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Hrbf4ksmt5mcdg0wk9v7c39fm8y 8x1 – Wo ist Sam? – Teil 1

Drummond and Maggie begin an all-out effort to rescue Sam from their captors through a variety of methods, some of which backfire. Meanwhile, Don goes to great lengths to hide from his own family the fact that he kidnapped Sam. But the 7-year-old Sam uses his intuition and instinct to rescue himself, knowing that everyone he loves could face a very violent death if he is caught.

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Jhrcemtdgeragncmq7edrxjm1uf 8x2 – Wo ist Sam? – Teil 2

A school bully orders Arnold to "guard" his girlfriend, but things become complicated when the girl falls for Arnold instead.

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6r6d8dabfscvypsxl5zxhbrjwoe 8x3 – Wer ist verknallt in wen?

Drummond and Maggie's hectic schedules and lack of time spent with each other leads Sam to believe that they'll be getting divorced soon.

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Ftybpcuu3e9wqurki4ggxdqkzzx 8x4 – Keine Zeit füreinander

After a difficult first week of college, Willis comes home and fakes sickness so that he won't have to go back.

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Ys2koqlhte8qyopvqg1txpewheb 8x5 – Ein schwerer Abschied

After landing a job as a photographer at a small newspaper with Drummond's help, Arnold quickly gets tired of being an errand boy for a cranky boss and considers quitting.

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Jctosj8jaeamqwqpyffzyablmpl 8x6 – Sauer verdiente Kohle

Remember Mr. Wilkes, the no-nonsense substitute teacher whose career was nearly destroyed when Arnold claimed he hit him? Well, Mr. Wilkes is back ... and gotten full-time employment as Arnold's hard-nosed English literature teacher, in this tale about Arnold goofing off in class, acting like a know-it-all and then Mr. Wilkes demanding that his deviant student put up or shut up - by teaching the class for a day. The task: Teach the students Dickens' classic "A Tale of Two Cities."

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Bpttkrrxspdadsjdwo1jbl9ztz2 8x7 – Die Welt der Literatur

In order to impress a girl, Arnold gets his friends and Sam to start up a band. After practicing a few times, they realize that Arnold is terrible and ask Sam to fire him.

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Momo3wxg8uibkoewikbqlxupeyg 8x8 – Angeber kennen keine Grenzen

Arnold and Drummond have a difference of opinion when Arnold and his friends consider throwing fruit to protest a local civic group that is against black people.

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Mgwlda1bbds2vnbfisyhgn2pjst 8x9 – „Union für soziales Gewissen“

Feeling peer pressure from the guys, Arnold lies about having sex with his girlfriend. However when the actual opportunity arises, he is anything but ready.

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Dtezmuw9weld2616duroqu8wrsn 8x10 – Nur nichts übereilen!

With Sam depressed that no one will come to his birthday party, Drummond pulls some strings and gets the popular kids TV show host Captain Jack to appear. However, the plan does not work out very well for Sam when the kids at the party ignore him and pay more attention to Captain Jack.

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Ksiivyxytxjgf7g7zovjtp6pygn 8x11 – Im Partyrausch

Arnold's desire to join a coveted elite club at school has serious consequences for the busboy at the local hamburger joint when the prank prompts the busboy's unsympathetic boss - without investigating the situation - to unmercifully fire him on the spot.

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3irci4nlej7leuzf73wwsepk7zl 8x12 – Eine Frage der Ehre

Kimberly makes a return visit home and all seems well with her, except that she's hiding a dark secret. The fact that she has been utilizing the dangerous Bulimic practice of staying thin by eating and then regurgitating it back out in the bathroom. She does her best to hide this from everyone until it becomes all too clear that her health is in jeopardy.

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Gy4gtgppkzkkz1kt3wzbhtlcvzv 8x13 – Bulimie

Arnold gets jealous when Sam begins spending more time with Willis and he is the odd man out.

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4ecn2xgu8i8l6hhzwpoaykfrie5 8x14 – Der Halleysche Komet

Arnold overhears Drummond's phone conversation where he authorizes the firing of a poorly performing employee. Knowing he is getting an F in geometry (and fearing similar treatment from his father), Arnold turns to a con artist to forge his report card and Drummond's signature. But things backfire when Drummond - elated when he thinks his son had done outstanding in the class - plans to have him enrolled in an advanced placement course.

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Rebpsma0fuyb2xyofzn7chbz4bq 8x15 – Das gefälschte Zeugnis

Sam considers getting into a fist fight with a new kid in school who is constantly picking on him. Drummond and the family are featured on a television show about the rich and famous.

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Uilo5tnth9oisompnr1sg5ycp8n 8x16 – Arm und reich verträgt sich doch!

Seeing that Arnold is afraid to ask out a pretty girl from his school, Willis bribes her with concert tickets so that she will ask him out. The plan backfires when Arnold eventually finds out.

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7jkc4e7wopqynsedpmuzxbqiv5z 8x17 – Gekauftes Rendezvous

Arnold gets locked in a closet with his schoolyard rival Lisa.

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Bzfg3xfcufy9ly1qydfou5ym8av 8x18 – Süßholzgeraspel in der Dunkelkammer

In the last completed episode, Arnold discovers a steroid ring operating among athletes at his school and tries to publicize it in the school newspaper.

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  • Xuj7vzufwyy5fpxccjxmsnvdtux
  • I6ubujo7bnxsaffkswi5vcks67l
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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