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3x1 – The Passenger

A sleepy passenger on a late night bus witnesses a man in a second story apartment strangling a woman. When a police investigation finds nothing,the man hires Gunn to find the killer-before the killer finds him.

3x2 – Mask of Murder

Gunn is called late at night by a man who tells him:"hurry, come to my house. There is going to be a murder-mine". As Gunn arrives there is a gunshot and he and the man's wife find her husband dead, an apparent suicide. However the wife is suspicious and hires Gunn to follow a suspect-all the way to Rio de Janiero.

3x3 – The Maître d'

A gourmand gangster blows up his rival and a gourmet restaurant at the same time. The restaurant's cordon bleu owner helps Edie open her own supper club ("Edie's") and in return Gunn teams up with him to bring the mobster to justice.

3x4 – The Candidate

A dying millionaire hires Gunn to deliver a large donation to an oddball candidate for governor. The candidate can't hold onto the donations he already has-Gunn and Jacoby help him when his campaign manager is assassinated.

3x5 – The Judgement

A prisoner brought to court for sentencing somehow has gotten a gun and kills the judge before being killed himself.Lt. Jacoby is assigned to investigate the case and his interested friend Peter Gunn helps by using his network of informants.

3x6 – The Death Frame

Fearing he will be next,a theft-gang boss tries to hire Gunn to find out who is killing off his men.Peter Gunn turns him down but is framed for the man's eventual murder.Lt. Jacoby and Gunn have one essential clue to the real killer-he has a punch like a sledgehammer.

3x7 – Death Across the Board

A race horse owner hires Gunn to find out who murdered his longtime trainer. The main suspect, a horse-race fixer,wants to hire Peter Gunn too-to prove he didn't do it. Meanwhile, one of Gunn's "sleazy acquaintances" furnishes leads to other suspects including an ex-circus strongman and a crippled jockey.

3x8 – Tramp Steamer

When an ex-racketeer is murdered,his brother asks Gunn to protect him before he's next.Peter Gunn arrives too late but before dieing the man identifies a deported mobster as being the killer.Tipped as to where the mobster's old girlfriend is working,Gunn starts the manhunt.

3x9 – The Long Green Kill

A convicted man being escorted to prison via the train is freed by a confederate.The man's wife contacts Gunn-to hire him to recapture her husband.Due to him believing she tipped the police and caused his arrest,she fears her husband will kill her.

3x10 – Take Five for Murder

A young singing sensation is in town performing at a local nightclub.The manager of the singer hires Gunn,a WWII buddy of his,to deal with a blackmailer who knows about the "youthful indiscretions" of his client.The coinciding attack on the club's Hatcheck Girl leads to the solution.

3x11 – Dream Big, Dream Deadly

Gunn is asked by an old-time, fellow private eye to find out who killed his partner-before he is next. The murdered detective had been investigating a three-year-old,unsolved $500,000 bank truck heist. Lt. Jacoby suspects a polished hood but has no proof.

3x12 – Sepi

A young boy "pays" Gunn to protect his father from unknown men who beat him up. After Gunn starts to investigate,the boy denies needing help and when the father is found he denies having a son. The key to the case lies with the boy's "Aunt and Uncle".

3x13 – A Tender Touch

An eccentric employee hatches a plan to force the bank he works at to institute a pension plan-he steals all the cash in the vault and won't return it until they agree. Meanwhile, a local mobster reads about the story and decides to kidnap the man and take the money for himself.

3x14 – The Royal Roust

After one of three bank robbers in a $200,000 heist is captured, Lt. Jacoby and the station police are distracted by a visiting dignitary and the prisoner escapes. Gunn is asked to use his "friends" to find a lead to the missing man. When found, the plan is to follow him to his two associates-and the money.

3x15 – Bullet in Escrow

A hard-case who Peter Gunn helped send to prison for five years is paroled.He immediately calls Gunn and lets him know he's "on his way and you have very little time to live".Ignoring Lt. Jacoby's suggestion to leave town,Gunn has a scheme to fight it out on his own turf-but ends up in the cemetery.

3x16 – Jacoby's Vacation

A man hires Gunn to find his brother,who mentioned in his most recent letter being in an obscure South American country.Lt. Jacoby is treated to a "vacation" by Gunn and goes along to look for the man.They find the natives are not hospitable nor the vacation very restful.

3x17 – Blind Item

A newspaper gossip column item leads to a noted author hiring Gunn to look into the possibility that his wife is having an affair. Before he can get started on the case, the author is murdered and Gunn decides to find the killer. He begins by investigating the wife - who has more than one man in her life.

3x18 – Death Is a Sore Loser

Sgt. Davis is accused of fatally shooting an unarmed derelict. Lt. Jacoby asks Gunn to help investigate the case and clear Davis. Davis claims he has been framed, possibly by an important hood he recently helped convict of mugging and murder.

3x19 – I Know It's Murder

A now wealthy ex-showgirl girlfriend of Edie has a son who asks Gunn to look into the background of his mother's new husband.The boy has uncanny ESP and "knows" his mother will be murdered.Nonetheless,Gunn is skeptical-until the new "father" has the boy put in an asylum.

3x20 – A Kill and a Half

The wife of an old friend asks Gunn to find her husband who has disappeared and whom the police are looking for.He is the chief suspect in the murder of a witness against a top mobster.Her husband used to work for the hood and Lt. Jacoby suspects there is still a connection.

3x21 – Than a Serpent's Tooth

A singer, who fifteen years before was found Not Guilty in the questionable shooting death of her gangster husband, hires Gunn to help with a blackmailer. Her psychiatrist has been robbed of tapes made during analysis which detail the incident and which will reveal the true story.

3x22 – The Deep End

A Swimming Instructor allows a female pupil to drown and he hires Gunn to find out why. The man cannot understand exactly what happened and what his actions were-and he is about to be charged with Manslaughter by the D.A.. Gunn is somewhat cynical but agrees to investigate the seemingly open-and-shut case.

3x23 – Portrait in Leather

A boxer on the comeback trail has an assassination attempt made on his life. Gunn becomes involved when a pickpocket friend of his "finds" a clue to the plot. As Gunn noses around he finds that the boxers' ex-wife, Manager and owner among others may have been involved in the incident.

3x24 – Come Dance with Me and Die

A cab driver saves a woman from a beating and from being forced into a car by two thugs. Afterwards, she disappears while he goes for help. The cabby tells his friend Gunn about what happened and this leads into the search for a girl who is "trying to get lost". She is a witness against a top hood and is on his hit list.

3x25 – Cry Love, Cry Murder

A Mexican immigrant's son is accused of killing a drug dealer. Lt. Jacoby feels the young man had a motive and the opportunity to have committed the crime. Gunn, an old friend of the father,looks into the case. The family business plays a part in the truth of what happened.

3x26 – A Penny Saved

A ballet dancer hires Gunn to find her old dancing partner who has recently broken out of a sanitarium. He holds a grudge against her and before being committed he had threatened her life. The girl's new beau, a gangster, vows he will kill the "sick boy" if he finds him before Gunn or the police do.

3x27 – Short a Motive

A racketeer is beaten to death and a woman hires Gunn to find out if her old flame, a Korean War hero,was responsible. Lt. Jacob knows the man,who has been an out-patient for being manic-depressive for years. Meanwhile, a fellow mobster is worried he may be blamed for the kill and wants to force Gunn to clear his name.

3x28 – The Murder Bond

The biggest Racket Man in town is out on bail and "blows up". Or did he? In order to get back the $100,000 he put up as security, the hoods' Bail Bondsman hires Gunn to find out one way or the other. A derelict who disappeared with a $90,000 winning Irish Sweepstakes ticket may figure in the case.

3x29 – The Most Deadly Angel

A Mystery Woman is an admirer of Peter Gunn-and she kills to prove it.The first kill is when a hood who swore revenge against Gunn is released from prison.Then the hood's brother turns up dead.Gunn must prove he's not the killer and try to find out who is-before the gangster father of the brood comes after him.

3x30 – Till Death Do Us Part

Gunn "gives a little back" and goes to Acapulco, Mexico to look for a woman spotted down there recently by his friend. The woman is supposed to be dead and her husband is currently in the news-he has used up his last appeal and is very shortly to be executed for her murder.

3x31 – Last Resort

Still in Acapulco, Gunn is hired by a agent to keep an eye on his client-an old-time star making a comeback movie. The actor may end up going back on the bottle if his nerves get the best of him due to the director constantly badgering him. When the actor disappears the question is did he run away or was he kidnapped?

3x32 – A Matter of Policy

About to leave Acapulco, Gunn surprises an intruder in his hotel room and despite the man escaping shoots him. Local police determine the man is a Mob hitman from Gunn's hometown. Later, Jacoby upon hearing the man's name rushes to Acapulco. The hitman is known to be on the trail of a key witness against a top U.S. Mobster.

3x33 – A Bullet for the Boy

Still in Acapulco, due largely in part to Lt. Jacoby's bad sunburn, Gunn is asked by the local police (Lt. Vasquez) to help with the investigation into the near assassination of a U.S. diplomat's son. The emotional problems of the boy, the victims of a car wreck and a debt to a gambler are leads to a possible suspect.

3x34 – Death Is a Four Letter Word

Back from Mexico,one of Gunn's "associates" tips him to a "suicidal type" woman. Gunn ends up saving her life and then pursues the case out of curiosity. Finding and saving her a second time, Gunn is shot. Afterward, a punk hood tied to the woman turns up missing and Jacoby investigates the lady.

3x35 – Deadly Intrusion

A golf pro, due to marry a socialite, is blamed for a hit-and-run death. He is not guilty but has no verifiable alibi. Gunn is hired and finds the golf pro's auto mechanic is part of a chain connected to a gambler who holds IOU's involving the socialite's brother-who does not approve of his sister's upcoming marriage.

3x36 – Voodoo

A dying white man from Haiti comes to the city and hires Gunn to find out why he, his wife and his farm are having trouble. Gunn travels to Haiti to find out if Negro voodoo is the cause or something more tangible-like the local Sugar King. Due to reluctant local police cooperation, Gunn may be stymied.

3x37 – Down the Drain

An insurance company hires Peter Gunn to determine the ownership of $500,000 worth of jewels, which may have been stolen. They were discovered by the police in the apartment of a murdered man who's wife now has laid claim to them. Oddly, a bookie who cannot be found could figure in the solution of the case.

3x38 – Murder on the Line

Gunn is hired by a reclusive billionaire to recover documents stolen by the man's recent girlfriend. After finding the lady has been strangled and then awakening from a conk on the head to find the billionaire's Assistant dead, Gunn sneaks back into his client's mansion knowing full well who is behind everything.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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