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Jatvqeeaeve9nh0qqyp69ztziqs 1x1 – Alles nicht so einfach

Roseanne deals with complaints that her daughter Darlene barks in school.

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8wxqkcpi0j1bhtizzheatgsnk0c 1x2 – Wir schwimmen in Geld

Although Dan and Roseanne agree not to spend any of Dan's $500 advance on themselves, neither can resist the temptation.

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Nls0xagdum2lv8cjh1mge0h35we 1x3 – Scheidungsgespräche

Jackie babysits while Roseanne and Dan go out to a formal restaurant dinner -- at which they see a recently divorced friend.

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Sezz19bsdxpr3buheweutla7oe 1x4 – Körpersprache

A body language test reveals Dan's innermost feelings about his sister-in-law; Darlene has a bone to pick with D.J.

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Dcxb98cfdrlawvxwhaxhsriqhyt 1x5 – Dan, das Gesangstalent

A songwriting contest unleashes creativity in Dan and Roseanne, while Booker unleashes uncontrolled impulses in Jackie.

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69087oljxjzyv9i62bwrvxkhchg 1x6 – Liebesfreud – Liebesleid

Bowling night finds Roseanne checking out Becky's new boyfriend Chip, while Jackie and Booker make a bet with high stakes.

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Lba9uti817xhemtloun6m441ff 1x7 – Das Familienfoto

Roseanne discovers that Dan had a one-night stand with her high-school nemesis years ago.

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5unftxiwkx5dxdapliko8leicaz 1x8 – Immer die Männer

Roseanne and Jackie help Crystal drown her sorrows over breaking up with her lover by taking her to the Lobo Lounge for a few pink squirrels and a pep talk.

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Bimu0gzddtmh1ccbokvoczsrsuv 1x9 – Das schönste Geburtstagsgeschenk

Dan's birthday bash at the Lobo Lounge is interrupted by a bully who picks a fight with Dan at the pool table.

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Mjc8a4majebnw4ktohuvztmadfx 1x10 – Samstagsvergnügen

Roseanne bets Dan he'll never finish repairing his truck.

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Wnqyg2glibbfx4jv31ykyjkyf9s 1x11 – Der Bär ist los

Dan can't bear to part with the ""junk"" Roseanne wants to donate to a rummage sale; Darlene forges a passing grade on her report card.

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1dne7qt9fwlwgiotgzfwinwatzx 1x12 – Flitterwochenende

Dan and Roseanne disagree about where to spend a romantic 15th anniversary; Becky refuses to dissect a frog in biology class; Darlene finds her paper route more than she can handle.

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Fclt4ld216j8zkngkn7rgqpsi4y 1x13 – Brückenschlag

Crystal struggles to cope with the death of her husband; Darlene decides it's cool to smoke.

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Uvvzvq5eyoxp8vqbpw33z64zqhc 1x14 – Väter unter sich

Roseanne steps in to referee when Dan's visiting father pontificates about Dan wasting time working as a contractor.

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Epdmakeygklirrj8e6vavwlpdir 1x15 – Kritische Tage

Darlene's bad dreams aren't due to the scary movies she's been watching.

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53rlmjhynugtys2ivce57bjod1q 1x16 – Kaufrausch

Roseanne takes her reluctant family on a shopping spree at the Lanford mall.

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Rdkiujjfgkvcvj7yeivgtjbehvd 1x17 – Echt coole Eltern

Becky is eager for the dinner party with Chip and his parents to come to an end.

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Idhub9igd5v4i53ssghrxmhipml 1x18 – Große Klappe - ganz klein

Darlene's emergency appendectormy makes Roseanne anxious and guilty over having yelled at Darlene earlier.

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5y7buosumdxcos4jofkgcvpotjf 1x19 – Familienstress

After two weeks of overtime at work and chaos at home, Roseanne takes refuge at a diner.

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1ntgigqcomdnywmyim6uldmfigq 1x20 – Wetterfronten

As a tornado spins through Lanford, a storm is brewing inside the Conner house over the whereabouts of Jackie who hasn't returned from her trip to the market.

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G1yydpsnlywpd0i3hwv31tvxjfg 1x21 – Auch Tote brauchen einen Namen

During the family's busy weekend activities, a door-to-door salesman drops by -- and then drops dead in the Conner kitchen.

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41t425a7b0zdw5mjlzsfpvrqbn6 1x22 – Eltern sind auch nur Menschen

An unannounced visit by Roseanne's parents has the Conner house in an uproar.

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Vliqkwxplgx3jxozjkvwhb6ikjz 1x23 – Jetzt reicht's!

Roseanne has difficulty accepting new rules from a tough new supervisor at the factory.

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  • Hwckvqeaopqk91i3ewx64n1zlhs
  • Umj3kq7zna6mjgoscdhya8lvari
  • 9kjksvmkbelagbd70hszed1f4rj
  • Wfxztgqlerql1dhp2kz34zdiswb
  • Nw8j4dyccb8xzce9to8gh7g5n2m
  • Dmuhthcspac15gmxdyztwxozs8k
  • Fovf4trm6lghv8wannwahtpjkmp
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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