2 A.M., but he isn't sure if he wants to go as he has a phone call on the way over with his friends, and with Victoria on his mind

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Nzdihyfxxwu8apqeddrtaxbg5kc 1x19 – Mary the Paralegal

Robin is nominated to receive an award for a news report and everyone needs a date to take to the show. Barney introduces Ted to Mary as a date that Ted can take to the show. Originally Ted is opposed to the idea of just trying to save face in front of Robin but when she shows up with a date he changes his mind. Robin asks Mary lots of questions, and Ted begins to really like Mary, despite her occupation.

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6zybqz65jvjak8ievzhkv3taxkd 1x20 – Best Prom Ever

Lily, Barney and Robin attend a high school prom to scout out a potential band for Lily and Marshall's wedding reception. In order to get in Lily and Robin pretend to be the dates of two kids who were going alone. Ted and Marshall are back at the apartment where they are preparing the invitations to be sent out.

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Gguejrcnmbahakxtkaqc9m03zpg 1x21 – Milk

When a matchmaking company calls Ted claiming they have found his soul mate, he is forced to postpone his date when Lily asks for his help.

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Axbigyh7h1zgyfehdh1bsxe4ph2 1x22 – Come On

Ted tries to keep Robin from going on a camping trip so that she can spend time with him. Barney enlists the help of an old flame to perform a rain dance. At the same time Marshall finds out about Lily's interview for the fellowship in San Francisco.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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